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Posts posted by Serperior.6541

  1. On 5/9/2022 at 12:45 AM, Average.7901 said:

    A day or two ago, one of the dailies was a 25. I tried with like 2 or 3 groups to beat the last boss, and we never even saw the last phase. The spike in difficulty was way out of proportion, imo. 


    The other players in my group were way more experience than me, judging by their mastery number. They seem to be dying very much. Obviously this is probably just them not picking up on the mechanics, or somehow playing that long and still not knowing them. How do I find better organized groups where I can learn and play with like minded people?


    My last question is about my rings. Do rings not have place for sigil or rune?

    Generally Sunqua peak is the hardest fractal on the first try and becomes one of the easiest once you get used to it, Because everything boss does is aoe mechanics and it is always the same order everytime (tho it may change depending or the dps boss may skip some phases if you dps it  too fast etc) sometimes people do it without even getting damaged in t4 because boss becomes so predictable but it is fair for new players to struggle , i had the same issues when i did it for the first time, you'll start to play from muscle memory after the 3rd or 4th kill so keep trying 

  2. 2 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

    I don't think that exists. The zerg builds are either squish dps or tanky support. If you were to play support, I think you could combine roaming and zerg support in 1 heal scrapper build (and have a decent time doing both).

    Zerg meta is engi/guard support, rev/necro dps (rev might have gotten killed with the latest misguided changes).

    Roamer meta... if you want power and you are new probably only ranger at this point. You can maybe play wb too, dunno (I don't think wb has good run-away potential, at least not in the usual situation of being chased by 5 ppl). You can also play power holo or grenade scrapper (easier than holo), maybe that works too for you. If you want to sweat... thief and war let you run away (with thief being the harder one to play). Power herald is strong, can't run and is hard to play; seems to be obsoleted by wb (at least for as long as wb is not nerfed).

    For condi, cele harb, cele tempest/weaver, cele boonbeast, cele mirage/virtuoso, I dunno how cele scrapper is right now but probably playable, cele spectre, cele fb, cele renegade. Metabattle should have builds available. I dunno which one is easiest, probably cele boonbeast or cele renegade. Maybe also cele mirage.

    If you are new I suggest you go with the cele options. They have sustain for days and dmg is not bad. The studio doesn't seem to be interested in balancing them, so probably you will be able to stick to a build that doesn't get nerfed out of the meta. Cele builds also translate well to open world and you get free cele gear with the lvl 80 boost.

    Actually bought marauder gear and both tried wb and dh in roaming it seemed to mostly stick with me Because i was able to kill some people while pressing random buttons i dunno if other proffessions you mentioned is on that level on wvw but will try

    Also will not be touching any zerg fight for a while, i know all i have to do is stick to commander and do what he does but without being in voice chat i can't properly follow him and one wrong move usually gets me killed so i'll stick to being solo/small group i guess

  3. 6 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


    To be honest, what job role are you looking for and what style do you find fun? Do you alt? The key in WvW, is whatever you choose to do first make sure what time you spend has value to you. Be that in fun, helping others, goal orientated or whatever. What are you looking to get out of it? Run most classes and elites and they all have their own roles depending on styles and roles so most of everything is viable but you need to understand the role/goal of the toon and play towards that. Are you looking to heal, roam, group, take, defend, support, buff, build, gank? Are looking to solo. duo, group, havoc, warband, zerg? The beauty of WvW is there are a lot of options open for your gameplay. Known your build and where that build works and doesn't in the different types of play.

    thats a lot of stuff that i can't answer. lets keep it simple with dps and roamer that can also work in zergs i said i would look into chrono and virtuoso yesterday but both seemed too squisy and therefore way above my skill level so i thought about Dh/Willbender and i'll probably go with it because looks good enough for me

  4. 15 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

    Firebrand, Dragonhunter, Chronomancer, Virtuoso kinda, all work for zergs.

    Willbenders are mostly roamers, they're like the new thieves without stealth, plenty of movement and defense tools to use.

    Thieves are mainly roamers and not needed in zergs due to lack of aoes or important utilies/support needed for zergs. That's not to say you can't, I ran an interrupt deadeye a year ago and had fun messing with zergs, unblockable daze with interrupt sigils, don't mind if I do.


    I'm usually on chrono these days either wall pulling/grav bombing or for small group fights, or core for pure roam.

    Mirage works too but I can't get use to one dodge.

    i see i'll look into those professions mostly chrono and virtuoso got my interest thank you for the answers!

  5. Plenty of things i guess but i suppose i can say enjoy professions that are fast, i played a lot of willbender, thief and mesmer in spvp but i don't know which one works in wvw esspecially in zergs well i know guardian is good in zerging because anet's blue child can't be bad at something but still not sure, also yeah doing it for gift of battle but may stay if i like playing

  6. Hello! As the title suggests im looking for a profession in World versus World, i have some experience in wvw which is usually doing dailies while getting erased from face of the earth several times, so you can  say not much but after seeing gen 3 legendaries require stuff from WvW i thought i should finally invest in this game mode which i would do inevitably anyways but i wasn't sure which profession should i play. So i thought i should ask here. basically looking for something that dosen't get deleted is tanky enough and can work both in Zergs and Roaming

  7. Completely agree! Currently turtles  need a lot of improvement.

    It is not fun.

    It dosen't justify losing dps of 2 players.

    Worse than most mounts speed wise

    Only use i see for turtle is in jade sea meta and drizzlewood coast because it can 2shot most structures there (since it is "siege" turtle) maybe once


    if it gets added to wvw it would be usefull to bring down doors and walls and stuf, other than that, the turtle is pretty useless outside of 2 maps.Most people just try both gunner and driver seat once and never use it again


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