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  1. Thanks you for your answer, i have read all of these. I totaly agree what you said about no sustain and no passiv boon. I tried so many build and easy rotation but there is no way to reach 25k. Staff was a good weapon with great dmg and slow animation that gives you time to make a good rotation without mistake but today staff is just Bad at all for dps build I'm trying to play condi alacrity mirage and this is so funny because most of time i'm lost into my rotation and just smash dodge then aa but my dps isnt bad at all and i share a lot of Boon. When i do a mistake as elem your dps just drop so hard, or you just died because of 12k HP. I think i will make a break and leave my elem, and please Arena if you read this message just make elem great again because this is a kittening good class.
  2. Hello, After 3 years, i'm back in GW2. Elementalist is the class that i played the most but today, i cannot find any reason to keep playing my elem. I have the feeling that Arena just destroyed the class, the new elite specs is useless, it's possible to have one of the strongest dps but you need to spend weeks on golem for masteries this. And i cannot find anyway to play support dps because other class are just better for Many reason. So, i'm asking to you if the elem has some arguments to be played ? Atm, i feel that he needs a real buff. ( Sorry for my Bad english)
  3. Hello guys, i love to play ele, but i have a problem with the snowcrow rotation. They are really hard to do and if you are not fast enough ( and it requires a lot of experience to be fast during boss fight ) your dps just sucks and you get kicked from squad 😢 So, Can you give me some rotation that arent so hard to execute and give you enough dps to be usefull in raid /fractal ? thanks for help 🙂 and sorry for my Bad english
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