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  1. I wouldn't. Rewarding bad behavior just convinces people that's the way to get what they want. It never ends. But as always, I urge people to just farm gold in their preferred content and buy the thing-- the WV always helps with that since it gives like 30'ish gold even when the shop is exhausted. Yes some cannot be bought but the gift of battle is the least of the problem for those imo. Like if one actually enjoys the process of making a legendary, it's fine. But if you just want a fancy skin and its utility, just buy the damned thing.
  2. So did you notice all the adjustments listed have to be made by the defending side, while no adjustments were listed for the attacking side? You only strengthened Dawdler's argument. 🤣
  3. I'm not really sure where this rant about PPT came from. In fact my whole post was about how to maximize kills from PPTers so who really cares if they repaper stuff anyways after you kill them? I mean honestly you have some decent points there but you sometimes really veer onto really weird tangents. I mean I suppose if it's 5 people from the other server doing it then yes you would ignore them but that's just one of the scenarios.
  4. Yea, but why would you stop your opponent from doing something stupid? Or one faction sees what is going on, and disengages, so they can simply trace the train of the 3rd server backwards and derail it getting some easy bags. Or (less likely) both servers briefly put things aside to slap the 3rd server for trying to exploit them. This is completely a player generated issue, but I would say a certain type of player that only cares about farming bags in the short term doesn't ever bother with these tactics because it is beneath them. Also applies to the player base as a whole as the mode degenerates and there is no point considering these factors. I mean if you're breaking into a keep and farming bads, the bads will always be there even if you take a break. In fact it'll encourage them to regroup. and allow for more kills over the long run. If you're pushing one side so hard in a keep at the expense of all else, then of course the 3rd server is just going to backcap. It's fine to say you don't care about that, but you're still playing a part in enabling this behavior. So yea it can be frustrating when people do dumb things against their self interest and drag you down with them, but someone's gotta make a concession somewhere. And at the end of the day, it's important to know your enemy and their tendencies. A lot of people in this game (not you in particular) tend to wax about skill and strategy but the moment something comes along that actually forces them to use their brain instead of regurgitating it from someone else, they just freak out.
  5. You can already do that though. Just run as an all willbender/chrono party. That will be immune to CCs.
  6. Yea in fact they're more likely to jump now that you said that, just out of spite. That's just standard forum behavior: Complain about problem, reject all advice, double down and then continue to feed bags to show everyone how wrong they are. That'll show them!
  7. The only person that could be interpreted as wanting to jump out of the tower is but that's still very different from as being outside of a tower does not force you to attack enemies in melee. Especially if you have a bow. Furthermore, this tower in particular has a hill behind it that's pretty convenient for pew pew, though you'll need other people adding to the damage. Of course the best strat is actually to go to that higher up cliff and build trebs, which makes you safe from virtually anything unless they go around to kill you. And ideally you'd have siege in both the tower and there with people using it. Also the tower has 90 supply... So even humoring this idea, it's probably still better than uselessly pew pewing off a wall.
  8. But the thing here is that the bar for farming random defenders is actually extremely low. Almost anyone with a working build can tag up, and just get a group of people that will stick together. It doesn't even have to be a comp. The thing is people won't follow you if nothing gets done as naturally everyone has their own agenda. So you have to get kills or captures somehow. Nobody wants to sit with you in a keep refreshing siege or repairing walls and thus essentially all groups are fight groups as needed. In fact that's what I used to do back then when I was bored and really how I'd introduce my friends to WvW. Just set up catapults or some ranged siege to hit a wall to a northern tower or keep with zero intent to take the structure. The people that arrive at first typically arrive peacemeal and aren't cohesive and if you kill them first, you can usually kill other people that come along. Then you just leave if a real group comes, or just wipe, because who really cares; you've already accomplished the objective. Most advanced fight guilds have the sustain to actually take the objective but as mentioned above usually just try to kill as many as possible. So I don't really see the nerfs to defense really affecting the above groups. The only groups that I would think of that have trouble with defense and can't farm bags are generally one or more of the following: * PvDoor guilds that have zero confidence in actual fights. Like, they will literally jump off a cliff if faced with an equal force. * Over specialized groups that are only specialized for open field fights and simply have siege deficiency. Yes, attacking a structure is a skill. Also tends to make up their own rules that naturally nobody follows. * Unpopular guilds that refuse to work with the rest of their server and thus lack the numbers or skill to actually overpower their enemies. * Parasite guilds that are bad in sustain somehow and rely on a sneaky burst, and thus need another guild or pugs to take the first hits as a meatshield. Often becomes unpopular. Needless to say, these are also groups that are most likely to be thwarted by a small amount of defenders. Regardless of the nature of the group, I also fail to understand why veterans of the game mode don't understand this and the goals of these groups, while continuing to int. Do you think that feeding them bags is going to make them stop? Maybe some like the challenge, but given their lamentations here and in game it would seem like the clear answer is just to not give content and ppt elsewhere as needed. Like, yea if you suicide into an obvious bait catapult once or twice, that's fine. But by the 6th or 7th time, it's kinda just self-inflicted. And sure the meta sucks, but I feel like people that have been constantly on the wrong side of the meta for 10+ years really should consider getting their kitten together, if they want to actually play the game. All and all though, I think more and more people are going to catch on and a lot of the bag farmers are just going to end up training empty maps and then come back and call this a dead game mode. Well, I guess some people will never learn and still keep the bags flowing. But you know what they say about the golden goose. Cuz I can tell you Anet doesn't. tl;dr If you don't like what's happening, then you basically have to protest. Just don't give people that don't deserve it content.
  9. Wait.... so a ranger using barrage (which doesn't require LoS), is complaining about attacks not using LoS. So btw, you don't have to stand there for your barrage to hit (there are much safer locations), though I'm not really sure what you think you're doing. Do you think you 500-1000 damage hits are putting a dent into the zerg? Even if you do down 5 uplevels somehow, are you going to be able to secure it? And of course there's only a lone stunbreak and no dolyak, aka the free bag slb large scale build. And then the necro pulls with zero follow up, and to OP's credit uses leap to jet away. And now they're in perfect range to send this isolated necro to the shadow realm in a few seconds because it happens that the build's one lone strength is finally in play, so what exactly is the problem here? So basically the game handed you victory on a silver platter which you did nothing to deserve, and you still threw it away. I strongly recommend you think twice about balance changes.
  10. Ranged attacks and a lot of CC. But always be spamming attacks. This is why most of the good ones will try and force you to fight them on a ledge or somewhere narrow and then you have to eat all their attacks. Most readers probably eat all their attacks anyways so... like most meta roaming builds, it is a waste of time. if you fail to catch them when they're asleep, the fight will be tedious even if you begin to win and they will either start running away or you will find out they have like 5 other friends waiting nearby. So the actual best advice is just to make a 180 and attempt to ignore the fact that they exist or that 1v1 is simply not balanced at all.
  11. It is. I mean I basically never pve. That's where my gold comes from, besides stupid TP ploys (also from bad players that are impatient) To me, when Anet nerfs pulls because bozos that got pulled off their arrow cart for the 100th time this week, or when Anet nerfs siege disablers because bozos can't run a bubble, it is all the same to me. It is not about nerfing offense or defense that bothers me, but catering to lazy bozos that want to be even lazier to the point they want the game to play itself. I just don't think people who can't do basic things should be deciding how this game is played. I just do not understand how people can play a game for literally thousands of hours and cbf to put a stunbreak/emergency button on their build when they are alone. If they just played the game a few minutes every week sure, but they appear to be serious too. That's just a lack of self respect. IMO, if people wanna siege hump or blob or whatever, it's cool. Just be the best they can be and not ask for help every time they want to lower the bar.
  12. I see that quite a bit, but I think sometimes it's some veterans that need the training. It's veterans that are veterans solely by time and are kinda stuck in their own ways, while not adapting to game changes. The game as a whole encourages people to do the bare minimum since it's rather rare to see the results of one's bad play since as you noted the carrying can cover up for it, and therefore players are rarely held accountable for their actions. There are of course limits to both sides. A game that is overly punishing discourages casual players. And without casual players, the game dies. But players in this game always ask the floor to continuously sink. Granted the forums tend to color things a bit where people seem to complain about being required to do literally anything. At the end of the day, some people have to be held accountable for their choices. Groups should prioritize people who want to be improve and be a bit more serious first. And if people are just showing up with the wrong builds and not playing them right, then they simply can't be trusted with anything important and into group 1 it is. Basically if people want the kid gloves, then they get the kid gloves. Personally, I only bother to give feedback to people who actually are willing to take it. The others can just be scraped off the pavement when the fight ends.
  13. I feel like that's a rather bad counterexample. A full squad that is entrenched in an objective is of zero relevance and no threat to anyone unless you exclusively want to take that objective. By it's very definition they cannot guard every objective on the map in this manner simply due to the fact that they cannot fit that many people on the map. This is probably why nobody imagines this scenario as they would just ignore said group and just take other things around it. And if nobody attacks them because it's way too fortified, the defenders also lose participation and don't really do anything. The only way this is relevant is a scenario where they have all the objectives sieged up, and can quickly defend all of them and everything is scouted. Or more commonly they ninja something during a dead time and fortify it up. But in general, that's only possible if they have a population advantage, and as you've noted yourselves, discussions shouldn't be centered around that. Not to mention that usually groups that play like these are usually free bags and again, only are relevant when they outnumber the enemy. I don't really see a reason to drive these types from the game if you ask me....
  14. More like "Don't even bother repairing the wall, we're going to cap something else and recap. Drop a supply trap and forget."
  15. Yea, I am sure the copers are going to find something else to complain about. You can probably put a stopwatch to it. I also agree that both balance and design are lazy. Number nerfs are already bad, but huge % changes make it seem even less effort. It really just seems like they balance to make things more convenient for themselves; after all it's just the players that have to live with the consequences for months, if not more, not them.
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