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Posts posted by elo.9860

  1. 22 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


    Encouraging PPK more will just lead to more blobs rolling over small enemies, with the blob thinking they are 'skilled'.  Outside of that it'd just encourage ganking more people without warclaws at the tails because you now need to.  None of that seems healthy for the mode or encourages actual skill, which I think you're after.

    For the waypoints, the only classes 'ezclap'ing out of fights are stealth heavy ones (thieves, at times mesmers) and ones that are built to run (spellbreaker, willbender, etc.).  The rest tend to get rolled or caught eventually as the opposing side goes OOC and mounts up to catch them. 

    Basically, if we're restricting waypoints then we need to also apply revealed inside structures at all times so you can't have thieves 'ezclap' flipping things with the absurd range shadow portal has.  Porting people into structures should no longer be viable unless the entire opposing side is sleeping as they'd see red dots.  

    Ok, let me try to explain again. I'm not saying that kills should be worth more than they are now. Obviously you also don't want objectives to be worthless either, otherwise people won't defend = less content. What bothers me is that it's a viable strategy to just not log in during the day/prime time and just play during the night or early morning instead when your enemy is asleep so you can PPT in peace. The proposed change would deincentivize said strategy. 

    I mean sure, it would still be viable if the goal is to "win" your MU, but that's an entirely seperate issue. As i said, the tier + victory point system is outdated and not that great.

    As for ganking smaller numbers, that's just the reality of the game mode sadly. That's like every open world/sandbox PvP game mode ever. Nothing you can do about it other than just playing sPvP or GvG instead.

    • Haha 1
  2. 40 minutes ago, Custodio.6134 said:

    We already know what happens when you remove T5. because, we already had this for some time. You will get horrific queues in every matchup then

    You're probably right, because people would bandwagon the link with 3 servers. I mean you could lock transfers, but that's also not gonna happen because easy money for Anet.  Some people would definitely prefer to sit in queue so they can delude themselves into thinking that they're "skilled" players because their overstacked link is "winning" lul

  3. Restructuring alone won't fix the game mode and and this point Ashes of Creation might actually release sooner than Alliances.

    - Now the most obvious one is Balance:  Nerf or remove Cele and Trailblazer's. Maybe also Minstrel. Other than that, let's wait for the balance patch and pray.
    - Tiers: Remove T5 on EU. The tier/victory point system is just outdated. I hope you come up with something better for Alliances. We know so little aboute Alliances, it's really hard to give specific feedback.
    - Warclaw: I would've said make it free, but you probably wanna sell PoF so whatever. At least make it easier to get. GW2 usually does well when it comes to accessibility, not so much in this case imo. At this point in the game, there's no reason for such a barrier of entry to exist. If the option to remove it from WvW is on the table then do that, but that's probably never gonna happen. Also, the dismount other players skill really shouldn't be the last skill you get. 
    - PPT vs PPK: Encourage PPK more. This is a PvP gamemode. It's ridiculous that you can just dodge during the entire MU and then PPT the enitre map when your opponent is asleep and even be rewarded for it. I think you should cap participation at tier 2 if you only PPT and never PvP. That would mean that PvE only = no pips because you need at least tier 3 participation. You would need to continuously make kills in order to maintain tier 3 participation. Should there be rewards for PvE players in WvW? Sure. Should PvE exclusively be a viable strategy? No ty
    - Access to Waypoints: This is another feature that makes it so easy to dodge a fight. Just OOC and then waypoint ezclap. Prevent people from using waypoints in enemy controlled territory. Restrict the usage of waypoints to castles, keeps and towers only. This would also make it harder to jump between borderlands and increase the strategic significance of holding objectives in enemy territory. A similar system is already in place with gliding, so it shouldn't be hard to implement. 

    That's all for now. 

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  4. 9 hours ago, Turgon.2091 said:

    RIP WsR no q all map outnumbered. No one wants to play with vizunah(dead serv). Massive transfer in progress. 🐒


    That's how long the WSR bandwagon lasted? Carried by Vabbi and now dead kekw

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  5. 1 hour ago, AlexndrTheGreat.8310 said:

    Intent for elite specs is that you have some kind of trade off for taking an elite compared to playing the base class. This is to prevent the elite spec from being just a Base Class Plus, where it can do everything the base class does plus more.

    Soulbeast lost pet swap because otherwise it would just be base Ranger but even better with access to two pets on top of two different Beastmode forms.

    That kinda makes sense, but who even plays core ranger these days? Where is it viable? Does it outperform Elite Specs? Probably no, so you're already at a disadvantage if you don't have an Elite Spec unlocked regardless of this change. Sounds like a solution to a non existing problem. 

    The only core specs that are still somewhat viable are Guard, Necro and Thief. That's 1/3 of all classes. 

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  6. I don't even understand why this change was made in the first place. Do we really have to dumb down a spec bc the bottom 1% of the playerbase is unable to press more than 2 buttons and GOD FORBID they have a negative experience. 

    Imagine if an Elementalist had the pick an attunement pre fight and then be forced to stick with it for the entire duration of the fight. How ridiculous is that. Circumstances change during a fight and you might need a defensive pet insead of an offensive one and vice versa. 

    Also, you need to leave Beasmode if you want to swap pets. There's a 10s CD on Beastmode, which means that there already IS a mechanic that prevents you from just perma swapping Beastmode skills.





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