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Posts posted by WendyB.1650

  1. This is the same thing that happened to my Husband as I took him through.  He submitted a Support ticket and they said. "sorry, that we do not handle achievement bugs.  All you can do is submit a bug report."   So he is out 1500 baubles, because he had bought the 1000 slot bauble bag too. and it did not take.

    We will see if they update it, but will not be happy if he has to spend 1500 baubles again.

  2. Well, It has been 4 months since I posted this and Again we are against SOS and AGAIN  A Thief was running around this morning just taking our keeps one after another with no Swords popping and 0 walls damaged.  We have reported these names numerous times and Absolutely Zero has been done by ANet to these players.   It is annoying that they are SUPPOSEDLY working on WvW  and are not addressing the longstanding problems that make the game less enjoyable.

    • Like 4
    • Confused 1
  3. First I do not understand why those that hack think it is fun.   Today, 10/28/23, between 7 am and 9 am CST.  Our server watched Several SOS thieves hack through the walls of our keeps and flip Air, Stoic, and Tried Fire.   We killed them several times at Air and  Fire before they finally managed it.  It was al over our chat and we had accounts and other things for these people.   We literally had to sit on the lords to save our stuff.  This is not fun.  This makes us not want to play and is ruining the experiences for many people.  One of the thieves has numerous accounts and apparently gets an account banned and just comes back on another.  Why not ban the IP address or the network? It will make it harder to have multiple accounts and harder to get back into the game.  It may not be permanent but if it last long enough they might move on to another game to go cheat at, instead of just logging into another alt account and going right back to it.

    • Like 15
    • Thanks 7
    • Haha 1
  4. Putting Packed Yaks into the North East Camp will cause the yak to be stuck in the entrance of the keep FOREVER. This has been a bug since it was introduced, yet should have been a reasonable fix to do. I know it has been reported many times, but alias never fixed. It is one of a few simple fixes that would be easy to do and help gameplay. Another is that you can set up a treb on the Desert boarderland in your spawn and hit Crankshaft but the opposing teams cannot take it out. I know this has been reported too. WHY can these things not be fixed but the can fix an unbroken salvage o matic? I did not care if the salvage o matic did not grey out if I did not have that to salvage or if the Merchants 'sell junk' tab did not grey out if I did not have any junk.

  5. Requiring this is already driving some of the casuals away. Whatever your definition of casual is, this is mine; A casual player is one who plays mainly in the PVE world getting levels, achievements and exploring without having to have 'That build with your rotations down to achieve this much DPS' A;ready there are strike LFG's that are saying they are running dps monitor and to you have this or that. I am a casual player who also is an achievement hunter. Yes, I play a lot, but no I am not good at rotations,
    Builds, and Raid mechanics. YET before this I have always been able to achieve the meta map achievement. Yes other maps have had jump puzzles and other things that were bothersome, but you usually could do other map achievements to get it and is not you could get a group of regular 'casual' players to help you get through, but with the newer Strikes they have made it so that just getting a group together that can complete it is hard.

    My husband quit for 4 years after HoT came out. I got him wto come back lately to play yet he has only completed story in the new area and ran around for a few min. I tried to get him to do a strike and he said he would rather go play another game than ever try that crap where he would feel inferior if we had to carrying him. Why pplay a game if they force you to feel inferior he asked me. He and I are older and just not so coordinated.

    They have already basically banned us from Legendary Armor since if I ever want to get it I would have to do paid Raids since there is no way I doing an LFG for it. I have joined a wonderful WvW group that does not care about builds and stuff but it will be a long hall to 2000 to get that Legendary Armor and most casual players will not take the route I am.

  6. Has anyone had any success with the Frozen Pass Puzzle since update? on Dec. 3 The one that starts in the tower. You open the frozen wall with the raven shrine then go up and turn the mirror then head to the 3rd mirror and before you get it turned the frozen wall closes again and it stops. YES I know you have to be ahead of the lights I have the pattern down from doing it was turning the last mirror when the first and ONLY light hit it. You could see the light still going to the frozen wall and stopping there. SO are you suppose to have a 2nd person just to open the frozen wall now? Thats stupid

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