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Bella Rikka.2387

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Posts posted by Bella Rikka.2387

  1. 10 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    If you mean you submitted an in-game Bug Report, you, indeed, will not get a response.

    For a guaranteed response, you will need to actually 'Submit a Ticket' via the 'Support' link above/below or, alternatively, send an email to 'support@arena.net'.

    Good luck. 

    (Did you try logging out completely and logging back in/changing maps?)

    I did, thanks! They actually already replied, which was entirely unexpected on the weekend. Usually, I figure it will wait until Monday. Don't know if they fixed it or I was just stupid, but the Lesser Essence of Gold popped up in my bank inventory. Thanks for the quick support, guys! 😁

    • Sad 1
  2. I bought my last available Lesser Essence of Gold about 10 minutes ago, and checked first to see what my Gold Find was at before using. It was at 101%. I used the Lesser Essence of Gold, and my Gold Find is still at 101%. I submitted a ticket, but since we don't get any contact from that, I am posting here. 1000 AA is not a small amount, so I either need the 1% increase, or a refund of that 1000 AA, please!

    • Haha 1
  3. On 9/30/2023 at 8:59 AM, marta.5710 said:

    The problem it's that I'm a new player, what's crafting, what's green? this is the problem... I'm sure for you it's easy to just make fun of people instead helping  them, this is the problem.

    If no one has told you yet, you can craft Essences of Luck with a level 1 Artificer. Train as an Artificer by talking to a Master Artificer in any major city, save your luck, and craft blues into greens whenever you get this daily. You will need the lucks for many things!

    Just saw that Linken mentioned this, so kudos! I also like to make masterwork items with cooking, which so far has counted for the daily as well.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Solvar.7953 said:

    It seems like Anet made a decision that they didn't want fast dungeons or JPs on the dailies.  Sort of an odd decision, because there are still a lot of other dailies out there that are really fast (identify/salvage X items, kill X enemies, etc).

    The problem with removing the fast JP/mini dungeons is that there are relatively few long ones to choose from.  Under the old system, I'd never park a character at the end of for easy completion next time it shows up, bu in the current system, it seems like Vexas minidungeon, long way around, etc, show up about once a week, and it is tempting to park a character at some of them because I know they will show up soon.  And even when they are not a daily, you can still loot the chest for some minor rewards, so not a total waste.

    Not actually sure if one could park a character at the end of Vexas, since that reset, but some of the other ones it is certainly possible to do so.


    I've parked alts at several locations just because of the repetitive nature of the daily system now. Vexa's isn't possible, no, and I frankly can't be bothered with that place unless someone is willing to get some gold to port me. 

    As for the motivation for the list of dailies, it seems to me that whoever was involved with putting that list together looked at a spreadsheet of how frequented specific content has been, and picked the least frequented. They didn't seem to consider that it wasn't frequented for good reasons. Vasburg Armory, for example, isn't terrible, but isn't fun after the first few times (especially because the last runestone is a drop that gives some people grief).

    Under the old system, there were days when the daily RNG just wasn't doable for me on a work day because it was too time consuming. Sometimes I just didn't feel like doing 3 of the dailies available. It is nice to have a system now that is easier to complete - please don't change that, Anet! But the lack of variety is definitely causing a loss of interest.

    • Like 5
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  5. On 9/23/2023 at 12:22 PM, Dadefyl.1908 said:

    Tired of all those identical looking mechs and pets? I think it would be cool if you could craft a skin or maybe just color them to break up the monotony. 🙂

    Do anyone know if ANet have talked about this?

    Sorry if this has been asked before (feels like it might have)...

    Thank you! I have been wondering for the last year when we would get skins for the Mech. People who insist that it won't happen don't seem to consider that we have multiple skins for the Jade Bot, and the Mech wouldn't take much more. Ranger pets would be pretty complicated, by comparison. Even just the ability to customize the size of the Mech so that it isn't 3x the height of my poor Asura would be nice!

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Kazgrel.7908 said:

    As of time of this post, whenever I attempt to charge quartz crystals at a place of power, I get an error message in my chat window:  "That content has been temporarily disabled.  Please try again later."  I swapped from my usual place of power (Earth Hands in Queensdale) to the Durmand Priory one, but got the same result.  Not a huge deal since I'm just making these to stockpile currently, but I also already have skyscale collections done.  Guess I'll be waiting a bit.

    Just replying here to repeat that using the search function in the forums didn't bring up any threads about this at all, including the post by Rubi from 3 hours ago. I didn't see that post by Rubi, Velox, until someone posted it in my thread for that reason. I'm certainly not going to come to the forums and start scrolling through different pages, hoping to come across what I should be able to find with the Search box. Or Google.

  7. 34 minutes ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

    Supposedly there was a very impressive exploit with this, lol.

    Thank you for linking that! The search function for the forums literally came up with 0 results, and Googling for it came up with nothing. It's no wonder that people don't participate in the forums more! 🤣

    Do you know what the exploit was/did?

    • Like 1
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  8. 26 minutes ago, Batel.9206 said:

    The ones in the Silverwastes seem to be okay. (At least for the actual hero points; I haven't tested charging quartz crystals on them.)

    I will go and test this, and return with an update!

    Update: I tested a commune in Dry Top and one in Silverwastes, and got the same error message. My guildies also tested their home instance communes and got the same error. I think it is official that creating charged quartz crystals with hero point communes is broken.

    • Thanks 1
  9. On 9/26/2023 at 9:42 PM, Gwyn.9653 said:

    This ability is still bugged and the green circles are instant downing everyone in them. Can you fix this already? It's bad enough that you put raid/strike fail mechanics in open world content, at least make it work. It would be better to just remove the instant down garbage. It's not compelling gameplay in any way to mash the special action key that's given to you, spend your time running around looking for the right one before engaging, or just accept that you're going to get smashed because "reasons" for the mark of death and then have to deal with shared destruction which is either meaningless or crippling depending entirely on the size of the blob accompanying you (if it actually worked properly).

    Agreed entirely. It needs to be fixed, considering that they've clearly been doing a lot of work on rift events in the open world. The raid/strike mechanics being forced into open world content was a massive failure in EoD, and they apparently have not learned from this mistake. At least the metas are better, though!

    22 hours ago, Gwyn.9653 said:

    Shared destruction is what the sniper from Kaineng Overlook uses. It's supposed to do damage equal to the max health of whoever it targets spread out over everyone in the circle. It appears to just be doing max health to everyone in the circle. If it is supposed to be doing anything different than that then they need to not be lazy and give it a different name. I still stand by the fact that unavoidable instant down mechanics are not compelling game play for open world content. Unavoidable anything for open world content just makes for tedium at best.

    Agreed again. Unavoidable tedium is making the game more of a job than a fun way to unwind from a full-time job. The incessant conditions that last way past the point of killing things, mobs that aggro from miles away, and this nonsense are all reasons why I've been playing about half as much since the launch week of SotO. Anet, I'm going to drop this here and continue to drop it everywhere I can: Please stop catering to the top maybe 5% of players and start thinking about the 95%! Yes, we need challenging content. That does not mean making everyday open world gameplay a nightmare!

    16 hours ago, Bad Wolf.3541 said:

    Wanted to add that yesterday in Mount Maelstrom there were two instances of green circles downing everyone in them, but also players (myself  included) quite a distance away from the greens, also getting downed. I only mention this because I’ve been running away from the green circles to avoid the insta-death until we get clarification from the devs about how they’re supposed to work, but it was wild to get downed even when i was nowhere near them. I can’t remember if it was the Regret champion, but both were T2 rift bosses. Combat log shows being hit by two stacks of shared destruction each time. 

    It really is adding an unnecessary layer of frustration to these champions that players are having to work around and it’s not the first time it’s been mentioned on this forum. Given how much anet are pushing rifts, addressing this ought be a priority. If it’s bug, please confirm. If not, then PLEASE let us know how it’s supposed to work.


    This is something I experienced as well, although it was in Amnytas and Skywatch. Then, at other times, it's not an instant down. No one seems to have a clue how to respond to this mechanic, and two stacks are certainly not intended, I would think.

    15 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

    It is odd because I sometimes (in SotO map open world content) read that people want you to move away and not stack in the circle - when from the fractals we know that green = good = stacking, other ones = run away. (Known from Siren's Reef for example.) Not sure if the fractal has a different mechanics here and in open world you really need to move away ... or if you need to stack and the people just do not know about this.

    Basically I just don't care cause it is just zerging the mobs down (even for champs) in open world. 😄

    Edit: Saw something on reddit where someone explained that 3 people should stack - with green circles. (And others not.) That ... I do not know from playing fractals and the 3 easy IBS strikes. (No other instanced content played.) If it really acts like this ... they need the NPCs to have it explain better. Usually you have some NPCs with some voice lines nearby saying stuff. For copy-paste events like rifts this might not work for everywhere.

    But with a tutorial with that boss - during the story maybe. I have not even noticed that there was more than 1 person with green circles. (Since I did not even got the idea to search for more. I saw one - and thought of Siren's Reef -> meaning you have to move there.) With lots of people nearby and a ton of effects this might not be the best idea to introduce too  fancy mechanics.


    An NPC nearby could be like "attention he is preparing a super strong attack ... the 3 green people need to move on top of each other and make love to defend the group with the power of love - others must not disturb them and should move far away" 😄 Something like that. There are a lot of examples where the NPCs give hints with audio lines. I mean ... even in the fractals. (Nightmare ..."the shield the shield" the one guy that gives the hint even though everything in the screen already makes you know that you have to move to the shield lol.)

    There are already an overwhelming number of horrendously intrusive pop-ups and audio dialogue that can't be turned off. We don't need more of this clogging up our screens because of broken mechanics. Fix the issues, and please, Anet, give us the option to turn off ALL POPUPS!

    • Like 4
  10. I just tried to use my Krait Obelisk Shard hero point commune [Edit: to create a charged quartz crystal] in my home instance about 20 minutes ago, and got the error message, "That content has been temporarily disabled. Please try again later." I went to Lornar's Pass to try the hero point commune at the Durmand Priory, and got the same error message.

    Is anyone else having this issue? If it's not just me, I'm guessing that fixing the hero point in the patch notes has broken all of them? I'm certainly not going to jump around all over the world trying to test them all.

  11. Just came to check in on the thread, and to provide a tentative update. 

    Having the extra choice has helped immensely with being able to actually complete the dailies on work days. It is still frustrating that we're locked in for the entire week into whichever game mode was chosen, which they will hopefully fix soon. It would be nice to be able to choose WvW dailies on days off, as I used to. As it is, I can't do them every day, so I have to stick with PvE.

    • Like 1
  12. I was going to start a topic on this, so I'll just piggyback on this one.

    Pinches of Stardust are inconsistent. Static charges are consistently gathered from the magic motes in Skywatch until you hit the 100 cap. In Amnytas, only 1 in 10 map IPs I've been in have given Pinches of Stardust from the floating magic motes. To be clear, I am not talking about event rewards. Those are a completely separate issue.

    Since there seems to be no word from Anet yet on whether this is intended or not, I've reported this multiple times as a bug. In the last week, I've only managed to find two map IPs that were giving Stardust from the magic motes, and the maps closed not long after I arrived. In order to find out if this is somehow tied to events, I have done bastion events and the meta on two accounts, then tested to see if the magic motes would reward Stardust. They did not. Either I zoned in to a good IP, or changed maps and got lucky. 

    So, Anet, are you going to give us the ability to gather Pinches of Stardust from Amnytas magic motes as we can get Static from the motes in Skywatch?

    • Like 2
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  13. On 9/7/2023 at 4:05 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

    I agree, but even more annoying than the audio transmissions are the speech bubbles. They totally block your view.

    Example: Shooting grubs in the Maguuma section of the Archipelago
    I have seen many people cursing the event, because they couldn't aim properly due to the speech bubbles being in the way.

    I absolutely hate the comm device and the speech bubbles it generates. I wish we could at least deactivate the latter.


    The chat bubbles need to die! We barely have a way to see where the Skyscale is aiming as it is. When chat bubbles pop up, you can't aim, you can't see the magic motes (I call them cotton candy) that you're trying to collect. This is invasive, and the fact that finishing the story doesn't disable this ridiculously irritating feature is ridiculous.

    Please give us the ability to disable comm chatter entirely! No one likes this after they've completed the story, and some even find it incredibly irritating during the story as well!

    • Like 3
  14. On 8/23/2023 at 4:53 AM, Rose.2593 said:

    From the bug notes - 

    • Motivation crafting materials cannot be stored in material storage. We have a fix for this coming in a future build, and in the meantime, they can be stored in your bank. 

    I'm so glad that they told us we can put them in the bank! Who would have ever figured that out?!

    So, Anet, are you going to give us another bank tab on the house to store the 19,500 Essences of Despair, 7,200 Essences of Greed, and 3,600 Essences of Triumph we need for leggy armor? 




    It would be nice if the Triumph dropped a bit more, so converting them would be easier. Either way, looking forward to this update, and hoping it will also include Jade Runestones and A.S.S.s!

    • Confused 1
  15. It would be nice if daily objectives gave some kind of description, as they did before. 

    Just did 5 rifts in Sandswept Isles for the daily and weekly achieves, and got 0 credit for the daily Kryptis bounty achieve. If this needs to be done in the new maps, maybe the daily should tell us that.

    So, Anet, is the Kryptis bounty designed to be done only in the new zones? Because this confusion is ridiculous.

    • Like 3
  16. 14 minutes ago, rathy.2075 said:

    Seitung Mini Donjon, can you move this daily to a weekly. This is the second time that I have to do it, and the only 2 time my daily was not done. 
    I have try today, kill all boss, and nothing. At least in the weekly, we can forget it and do other stuff to have the weekly chest. 

    I hate jumping puzzle, but I will prefer do do them instead of this mini donjons. 

    Another 'mini-dungeon' that is an incredible time hog, for sure! At least it wasn't bugged for me, but I spent over 20 minutes with Blish HUD and Taco markers looking for just one totem! Then the mini-bosses are scaled way up because of the masses of people. There were tons of people in map chat and whispers ready to quit the game over this horrible, not relaxing daily issue. Some dailies are easy, which is great! But when they're bad, like Zen Daijun (Spirit Vestibule) and Valdhertz Crypts, they're bad enough to inspire people to want to quit playing the game entirely.

    I used to enjoy my daily routine before work. Now, I'm so stressed out from this that I never want to do them again. Why does it take 2 weeks to fix this, again?

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  17. I never got the daily reset to recover my 40 AA, either. Not only that, but I wake up not long before reset because of an overnight schedule. The GM blowoff and telling us that we can't just be given what they denied us, plus this supposed 'solution' not actually being implemented, has me feeling beyond peeved. Thankfully, Valdhertz will not plague us again! I will try to see the silver lining, for now, and avoid anything that makes my already extremely stressful life more stressful while playing the game that usually helps me to unwind.

    As for the announcement about getting 1 alternative daily objective, I find that both lackluster and insulting. The Weekly tab gives you 8 and requires 6, and even that seems too limited. With dailies, though, we should have the choice of not only more of them, but options from different game modes. Forcing us to choose a game mode and cross our figurative fingers at reset is asinine.

    • Like 7
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    • Confused 3
  18. 5 hours ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

    Free QA. Put all your broken stuff as daily and get all the feedback you need. Genius!

    If only they actually bothered to do something with the feedback, instead of blowing us off, then telling us to do their jobs for them! Seriously, look at the bold, underlined line in that response email to my boyfriend's support ticket. Do my job for me with an in-game bug report, since that has been so effective for a year and a half! 🤣

    Aug 27, 2023, 06:56 PDT

    Grand Valdhertz mini dungeon is bugged and has been bugged since EoD launch. This daily cannot be done and I have spent nearly an hour trying to map hop to get it done. I want my 40 astral acclaim, 1 gold and essence of luck that you have made it impossible to get for finishing the last daily. This seriously needs to be removed from the list of possible dailies by hot fix.


    GM Treez (Guild Wars 2 Support)

    Aug 27, 2023, 16:53 PDT

    5 minutes ago
    We understand you're reaching out to us regarding an event that has stalled and is now blocking your progression to complete the daily quest from Wizard's Vault. Unfortunately, we Game Masters are unable to provide rewards for events that were attempted or completed. With this being the case, we'll have to ask you to complete the event once more.
    Additionally, please submit an in-game bug report regarding this issue in order to help the appropriate team determine a cause/solution. Thank you for your cooperation!
    If you happen to have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get back in touch. We are always here to help our valued players, such as yourself, with whatever issues or problems you may face.


    GM Treez
    Guild Wars 2 Support Team

    • Haha 1
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  19. 7 hours ago, Chyro.1462 said:

    I got a GM responding to my support tickets, but pretty much all he could tell me is to .. try the event again. And send a bug report from ingame. Yay?

    So, basically, the GM is telling us two things:

    1. We don't care about your issue, even though it's our fault.

    2. You should now do our job for us because we don't communicate with our own dev team.

    Seriously Arena Net, what the hell??? Now I have to make this public. You need to learn what Customer Service actually means. It certainly does not mean blow off, pass the buck, and tell the customer to do your job! Pathetic, unprofessional, and possibly a problem that could lead to killing the game. 😔

    Copy/Paste of my boyfriend's Support Ticket and response from yesterday:

    [Support Ticket Submission]

    Aug 27, 2023, 06:56 PDT

    Grand Valdhertz mini dungeon is bugged and has been bugged since EoD launch. This daily cannot be done and I have spent nearly an hour trying to map hop to get it done. I want my 40 astral acclaim, 1 gold and essence of luck that you have made it impossible to get for finishing the last daily. This seriously needs to be removed from the list of possible dailies by hot fix.


    GM Treez (Guild Wars 2 Support)

    Aug 27, 2023, 16:53 PDT

    5 minutes ago
    We understand you're reaching out to us regarding an event that has stalled and is now blocking your progression to complete the daily quest from Wizard's Vault. Unfortunately, we Game Masters are unable to provide rewards for events that were attempted or completed. With this being the case, we'll have to ask you to complete the event once more.
    Additionally, please submit an in-game bug report regarding this issue in order to help the appropriate team determine a cause/solution. Thank you for your cooperation!
    If you happen to have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get back in touch. We are always here to help our valued players, such as yourself, with whatever issues or problems you may face.


    GM Treez
    Guild Wars 2 Support Team


    Mon, Aug 28, 2023, 00:25
    Subject: Re: [Guild Wars 2 Support] Re

    That is unacceptable. The mini dungeon is not possible to complete because it is bugged and had been bugged for over a year. This has been EXTENSIVELY bug reported. Since EOD launched. It is still being extensively bug reported on the forums.

    So this needs to be brought to the direct attention of the development team since it is now affecting literally the entire player base with a core feature of the game. I understand that you personally may not be able to do something about it, but something needs to be done to address this catastrophic failure. 
    • Thanks 6
  20. 4 hours ago, Zeep.3725 said:

    So random question now that this daily has past, did anyone hear back from anet? I reported a ticket but they havent said anything yet. I do wonder if they plan to compensation folks that missed the daily due to this bug

    I have only gotten the confirmation emails for my support tickets. Btw if you're on Steam, they force you to email them instead of using the web form on their website, even though you get responses from the same support system.

    My experience with support tickets has been mixed until recently. There were a couple of times when I put in a ticket for a missing item in game, such as the Invitation to Lily of the Elon, which I couldn't seem to find in my inventory. Or refunding a purchase like a Bank Tab Expansion because I forgot that I was maxed at 17. Those were addressed and actually solved.

    All of the other support tickets I've submitted have been met with a copy/paste response that completely blows me off and illustrates that they don't bother to read the tickets. I'm guessing this is a problem with specific support teams?

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  21. 4 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

    if you had unticked the check box infront of wvw and spvp you would have only got pve stuffs.

    Go into the cog in top right corner of wizards vault and it will be all pve both weekly and daily of you do it befoe weekly reset in alittle over 5 hours.

    This is why locking people in for an entire week is a problem. I actually looked into the whole thing before launch, and still made the mistake of leaving all of the boxes checked. 

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  22. Bumping this thread because the Vasburg Armory is in the daily rotation for my account without Secrets of the Obscure. Have the bugs been fixed since July? I was able to complete it today, thankfully, because another day after the Valdhertz Crypts fiasco yesterday would have been very bad for my will to play.

    I am also going to point out here that the search function in these forums is exceptionally poor. I searched for 'Vasburg Armory' and got 0 results. Googled 'GW2 Forums Vasburg Armory' and got a direct link to this thread.

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  23. 7 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

    So kinda like the wizards vault special section?


    Indeed. I was actually surprised to see that it was locked on my one account I didn't upgrade. Why can't we do 'Special' quarterly achievements with previous expansion content? That does make you wonder!

    I was going to upgrade that account this weekend. Now that this mess has exposed the serious problems with the new system, I decided not to invest any more of my money until they fix it. Not bandage, not replace and leave existing bugs that have been reported thousands of times without remedy, but fix. 

    For the sake of clear illustration, I'm going to copy/paste the info from the Wiki, along with the link, for everyone to check out. It's important for people to see clearly that this has been a problem for 18 months, and that it's locked behind a hidden achievement. Mistakes are inevitable, and how you fix them is what matters. This was not a mistake. It was negligence, a lack of compassion for the community, and willful ignorance in regard to how important Daily Achievements have been for the game, historically.


    • It’s not possible to enter the mini-dungeon without completing the Cryptseeker achievement. When attempting other means to enter, e.g. using a mesmer portal, player will get kicked out immediately.
    • Both puzzles are independent from other players, allowing individual completion. For example, in the Heads of Houses puzzle, a player placing a weapon will not place it for other players in the room.
    • There may be no Weapon Display object at the Head of Houses. In which case dropping a bundle weapon near the front of the statue will enable the interact. Cancelling the channel immediately will enable the Weapon Display interaction from then on.
    • Defeating both final veterans may not make the Heart of Grenth interactive.
    • May not be able to loot the Chest of Grand Valdhertz Riches despite participating in all rooms and be the one that solved the puzzles, more prone to happening when doing rooms with other players. Redoing the mini-dungeon (solo if possible) should let you get the missing rooms.
    • May not be able to loot all the chest or the Grand chest despite doing all the events from the start Solo.
    • Killing one of the last veterans, Veteran Commissar Ignat or Veteran Countess Lavinia Durheim, outside of the final room will force the event timer to be stuck at 0:00, making the last event impossible to complete.
    • The event in the entrance hall can sometimes stop spawning enemies, which will halt players from progressing entirely.
    • The timer to reset the mini-dungeon after the chests room is opened may not start, which freezes the mini-dungeon.


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