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About ArchonWing.9480

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  1. Imagine building catas in this day and age. This is the age of the treb! But yea it also helps if you have scouts on the map, and not bots that randomly ping objective names every now and then. Like yesterday we needed to send a zerg to defend hills because nobody used the cannon that would have stopped the attack. If the players on your map are like this, it is no surprise why everything seems to be broken into so fast.
  2. That's not really a good argument for it; That's what nerfs do. People have to compensate for whatever is missing. This would be true regardless of whatever is being nerfed or how big the nerf is. Like you could make the same argument if walls had to be repaired to 100% to come back up, or even if they were removed altogerher. I mean, there was a while where my right hand was injured, and I had to find other ways to play the game, and learning how to use my other hand did make me have to focus more and I improved in some aspects. But that doesn't exactly mean injuring my right hand was a good thing, does it? It just means I made the most out of a bad situation-- but the situation itself objectively made things worse.
  3. It is not necessarily because support is too weak , but rather that it is better to put a support in the slot over anything else because supports generally scale better the bigger the numbers get. People will always pick more consistent choices. Dps's on average are squishier than their support counterparts, and therefore there is a higher risk factor many groups won't take, and instead put people on a more idiot proof tanky support build. And this is a bigger deal when it comes to open squads, because I trust most pug dps's about as far as I can throw them. I imagine most commanders trust them even less. The reason for that is to stack enough for a critical mass where your party cannot die (at least for a very long time), and then the leftovers is damage. This results in a meta that to some is incredibly boring as with most bunker metas. Furthermore, while some damage builds may be overtuned, it is also certain that the support heavy comps completely negates many damage builds, and rather you need those few overtuned damage builds to do much because most dps options simply are not viable. For example, anything that uses projectiles is DoA. But that doesn't mean damage as a whole is overtuned and the very least there is essentially no build diversity.
  4. Well there's defenders, and there's bystanders that get tossed into the thing. Defending, as in real life, relies on prevention, more than galaxy brain tactics and twitch combat reflexes (which is cool but often not applicable in most scenarios). So the defenders you see doing their job are the ones that are preplacing siege and more importantly know where the enemy is and often thwart attacks as soon as they happen. Of course nobody sees this, and thus most don't appreciate it. I could be guilty of this. I go into a tower, use whatever siege was there, call it out and then gank whoever didn't get the memo. But am I really the "defender" here? Partially, but to the untrained eye it makes it look like I did all the work. I wasn't the one that built the siege, nor was I the one to keep track of the enemy's movements. I wasn't around the last time the tower was under attack. Nor would I function as a speedbump to trap the enemy supply. Heck, most of the time I only tell my team where enemies are because they killed me. Just because one comes in guns blazing to finish the job does not mean they deserve all the glory-- it is a team effort after all. And a lot of the more egotistical types will claim they "carried" everyone despite only performing the last step. I mean sure, you had fun, but someone had to usually set it up so you could. Many an alliance not only stacked their time zone, but only stacked people that only play in a zerg, thus those alliances don't do anything besides help themselves, and then they get mad that the best scout report they get is [Sunnyhill} about 5 seconds before actually flips and all the content runs away. Oh btw if you're scouting please tell the blobs where the content is and kindly gtfo the map so we can get our full map queue on. Some may learn their lesson and diversify their alliance a bit, but Gw2 players aren't exactly very good at being accountable for their own actions so it may take a while. Most are still blaming Anet for getting pulled off a wall or being spawn camp by the ghosts of Mag (apparently the spirits forcefully take control of their character to send it outside of spawn)
  5. I mean nice that you're having fun, but they did make some significant improvements to defense this patch so it's a little unfair to use an anecdote after the patch to dismiss complaints that may have been coming from before. So it is possible to say that defense was dead and it may not be after the patch-- these are not mutually exclusive. It would be fine to say they ress'd it up a bit. I also do want to say that ratios tend to break down the larger numbers get. For example, it's not very hard to defend 5 vs 10. A bit harder to defend 10 vs 20, and hard to defend 20 vs 40. But say 35 vs whatever a map queue tends to be a lot harder is because there is greater punishment for not being together and sustain tends to make a certain critical mass where it is no longer breakable. 40 or so tends to be the upper limit of where fights are managable, though I suppose the servers are also an issue. And of course not all players are built alike. Replace some of your pugs with bots or certain forum posters that still don't know how to not get pulled off a wall or most of my ex server mates (acutally why am I separating these-- these are all indistinguishable ) and you have no chance whatsoever of defending it, regardless of how well you play.
  6. Please delete EBG. Don't let the stats fool you; it's just bots on my server ruining the KDR every minute. The KDR I fought hard to attain; like by ganking that ranger new to WvW or defeating that Cele Harbringer underwater. Thank you.
  7. If you want to be taken seriously, you should not take a defensive posture even to irrational feedback by dismissing the feedback because of its emotional state. That's not only a weak response, but also an emotional one-- you're equating an attack on what you said as an attack on yourself. Irrational feedback is defeated with facts, not with "omg why are you so negative?" It is of course fine to disregard personal attacks and ask for elaboration but that is different.
  8. This video should explain the situation pretty well. If you don't get it, then maybe 5 more years of being spawn camped by Mag (from beyond the grave at this point) may help. It's probably too late though.
  9. Boonball is merely a shorthand for the numerous sustain balance issues in group play. However, it does not cover the numerous issues that cause WvW to be undesirable for new and casual players that affect gameplay at all scales. I am worried that all this work put into balancing population will all be for naught if players don't find the content itself desirable, outside of a very hardcore crowd. Games cannot survive on hardcore players alone. And there is much argument that WvW is quite the hostile climate for new blood. Players will always find ways to min-max and find the most effective tactics. This is true in any game. But the goal should always be for the developers to decide the min and max-- and Gw2 is somewhat famous for having a massive disparity between things.
  10. Which I feel is kind of a issue here. Even if this should work, class balance has done a lot of damage to WvW as a well, playable, game mode and I am not sure if these changes are synced up with those.
  11. Sounds insane, since usually there are not enough commanders, but suppose there's some crazy people in game. Maybe those tags are looking for an alliance?
  12. Or people could just pull ewp before the enemy gets inside I mean sometimes stuff happens., but if you regularly pull hot ewps then you're just a bad defender because that's probably not the only thing you're doing wrong-- don't get defensive over it when people call you out on it and just owe your mistake. And sometimes I do pull hot ewp to pull them off the lord, but usually I say something about it being hot and when we have a reasonable chance of keeping it lol. And if people die I'm just like sorry lol and guess what? People always take my EWPs. Sure they can just respawn, but do it enough and people will get the idea that you have no idea what you're doing and just block you. Like this is why nobody responds to some of you people's callouts-- most of the server probably has you blocked, and that's even assuming your callouts are coherent and you aren't just pinging things with 0 context. Like use that thing in between your ears. If pulling the ewp only feeds the other side bags, then just give it up.
  13. Yea, though they could have made an exception for SMC instead of screwing over defense in general. (And of course one actually has to own SMC to take advantage of it.) Ironically, the best way to farm defense rewards for low effort is still to camp smc though I suppose you have to tag an enemy.
  14. You must kill an enemy player in the objective area. The enemy player must be defined as an attacker, and who really knows what that means. Killing siege doesn't do anything. In the past you used to be able to get it by repairing but because some degens spent all days repairing SMC walls, they decided nobody should get any credit. Ironically the best way to get defenses is still to defend SMC, due to its large area and volume of enemy players that typically try to go in. Keeps are usually easier to get credit than towers for similar reasons. Honestly, if you're a more casual player, you shouldn't defend at all besides keeps and castles, unless you have some kind of group going.
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