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Posts posted by NumNums.7935

  1. 20 hours ago, Fan Didly Tastic.7169 said:

    Maybe this is just a guess and I am no where close to anything, but I think the change to allow the offense and defensive buffing stations to operate between maps into the rest of open world was an enormous step in the right direction, as it allows build flexibility and soloing while maintaining our current power level.

    Being able to stack 25+ seconds of maxed buffs after only killing a few enemies really makes you feel like a monster in open world, especially in core. I think it will give them the ability to balance out these issues while allowing for more granular control in instantanced content. It means they won't have to worry as much about a balance change crippling a class in solo play, as, regardless of what content you play, feeling flimsy in open world feels bad. Especially when that's what's in between literally all of the other content.

    They cannot and shouldn't balance core to max boon dps/gameplay since a new player going from lv 1-80 most likely won't have this mastery expecially if they decide to play the game in order of story.

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  2. There's a solution for qol in this game, don't buy bag slots bank slots or any of it, and tadepost all items you get for gold. Then when you aspire to craft a legendary or something trade post buy order the mats.


    You can survive with 500 slots across all 5 character slots (100 slots each using 20 slot bads) when it comes to legenardiers or ascended crafting if you have 250+ of the ascended mats your good. You got gold.


    The only part I hope anet changes in their current monetization is the way they market or lack of marketing loving world as separate products to someone who is freshly buying the game.


    I think collection version should of costed more but included lw in it. My friend was pretty upset when he found out that after buying collection he didn't actually own the whole story journal and had to buy them separately with gems.

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  3. 1 minute ago, Labjax.2465 said:

    I played through all of the story recently, never felt like the game was "throwing gear at me."

    As you do world completion/ general exploring the hearts you complete become vendors since launch they have been designed to usually offer gear that is equivalent to the zone you are completing. As you hit certain levels you get level rewards that contain gear in the higher levels 75-80 these contain exotic pieces. After lv 80 as you explore those zones you will find even more vendors which will contain gear to start you off. The issue is players expect to be at their best right away, well if you want that then level up crafting and you can achieve that easily. The games crafting system is not complex.


    I just don't see how there is a gearing issue when you really only need to do it once for each build you want to go for.


    I think when players hear horizontal progression they get the wrong idea that there should be no progression. It just means that the cap is low and easy to obtain and you never have to worry about your gear being worse than it currently is or not perform the same in newer content. (No ilvl treadmill)

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  4. 6 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

    Appreciate the example. Can't say I understand any better how that would make sense as a form of progression though and I doubt it's intended to be that way, that you'd go for like rabid first, then vipers, when all you wanted was a set of vipers.

    And the guide you linked, while a very helpful and thoughtful contribution from community members, seems like a perfect illustration of how messy gearing is. Like I'm the kind of person who isn't intimidated by paragraphs of text and will write out paragraphs with ease, and I find that to be a lot. Some people act like you're trying to be a professor if you write a few paragraphs of text, could you imagine those kind of people looking at a guide like that for this game's gearing and deciding whether they want to get into the game?

    Personally, I don't consider myself lazy and in fact I tend to go all in on things to my own detriment sometimes. But I also try to value my time and energy, with how much awareness I have of how limited and fleeting it is. From what I've experienced, most people aren't as obsessive as me and have a lower tolerance for their time being wasted by unnecessary complexity. I just put up with it because I get into a thing and then I want to keep at it until I break through. Which isn't at all meant to be a brag (if anything, again, it's a detriment to me sometimes) I'm just trying to make the point that if I'm complaining about it being too complex with all I put up with, maybe that means something. And considering you've got legendaries, apparently, that allow you to ignore it so much so you've got more gear than you know what to do with, I'm not sure why you're defending it.

    The game throws gear at the player while they are going thru story or just playing. For bersker armor I recommend to my friends to get a set of exotic from the Grenth vendor in core tyria https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Keeper_Jonez_Deadrun


    He sells a full set of berserker exotic for just karma. If a new player plays the game and just pays attention to what is offered or even looks at the achievements  they will see the game gives so many ways to get gear for very little cost.


    Yes this is how the devs intended it. Thats why its this way. For the newer stat types that released with expansions or in living world it makes sense that they require living world to get.

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  5. Just now, Labjax.2465 said:

    Can you give an example? I'm not seeing what stat type has to do with progression, or why that would even make sense as a form of progression in a primarily horizontal progression game.


    Here you go: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Tanetris/So_You_Want_To_Gear_a_Character


    If your going condi get yourself a cheap set of rabid then progress into vipers (exotic or ascended) if your going power well your in luck berserker is actually cheap. Diviners pretty cheap, harriers not to bad.


    Anything that improves your character such as working towards certain stat types, runes, sigils is progression. It doesn't take long and from that point on yes its 100% horizontal  progression where your like me with boxes and boxes in your stash of stat selectable gear but you have legendary armor and weapons but are to lazy to vendor or salvage.


    So when I see posts like this and knowing I'm lazy af I just have to think why...


    If you need gear join a guild ask around people will help you.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


    Too role defined for GW2.  A DPS can heal and a healer can DPS, it all comes down to skill.

    At least in competitive; raid everything is a rotation and I think that's where a lot of these takes come from.  You can hardline classes to roles in raids, you can't or really shouldn't in competitive.  

    So yes, don't need a 15 minute vid to tell you what they told you in blog and on reddit--they want all classes to do all things.  

    If you read my other comments you'll see i want pve to play more like pvp.  I think pvp is where this game shines and the boon balance there is exactly what pve needs. More time focused and purposeful application. 



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  7. 6 minutes ago, NumNums.7935 said:

    I agree but also disagree to an extent. Fb should be reworked to have to pay in dps for the amount of utility it gets OOTB.

    That being said I am not apposed to players having access to boon variety and feel some specs need to be looked at to have a little more boon variety added to their kits.

    I just feel that the application of them should be significantly reduced fb should only be able to apply quickness in 3-6 sec intervals every 20-30 secs that would make the player have to think when should I apply this to maximize the benefit.


    All specs should be like that.


    Edit: a good idea for fb would be if you enter tome 2 or 3 you get a cleric stance that reduces dps by x% and increases incoming heals by ×%. (That is heals to self only and a trait rework could share that out)


    Then if you enter tome 1 you get a zealot stance which has the opposite effect.


  8. 14 minutes ago, phandaria.4891 said:

    The issue with Firebrand, is that mantras are super OP at the moment, and Guardian core kit gives them access to many beneficial boon. It is more on class/skill balance, instead of Boon issue.

    If you compare with like Alac Spectre, which needs to use 3-4 Utility skill (Wells) to provide 100% alacrity.

    I agree but also disagree to an extent. Fb should be reworked to have to pay in dps for the amount of utility it gets OOTB.

    That being said I am not apposed to players having access to boon variety and feel some specs need to be looked at to have a little more boon variety added to their kits.

    I just feel that the application of them should be significantly reduced fb should only be able to apply quickness in 3-6 sec intervals every 20-30 secs that would make the player have to think when should I apply this to maximize the benefit.


    All specs should be like that.


    Edit: a good idea for fb would be if you enter tome 2 or 3 you get a cleric stance that reduces dps by x% and increases incoming heals by ×%. (That is heals to self only and a trait rework could share that out)


    Then if you enter tome 1 you get the opposite effect.

  9. Just now, phandaria.4891 said:

    Fair point, but if the duration is simply limited, people will just add more quick/alac/might/fury role slots in the party, provided they increase the party DPS as a whole.

    Even if this idea works out, it will just eliminate concentration/boon duration stat out of the window. The meta will return to full condi/zerk + heals, further reducing diversity.


    Tbh i don't see that as a bad thing if it makes the gameplay more engaging. What's the point of diversity if its all just boon spamming and sustained dps.


    I think condi/expertise needs to be discussed aswell because its a big contributer to this spam support/ off cooldown gameplay that is happening.

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  10. 19 hours ago, Sarius.9285 said:

    the problem is, that wouldn't change anything. People would still require them because they're a big PLUS, even if you nerf might by 50%, its still a damage increase 

    I think intensity is less of an issue to me, its more about duration. Similar to cc boons should have very low duration and supports would have to learn mechanics to understand best time to apply boons.


    I main a celebrand and 100% quick, fury and might is a joke/easy to maintain while i spend most of my time in time 1 and are unless players start forgetting they can evade or I need to give Stab resolve and vigor or top up heals.


    It would feel better if there was a cool down on my quick/might providing skills and reduced fury time on symbol so that I had to plan my offensive for boons for the right moment.



  11. 5 hours ago, phandaria.4891 said:

    This is quite unfair. The one who create the "Meta" are the players, not Anet. Obviously the path of least resistance is what the players will gravitate towards and DPS is always and will always be the key component for any game period.

    I think I wasn't clear enough with my opinion. I think the issue is boon duration being to long. I understand groups will go for boons but max might, fury, quick and alac should only be available during small burst window making boon application more strategic and rewarding instead of just always being applied 100% of the time.


    It will open users up to understanding fights better booning right before break bars to maximize damage at appropriate times 

  12. Watched mightytpots video on the subreddit posts on warrior and druid changes and this part that he is discussing boons purpose and balance has me really thinking about pve and pvp to an extent.


    @10:25 mobile won't let me copy with timestamp.




    Due to most instanced content being coordinated around maxing offensive and sometimes defensive boons, the balance has to be made to that spec.


    The issue is this makes the boons feel less beneficial and more as just a necessity. Which has me thinking 🤔 well whats the point. 


    Imagine you removed or dramatically decreased the application of normal boons and balanced dps/hps requirements (remember there is a dodge key so really good groups may need less party healing). Then when you get a class that applies a beneficial bonus it actually feels like a plus instead of just meeting standard.


    Yes I know a lot of content is still power creeped badly so all of this convo is kinda hard to have with current meta in mind since many of the current strikes and raids can be done 5 man.

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  13. Whichever artist/ CAOR that is responsible for these:

    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magical_Outfit and the weapon skins




    (... is me slamming the desk)

    WEE ... WANT ... MORE ... OF ... THESE .. PLZ ... Ill literally by 6 if you make an actually cute floppy witch academy hat.


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  14. 5 friends in a discord call is golden :). 10 friends in a discord call is nightmare to me, and I spend more time telling people to stop talking over each other than enjoying the content.


    Would be cool to get even harder fractals that reward idk new legendary collection. Maybe t5 with a master instability that makes everyone do 50% less damage and makes agony stacks not go away so if you fail to dodge agony mechanics enjoy you perma dot the rest of the time.


    Oh and if you fail dps checks a piece of gear gets deleted or something. Lol jk just want to make sure it sounds hard enough to stir up arguments because that's all this forum is for anyways.

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  15. 3 hours ago, Fenom.9457 said:

    I know this is a well beaten horse but may as well put my two cents on the pile, before the steam release anet needs to review this. I think the best solution is first off make season 2 entirely free just like the returning season 1 will be.  Because first off, the Silverwastes and Dry Top are already free so you’re not even paying for the best part of that season, just the story.  Which may be alright narratively but in terms of gameplay - ESPECIALLY those blasted achievements - is the absolute worst content in the game.  Those achievements are indescribably frustrating to a degree that I question the sanity of whoever said they were good to go.  Making people PAY to jump into a disjointed story with people they’ve never met and the weakest point of gameplay in the entire story is a bad combo.  At the very least season 1 returning *should* help with it not being so disjointed but still.


    The other reason I say season 2 needs to be free is because it gives new players a free path to the first expansion, which will be the first paywall.  It’s kind of weird to jump right from the core story to something new players have never heard of (living world is not common mmo terminology) before they even reach an expansion.


    As for seasons 3 and 4 and IBS, I at least feel like those are WELL worth the money. A measly 200 gems for an entire new map?! That alone is worth ten times that price, AND you get a whole new achievement category, new skins, and of course all new story.  I’ve been playing actively since before the start of season 3 so I’ve never had to pay for an episode but if for some reason I were to be required to now, I would do it with no qualms.  I would also advise any new players that is extremely worth the price.  However, that’s the catch - all this is coming from a guy who’s been here over 7 years, I’ve played practically every little bit of content in all of those maps so I know intimately their incredible value.  But a new player doesn’t.  All they’d get is me telling them it’s great sure, but what they’re seeing is several more paywalls AFTER the expansion costs for something they don’t fully understand even.  Again I think it can’t be underestimated how simple some people are and how quick to form opinions most everyone is.  People know what an expansion is and how much content they bring to the table.  Non-GW2 players have a small learning curve to even find out what living world means.  And easy as it may be to understand, it only takes a split second to form an opinion, and that first second is likely to be one of confusion.


    So, tldr I think the later seasons need to be bundled into their respective expansions.  Season 3 with HoT and Season 4 & IBS with PoF.  They’re well worth paying for on their own, but would you rather have people reluctantly pay for it with an ambivalent attitude or a bad taste in their mouth, or would you rather have people happily know it’s included with their expansion purchases?  Some people will even straight up walk away the instant they hear of further charges for the main story after expansions because, even though this game is amazing and well monetized, they immediately assume it will be another predatory game much like others that paywall as much as they can.


    You can even increase the expansion prices to compensate.  Adding another 10, 15, or even 20 dollars to the currently incredibly reasonable and well priced expansions with the reasoning that you will be getting a full living world season (or two!) after the initial launch is perfectly reasonable and I think more palatable to newcomers.  The reward for loyal players is that they didn’t have to pay the new higher expansion prices XD - although anyone who bought the living world seasons recently could be refunded or given weapon/outfit/whatever vouchers so they don’t feel robbed.  It’ll be an awkward transition no doubt for the people who already paid for this or that, but it’s much better to just grit your teeth and get through that rather than have the potentially millions of people who will give the game a brief look on steam recoil in disgust at something that looks far worse than it actually is.

    Thats an idea why not make everyone pay for them and call them content packs

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  16. 10 hours ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

    Just a bit of perspective: Ten years of a $15 sub game costs $1,800 USD. Currently, to get all ten years of content from both expansions and Living World seasons (except LWS1) only costs about $100 USD, and nearly half of this can be grinded out and paid for in gold just by playing the game.


    I agree that Living World delivery should be improved, but its simply not a hard paywall.

    I am not saying they shouldn't make money that would be stupid. I am saying that story that in important and part of a timeline should be included. If more players who start the game become invested whether its the combat system, story or pvp that hooks them they will spend more than the sub fee on many different items in bltc.


    I just fee the story shouldn't be monetized in a way that makes no sense to someone completely new to the game.





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  17. the sites verbiage is "


    Get everything you need to experience Tyria, a vast living world. This collection includes Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons, Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire and Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns.



    By Tyria they mean the world Tyria not just the continent, because that would make no sense, since it includes EoD.


    LW should of been included in this pack since they contain maps and story that are key to experience and understand what the story / commander goes thru. 

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