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Everything posted by PhuriousRhayge.5613

  1. Maybe, but that color orange, the shape of the eye, and the coloring around the eye certainly looks more like a tiger than a Charr, to me at least.
  2. Anyone else see a tiger behind this mask, or am I imagining things? https://photos.app.goo.gl/Kvz9G8Nnaoh79xP48 Found on: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/the-realm-of-dreams-arrives-on-february-27/
  3. Former member of TG (Elona faction) looking to rejoin. I don't play as often as I used to when I originally joined, but would like to rejoin and maintain membership even through my seasonal/work related downtimes. I'm a "hardcore CASUAL" player (misnomer, I know, LOL), so would welcome an invite to whichever instance of your guild you feel I'd be suited for. I'm mostly a solo player (due to my infrequent and abrupt play schedule), but also enjoy grouping/instance runs when I'm able and can commit the time without being interrupted by work or other real life responsibilities. Adulting SUX! LOL If I'm eligible to rejoin, please send invite to PhuriousRhayge.5613 Per the in-game mail I received when I was last released from the guild, please also mark my membership as an infrequent player (I can't remember the exact term you use) so I'm not removed during any possible extended times away. I *will* always be back after work/seasonal hiatus. I'm in the tech industry, and my company can't tell me if/when/where I'll be needed (globally), so I can only play "when I can play". Hope that's a sufficient explanation, but if not I completely understand. Hope to see some old [TG] folks in game soon! Take care! [ Phurion / Phurious / Rhayge / Rhayzed / Kylok / Krylok / Psi ]
  4. Great guild! Very social, friendly, and just a fun place to be. Wife and I are both glad we found ya!
  5. My wife and I are recent converts from WoW and are looking for a more active guild, mostly for the social interaction and community. My best friend (who got us into GW2) is also looking. We're all 50+, so I think we meet the min age req. LOL 😃
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