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Posts posted by Hpez.2908

  1. 14 hours ago, Nyel.1843 said:

    What could they change in 2 days? Right, nothing. This would mean pushing back the balance patch for another 4 weeks or so. And by that time they're already working on the next balance patch. This patch will go live as it is, players will still be playing and then you and all the others have three months to offer valuable feedback. 

    How naive of you. What do you think the player-base had been doing the last few months? This is not just about the preview. It's about the patch overall reflecting nothing along the lines of what they have said previously of actively listening to the community.


    3 months from now, another patch may come. The cycle will just continue. We'll see a set of notes that have changes based on who knows what.

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  2. 13 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    it's supposed to be 20s CD on celerity and 1s CD on severance

    Made a slight edit. Given that the sigils are not on cooldown, how often do enemies get interrupted? I'm more concerned if they have some CC immunity preventing the CC skills to not actually take effect and not activate the sigil effects.

  3. The 2 sigils basically provide effects after interrupting / disabling a foe. Are they supposed to activate each time you hit an enemy with Hammer (pet unleashed) S3, S5 and exploding spores given that the sigils are not on cooldown? Wondering because I don't see enemies get interrupted that often even if I'm already spamming those skills. I still see their skills with AOE indicators being used even if I use knockdown or daze inducing moves. I'm assuming there's some form of CC immunity timer for enemies.

  4. They're adamant on maintaining the 5% number on "healing" traits since they just nerfed Untammed strike heals from 10% to 5%. The issue with Impact Savant is that you also take a vitality hit on the trait and barrier only lasts for a few seconds. 5% straight healing is better than 5% barrier generation.

  5. Quote


    07/16/2019—July 16 Release Notes
    Scrappers are seeing a comprehensive rework in this update... These changes aim to refocus the scrapper as a tank-like character that utilizes personal barrier applications to stay in a fight. The reworked Impact Savant trait links barrier with dealing damage, making the scrapper a durable combatant as long as they can keep dishing out damage. 



    They forgot this I guess. Time to bench Scrapper and play something else for now.

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  6. 26 minutes ago, raykor.6723 said:

    I just spent some time on my Scrapper and it's worse than I expected. Not sure if it's bugged but barrier is near non-existent. In my humble opinion, the whole point of this so-called tank playstyle is dead. I've been playing MMOs long enough to understand these things happen. It makes me sad but I'll just find another class to play.

    Sad. I'm in the same boat as you. Really liking the keep on hammering the enemy to stay alive style and then this nerf drops. If barrier generated is permanent then 5% would be acceptable, but nope, barrier only lasts for 5 seconds anyway. If you need to avoid some mechanic, it's really hard to get a respectable amount with just 5% now.

  7. Impact Savant was necessary for the scrapper playstyle and one of its core mechanics . You need to be constantly hitting and rushing to keep barrier up because the class is squishy without it. You still get demolished quite fast from hard hitting enemies because you can't face tank them and while evading, you don't generate barrier. Barrier only lasts for a few seconds too.. so yeah. This nerf was just random and suddenly reducing it to 1/3 is no joke.

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