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  1. I have had this game since launch and so many things have changed over the years. Some great, some not. Lately certain things have begun to slide in a very disturbing way. You need to see the problems with this for what it actually is - a symptom of the much more severe problem that it truly is. Responses to problems have gotten more common, but they are often horrendous. For individual ticket issues it has become a slap in the face that they are nothing more than copy and paste responses that an AI could generate from key words. It's like trying to navigate the automated phone systems that have flooded every day life for something that we are paying for and supposedly doing for fun. For bigger problems responses can take weeks, if they ever come. If they do, they usually come down to "deal with it" and excuses coupled with a slew of people who will excuse absolutely anything and will stand for nothing other than attacking anyone who has standards. When your answer to one thing is that this is an MMO and forcing constant group content is great is followed in almost the next breath by just solo it to work around a bug it's time to take a long, hard look at yourself and what you are doing. When people get points on the forums of trying to call it out without profanity or insults, but their frustration showing or you are stretching the ToS to the breaking point in other ways it's seriously time to think. It's time to look in the mirror. This is a pervasive sickness. It's time to own that mistakes happen and stop trying to pretend that things are great and wonderful all the time. Acknowledge them and start to really care about the consistency of your answers. Criticism can be harsh, but it is what drives things forward, and it comes from a place of deep caring. All of these people who do nothing but sing your praise only care about themselves and what you're giving them. Never forget that.
  2. Funny how Gyala Delve is a meta that nobody does and Echovald is an actual corpse piling meta. This is cropping up in stuff that is otherwise small group/solo content and is an ability that shares a name with a known mechanic. There's no excuse for this. Even for the Soto metas it isn't justified because they show up during split phases and the constant obliteration of one group screws with the meta progression for no reason.
  3. From my understanding it should be doing damage equal to the max health (ignoring armor) of whoever the primary target is divided among everyone in the circle. I've looked through combat logs and it seems like it's just treating everyone in the circle like the main target, resulting in multiple hits for different amounts and everyone getting getting murdered no matter how many people there are.
  4. Shared destruction is what the sniper from Kaineng Overlook uses. It's supposed to do damage equal to the max health of whoever it targets spread out over everyone in the circle. It appears to just be doing max health to everyone in the circle. If it is supposed to be doing anything different than that then they need to not be lazy and give it a different name. I still stand by the fact that unavoidable instant down mechanics are not compelling game play for open world content. Unavoidable anything for open world content just makes for tedium at best.
  5. This ability is still bugged and the green circles are instant downing everyone in them. Can you fix this already? It's bad enough that you put raid/strike fail mechanics in open world content, at least make it work. It would be better to just remove the instant down garbage. It's not compelling gameplay in any way to mash the special action key that's given to you, spend your time running around looking for the right one before engaging, or just accept that you're going to get smashed because "reasons" for the mark of death and then have to deal with shared destruction which is either meaningless or crippling depending entirely on the size of the blob accompanying you (if it actually worked properly).
  6. This stupid pop up is back. Why is it back? I don't have enough mastery points to complete it. I've done the entire EoD story line and started both PoF and HoT story lines (either of which used to make this go away). I know how the mastery system works and I do not need to be harassed by some irritating pop up every single time something dies. Why can't you just make this thing that everybody hates go away? It's even more important now than ever. I'm playing two alt accounts just for astral acclaim and I really don't care about maxing out masteries. This is super simple. Everybody hates pop up spam. Stop doing it. With masteries, with the new special actions during metas, with Peitha's incessant chat bubble chatter. We're not idiotic children, so please just stop.
  7. I got to the last twitch drop and claimed it in the twitch app. When I logged into the game to claim the outfit select reward it wasn't there. It's showing as claimed in twitch. I relogged into the app and still showing that it has been claimed.
  8. I just went by here and it's the same thing. Friendly, walking back and forth and prattling. This is locking pretty key game content and needs to be fixed.
  9. Good idea, except they're using AWS servers. Which is why they need to figure out of. It could be any number of things creating the problem, but it all started very recently with that patch. It doesn't even have to affect everyone to still be an issue on their end or with the hosting. It could be skipping over some people due to your region, hardware or any number of other things. None of which are justification to blow it off.
  10. I've lost connection 7 times trying to work on Dragon's End map completion which is all on your end. I've been looking at real time network statistics. My worst ping has been 77 for over an hour. My download speeds are generally in the 50-70mbps range and uploads are in the 3-8 mbps range. There have been all kinds of issues with getting randomly kicked from the game for weeks now, and it seems like you are still going with the standard belief that it must be something on the client end. Except it isn't. There are too many people complaining about it, and actual client side diagnostic tools are saying there is nothing wrong there. Then there's also the little issue of getting kicked straight to character select without even having lag patches first. There's no way around that being a server side issue. All of this started with the July 19th patch. It's long past time to actually start looking into what's going on with this because there is an actual problem going on here and it seems to be getting worse.
  11. It's effects volume, which mutes all of the other combat sounds. If you have those turned off you won't hear it. That's what I do whenever I have to deal with the stuff that's really bad, but I generally use those sound effects for timing. Not to mention the fact that I like having those on and shouldn't be forced to mute them to begin with.
  12. I've been looking around and haven't found this posted anywhere else, but the jade bot's noises have been getting more and more frequent over the course of patches for a while now some reason. A couple patches back something got broken with it and now if you try to do the Zen Daijun puzzling dark maze you have to turn off the sound because it's seizures will drive you absolutely insane otherwise. It literally doesn't stop. Seriously - try going there. Tolerating it for more than two minutes should come with a title like Fortitude of the Ox or Tenacity of the Wolverine or something in spite of being in Cantha. Even outside of there it's bad. Get hit, that annoying beep boop. Kill something - beep boop. Hit something for the first time - beep boop. Take falling damage - beep boop. May the six help you if you get hit by a water balloon from a crotch goblin while collecting coins before the pinata in Amnoon because it's beep boop beep boop beep boop time! Please do something about this. At the very least give us a way to turn off those pseudo combat animations and noises, because even seeing that thing flashing around my character's head like a giant angry green hornet hyped up on a month's supply of red bull is driving me nuts. I really like being able to hear the game, and I really like the jade bots. I just can't handle this unending barrage of what is starting to become as grating as fingernails on a chalkboard.
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