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  1. Pics or didn't happen. If your game is so great why is noone playing it lol 😄
  2. lmao how are you supposed to see anything when i was just in a dungeon and there was one payer with ridiculous glowing mtx, wings, sword effects that obscured the entire screen. now imagine 10 of those. he looked like a clown and i couldn't see anything. i just ended up walking along and doing nothing....such fun. dungeons are complete trash as well lol. if there is not a high level player doing it solo it's just a chaotic wipefest. oneshot traps everywhere. no healers when you clearly need healers since one mob hits you for 50% of your hp. of all the mmos i played this is the worst expierience i had in any of them.
  3. An MMO usually revolves arround coordinated group content. These champions are a zergfest. Go in, get oneshot, revive, repeat. Since there are no tanks/healers why are there oneshot mechanics? Everytime i encounter one of these broken pos mobs it's the exact same...10 people on the floor and the rest is reviving and rushing back.
  4. I want you to go on a livestream and beat the champions in the game including the legendary bandit chief. I am really curious to see this because clearly you think they are fine as is.
  5. Currently in Heart of Thornes and about to give up. Everything instakills you. I have hundreds of screenshots of dead bodies oneshot from bosses. This is just trash game design, utter garbage. It is not challanging it is cheap cheap design and plain impossible but hey, just keep throwing bodies at the boss he'll eventually go down. Mindless zergfest. Story is gated behind massive grindfests. Go here watch cutscene now grind for five hours to unlock next cutscene. Every zone has a new currency to grind, every way is blocked, every quest obstructed, every path obscured, oneshot ambushes out of nowhere arround every corner, gotta get those engagement metrics huh?
  6. I'm level 80 now and things haven't gotten better, in fact new annoyances have surfaced. I am still working on the main quest right now and the zones seem to have only one purpose: waste my time. Waypoints are constantly under siege and they are obstructed and hidden in the first place. The whole design philosophy behind those zones is wasting time. Example: There is this quest where you have to gather with your crew before a battle and after a brief cutscene you start inside a village. Your crew is on a rock just in sight of the camp so one would assume there is a straight path from the camp to those rocks, but no. You have to backtrack from where the game put you outside the camp and all the way arround it. I really enjoyed the story so far but now i just skip through the whole thing since i am not in the mood for story after seeing the obvious intent behind these design descisions. It is an insult to my intelligence and in utter disrespect of my time. Trying to do an event to free up those waypoints i encountered a golden mob...ofc he oneshot me so i gave up on that. I spent all my gold on some lvl 80 gear and i STILL get oneshot. Every single boss event i have enountered was just the same pattern i mentioned in my initial post -> fight -> get oneshot -> revive -> rush back...that's not just me, that is EVERYONE i have seen. This game is just a zergfest. Tried some bounties -> instantly got oneshot again so not doing them either. Looked into gearing a bit but that seems to be a massive grindfest. If i had boosted my character i would have started with my desired gearset and i still have a boost but i'm refusing to use pay to win mechanics.
  7. So the only class that was able to beat Ketsurak was the Guardian with a Sword/Torch build since i went full fire damage and melted his face. Other classes i can't seem to do it. Power builds in general seem useless against champions. The other mob Lenner is plain and simply impossible. I kited him a bit with ranged abilities and could propably do it solo but it just takes too long and one mistake is certain death. Another thing is dungeons aka wipefests. I went into this dungeon with what seem to be expierienced players and we must have died at least 50 times to plain oneshot mechanics. Most fights are over in a second, either you kill them in a second or they kill you in a second. No tactics, no gameplay just nuking your way through until you get nuked. You basically implemented fights and bosses suited for a classic trinity but now instead every character has to be tank, healer and dd all in one. The mobs across the board in this game are inconsistent. The golden circle means nothing since some are easy and some are just oneshotting you, VERY inconsistent. Most of the time though you just get oneshot wich is very frustrating.
  8. Small update, i beat Ketsurak solo on my lvl 35 Guardian without getting hit once !
  9. So i tried to get into the game again and so far i am having a great time except when i'm not. Here are several issues: World Bosses While leveling they are very frustrating. Everything oneshots you and since there is no trinity i don't know how this is supposed to work. Every World Boss i.e. Golden/Purple mob gets defeated the same way: Someone stays in combat so the mob doesn't reset and the other players just ressurect and rush back. If there are mechanics to avoid they are obscured by visual clutter wich brings me to my next point: Visual Clutter So there is this mob "Ketsurak" at Gendarran-Fields. I have tried him with 3 classes: Engineer, Guardian and my level 80 Reaper. The Guardian with sword and torch was my most successfull attempt simply because there is the least visual clutter. Engineer is just useless since you never get to use your ranged advantage, he is just on top of you at all times and the dodgy hitboxes make trying to dodge at range inconsistent. Reaver dies instantly because i simply can't see anything going on especially in wraith form. The whole screen becomes blurry, effects flying off left and right and there is no indication on where he hits. Sometimes i dodge, sometimes he hits me while i'm behind him and that's enough to oneshot me. It's just bad. There is another issue wich is limited dodge. Limited Dodge Frankly i don't see the point. Mobs hit more frequently than your dodge is up, golden mobs in particular and since this game loves oneshot mechanics this is plain unfair. Now you might say "Well if you have unlimited dodges you will never get hit", yeah but you do no damage either. Oneshot Mechanics I suspect this is more of a balance issue. You need to provide a challange to max level characters in low level zones for some reason but if you do that you need to make those mobs scale not only with level but also with unlocks i.e. traits, abilities and stats IF you want those mobs to be accessable by everyone, wich is kinda dumb anyway. See, you put those mobs in low level zones so i think i am supposed to be able to fight them at low level but you balanced them for max level characters, WHY? It makes for a very inconsistent game expiereince at the very least if not frustrating/infuriating. Distinct visual indicators would go a long way here. GCD: Why is this in the game? When i am on my Engineer and i want to switch to my grenades while trying to dodge mechanics and stay alive, WHY do i have to wait one second to get access to my abilities? Why do i have to wait one second between throwing my grenades or using my abilities? I thought you are supposed to be an action combat oriented MMO. Yes even Dark Souls has delay in attacks/abilities but it doesn't limit your dodge to two rolls so you can get some distance/breathing room. This is another inconsistency...i am beginning to see a pattern here. Inventory Management This is a constant annoyance. Kill few mobs -> dissaseble items -> send materials to bank...every 10 Minutes. It really doesn't help that you have a billion different materials. This isn't deep or exiting it's just clutter. You also constantly need to buy tools to dissasemble those items and there are various versions of those too. Want to gather ressources? Buy a stack of tools wich also have various versions. I don't understand why this isn't streamlined yet. Solution: one tool for every profession no more tools for dissasembling materials go straight to the bank no more 100 different pouches with materials, mobs die, you loot, straight to the bank remove 90% of materials??? And don't let me get started on currencies...This is Warframe levels of bad. It is the result of system after system being implemented over the years without going back, cleaning up the old systems. Well that's it for now, idk if i will stick arround for long since the more i play the more issues is see but underneeth all that this was and still is a solid game. If i had to sum up the most pressing issues it would be visual indicators, removal of dodge-restrictions and unf****** the clusterf*** of materials, currencies and systems.
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