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  1. barrier in language, and properly expressing myself not to look an kitten which infact did make me look that way.scourge's learning curve onto pugs is a little different as far as i know from friends. in pug groups you cant just full might provide easily due to needing the torch 5 for a cc aswell as f3 going into mass barrier to cheese up things incase another sub's healer struggles into quick heal burst ramp ups. in pug groups or trainings u cant just assign people to do specific roles or tasks-as if have 3 ppl cc red on olc cm. that just wont work. u need all the people be prepared to do it-except if, thats a green tank or boomerang. but boom cant still do so. least virtus or spectres can... to actually properlyt heal as aheal scg in olc cm can get quite tricky. one way you need make sure u have f3 provide swiftness but to just go for swiftness itself can be a dead end for pick up groups with 4-5static ppl and rest of pugs. you learn to sacrifice some swift/might in order to upkeep ppl alive when its needed which is cheese, but thats what is needed for semi casual/randomly filled groups. and yes @Maria Murtor.7253 i dont want to vote for either even tho i want it to stay.
  2. if ppl had idea as one of posters above how many mistakes i make and mess up. it'd be obvious why i want it to stay.... but i really dont want vote for it and against. sorry if i sounded rude but honestrly. not just you but also me has to improve and alot. excuse for that but really... i need improvement as much as you do. i dont mean look down on ya. it's just my thoughts expressing things that wya or happen when i write so. @Maria Murtor.7253
  3. yes that is why it is pointless and useless-your description rings a bell that you run quite often with a group: 1. runs training-progression as guild events to hang out 2. theeres no vertical nor horizontal progression 3. mixed bag of issues-you complain about people not doing greens in vg before the splits, except the split time when its mandatory actually and then having the same people mess up dodging teleports to save themselves. 4. i have a feeling you have pretty similar situation as me-u timenfit to play heal class. 5. if those issues are the point then you're better off finding more moderately organised group to proggress who'd bother call you out and work on your errors as healer.
  4. or just have conpetent enough average pug group with two attrocious healers who starts complain for not dodging after failing outheal area aoes mechanics in boneskinner 🤣 but on the other hand i'd love it stay for situations as xjj cm quaggans where even myself manage to slip up 😅🐿️ not that i ignore the mechanic but i mess up positioning either way than the group every once in a while.
  5. theres no use of transfusion in vg. its nearly useless sincee player can get ported in another side of arena. itd be more useful force ppl on herald in terms of qdps to help with it(if thats an olc cm)
  6. thats why i said-healers tends to blame things on ppl that die while theyrr partluly an issue themselves :) and yet they will not listen either.
  7. pug progressions/trainings tends too end into dispand or elitistic things poping up(even though its not). pretty much i couldnt recommend tiny guilds having raid strike cm trainings as events because people are often are just let go explaining mechs in general than giving calls on people for their gameplay overall... its just betyer train in crossroads community discords or else pug lower kp/xp group no training and run an adaptive groups than risk join public ones
  8. i know. its an example of how scourges blames on using transfusion while their own gameplay had critical errors
  9. that wont help as i said in other comment for scourges who doesnt know how to flexibly play around as barrier/regen healer in encounters as boneskinner. its rare case people ignore dodging the dash/sidestepping or not standing onto breath/not dodging grasp black spawns. but whats beeing ignored are the torches mechanic aswell as cc is mandatory and quick one-some dont understand this. theres also strange bug unrelenting pain kicking in when u get pulled into the middle of arena aside of all the aura debuffs u gain from field aoes on the encounter. and thats healers job to upkeep people alive at those moments.(how ever the often pug scenario is they-healers blame for downstating before grasps and pulls mechanics to the field aoes etc)-this whole patch is double edged sword for ppl unable to do boneskinner. especially healer users, they ignore feedback or tips aswell
  10. they do give swiftness in f3.. i cant recall-or not sure(i dont play heal scg though) correctly but thats also mass barrier so u have to use it sparingly(if u mess ur awift shade and dontt conbirn wirth transfusion(lets say in olc cm ppl die) scourges healing from barrier along sides of regen is strongest point also the weakness. some mechanics are skiped by the dps creep numbers. some just can not. and as someone wrote above-vg green beeing ignored besides at 6x/3x-% split phases are meta strat. which means healers job is tp provide protections reducing damage and burst heal to ramp hp back up. dodging is everyones job to not get ported making it worse
  11. it's a double edge sword really, for example boneskinner has enough healers incapable to outheal unrelenting pain and blames on not dodging boss dash during pull mechanic/not dodging the grasp and that people die. they just will not be able look for an excuse anymore for their own errors as a healers anymore. people who failed dodging will still fail.
  12. https://imgur.com/a/dQsX9e2 yesterday's umbriel CM that was broadcasted by one of twitch streamers, won't mention names but i was told by another player to not give calls(on healing zojja) while her HP was below 60% and we were in phase 1. ended we failed-the player who told me that and then the one acted like "who cares if fails-not our gold" got insta kicked midrun from private convergence. for multiple reasons: -"dps" doing 8k entire time or less damage -constantly dying -refusing heal zojja and hoarding spirits stacks -giving wrong calls to not heal when heals were needed -zero CC. -foul language.
  13. ok so i realistically given a shot of building condi virtu in mostly full exotic gears. couldnt kitten myself to find exotic earing with selectable stats for rampagers so said screw it. ill just do this way :D got with messy rotation to easily 34-35k or even 36k DPS. giving the optimised stat's with 1% CR overcap for dsw and dfocus build. and the pictures how it realistically looks like in terms of statistics. https://imgur.com/a/bEqDzBT @Logos.5603 this should prove the point that you do not need alot of gold to build solid character, even do not need full exotics/legendary-pay attention that i used some legendary items, thats just for versatility and for on the fly swappable CR cap for certain stats gears.(equal for ascended). yet this was only3trinlets ascended into which means the build is more than achieveable for a new player.
  14. umm i think fractals especially t4 fractals, such as swampland should be a good playground for you then. for the boss that jumps into your group wheres u can either block his first attack or dodge it-and yes do not try get away from the next upcoming hits. perform one block/dodge and then cc burst and cleave it till the end-safer the dodge out and move to a safe distance since it phases the boss. for less experience groups the guide stats dodge it and move out or the range the boss mechanic can hit you, but my personal advice would be with bloomhunger boss, do block that jump attack before he starts smashing the group or dodge it and burst cc-which is much quicker and more reliable than try get away to safe zone.
  15. okay, then i'd advice you try public or private dragonstorm, and dont ask for stability there. try to perform dodges yourself :) also mesmer's virtu is first start how to dps(dueling build-immediately go not for chaos LI but dueling high intensity since it's much easier optimise towards exotic gears-i may give u exotic gear sample for you later on) =cleave the adds in the encounter on two primordus bosses. one of ways is raptor for making it easier. i'd say dragonstorm or chaak gerenth bosses are one of the first borderlines where you can efficiently practise those builds. zen daijun in end of dragons with the color bosses in mini dungeon are also great place since you need dodges there aswell as learn to perform bursty cc and move alot into safe spots to avoid explosion mechanics-as the one in kaineng overlook with telegraphs during enforcer-ritualist and mindblade phase. ofc if u time it right-u can dodge that telegraph by beeing inside it :) all the three of encounters-locations i mentioned you are literal living micro mechanic golems. some more, some less.
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