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Uh Pooky.4567

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  1. Changing my accessories to all berserker is a difference of 117 power and 150 ferocity. Does this really make that big of a difference taking into consideration that I wouldn't have 100% crit anymore? Mistakes are bound to happen and I feel like the extra vitality would help with not getting one shot i.e., 0 dps and quickness.
  2. Hey! This is what I settled on personally. Let me know what ya think! http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGQAIlpyWZsMK2JW+W1RfA-zRZYBhJGMcUAlRFJQ6FgtTTPOjAA-e
  3. Thanks gents! Soul, I took your advice on the trait lines and brought down my pieces of marauder from 9 to 6. I like a little bit of cushion on my hp bar. I stuck with 40% BD as well for the same reason. Y'all rock!
  4. Hey all, I haven't seen an updated Quickness Catalyst build after the patch so not sure if it's a viability thing or what, but I figured I'd give it a shot. Can y'all give me your thoughts about the build below? http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGQAIlpyWZsMK2JW2W7xfA-zRZYBhUJGqa4oAKjKSg0LAbnmecGBA-e Reasons for the food is that I'm too cheap to buy anything else since the birthday cake was free. Got to 90% crit since the Crescent Wind skill gives an extra 10%...just not sure how often I'll be able to keep that up. I wanted to reach at least 20K health with the level 10 jade bot core so that's the reason for the additional marauder gear. I went with 14 seconds of quickness to give myself a slight buffer if the party I'm in is scattered about...I have absolutely no idea what amount is exactly required for 100% quickness uptime. Lastly, I set the elemental empowerment to 3 as I know I'll have at least that amount...not sure how often I'll be able to put auras on myself which would increase the amount. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! Edit: This will be for Fractals/OW/Raiding (eventually lol)
  5. Hey all, Does anyone happen to have a pic or a video showcasing what it looks like when you have the Dragonvoid Infusion slotted and The Juggernaut legendary weapon equipped? Just wondering if the metallic effect makes the infusion look even better or worse. Thanks!
  6. Thanks guys for the responses! Any thoughts on beefing it up a smidge? I’m thinking maybe taking blast shield instead of the ferocity trait? Also, is more survivability needed when factoring in the reinforcement buff and the extra vitality from jade bot tier 10?
  7. Hello! Just looking for some opinions and thoughts on this hybrid holo build for open world - http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeQAQlZw0YhsIGKO0L3vfA-zRRYmBzGFsyIwEIiCwhZ5RzKA-e The other PVE based builds I use are power based (power alac mech and power quick scrap) so I tried doing something different for open world. I also try utilizing all 3 elite specs, so this is the reason why I'm choosing holo for OW. I don't want to kitten myself so if yawl think my dps will suffer, just let me know please and I'll probably just stick to power. Thank you!
  8. Thank you Asum for that lengthy explanation! I think I'm going to take your advice and stick with cele but just switch around my runes/talents. Thank you for all the help!
  9. Hmm, I thought cele was pretty popular in OW. Viper seems too squishy, no?
  10. Hey all! I rarely post but wanted to come on here and ask for some help regarding this harb cele build for OW - http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAoiZlhyAZeMWGJWMX2xfA-zxIY1ojvMqIF6oCc/jEE7h3CvfaA-e I'm torn between Plaguelands and the elite elixir. Not sure if there is a better alternative to Staff as my second weapon I took spectral walk mainly for the swiftness otherwise the build would be really slow I'm using aristocracy runes to maintain might longer since this is a celestial build, in turn taking the Doom Approaches talent as I believe the 6th effect of the rune works with this trait. Ultimately, I'm not sure if this rune/talent set up is worth taking over say the quickness talent, and other weapons/talents that may work better, and other more offensive runes. Any help would be appreciated!
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