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Posts posted by beng.7594

  1. I want to preface this by saying I like the direction of the new traits, theyve just missed the mark for PvE and need adjusting.

    Song of Arboreum
    Losing 25% vigor effectiveness by itself breaks all current rotations as we lose more and more endurance per loop eventually running out. Currently we get to dodge twice per legend at nice points and getting more/less endurance sucks as we either cant dodge enough or we lose leviathan uptime. This wouldnt be so much of a problem if energy meld was a good skill but ill get to that later. Losing this by itself is around a 400 dps loss.

    The real problem is losing the vigor generation on dodge as that is 80% of our self vigor generation and even now we cant keep it up by ourselves. How about others giving us vigor though? Here is a table showing some sources of group vigor from typical support classes. https://i.imgur.com/Hsk1cdK.png

    Looks like theres a fair amount right? Well not really, boon supports are not in the mindset that vigor needs to be given as its not a priority boon that affects dps or survivability, so any vigor you get is either automatic with the rotation or an afterthought. Hfb would never realistically use azure sun, heal revenants wouldnt want to tank their energy with natural harmony, druid has a lot of utility and is keen to swap out traitlines/entangle for whatever situation. Some dps classes give vigor like dh/condithief and theres some possible new supports coming out with chaos chrono/war but I cant say how they will end up. If you look at some typical wingman logs with vindicator you'll see that they are generating most of their vigor themselves and sometimes being topped up by a support/thief.

    Overall the takeaway is that if you dont have a htempest/hspectre/hdruid/hmech/condithief in your subgroup you are pretty boned, even another vindicator wont help unlike now. No vigor is around a 2k dps loss and IMO it would be unrealistic to benchmark with vigor.

    Move the current song of arboreum to tenacious ruin/balance in discord so the class built around dodging actually gets to dodge. I would go even further and buff the vigor duration to 5s so we can self sustain. Doing this at the very least would keep us in the same spot dps and playability wise and it would mean we could ignore the new traits if no other changes are made.

    Reavers Curse & Angisiyans Trust
    Despite everything ive said so far the dodge is not a good skill. We dodge to keep buffs up and do so when theres nothing else going on to inconvenience us as little as possible. One metric we use to determine whether a skill is good or not is damage divided by cast time as a skill that does a lot of damage but has a long animation can be worse than a short cast but weaker damage. In those terms our skills look like this:

    auto attacks < alliance utility skills < dodge < everything else

    For the typical raid setup death drop will do on average 29783 damage with a cast time of 800ms giving it a dmg/cast time value of 29783/0.8=37229. With the new energy meld enhancing our next dodge we can pretend that this skill is glued to the dodge and create a new skill called enhanced death drop. From what ive seen on the previewed tooltips it will deal 25% more damage which results in dealing 37228 damage with a cast time of 440ms(energy meld)+800ms(death drop)=1240ms giving it a dmg/cast time value of 37228/1.24=30023. This is lower than the normal dodge above and it costs 10 energy on top so you can see its just a waste of time pressing energy meld. Even if it did 50% more damage its still worse.

    Looking at the value of our skills above you should see why having more energy isnt great either. We already do everything we want in shiro and all the alliance utilities are bad. We wouldnt be able to do more of the good skills as we already use them all off cooldown. This is on top of the cast time being a factor where it has to make up for us wasting 440ms doing nothing.

    Remove the cast time on energy meld. Turn this from a "oh no i need to dodge in half a second" button into a "oh no i need a dodge NOW" button which would be beneficial for all game modes. This would make it way more appealing to try and fit into a rotation and gives us options at least.

    Eternity's Requiem
    Something thats been a problem from the start so while im here I thought I would mention it. The rng on this skill is so bad I dont know why its not more of a complaint point. 
    Some statistics for you:
    -If your primary target is gigantic (>240 radius hitbox) and theres no ads nearby you have 100% chance to hit with all 14 requiem procs if centered correctly. If a single ad comes within 360 range that chance goes to 1%.
    -If you have a small primary target (something like sabetha/xera) and a single ad walks in the 360 range theres a 1% chance you dont deal any damage to your primary target at all. 0 Damage with your highest damaging ability.
    On average in encounters with ads (most of them) your best skill will have its damage halved if you dont play around it and a lot of the time theres nothing you can do.

    Please raise the PvE target cap per explosion from 1 to at least 3 (preferably 5 like every other aoe skill), this would change nothing on the golem and would promote good gameplay encouraging stacking and pulling ads on top of your main target so all the explosions cleave. It would also be nice if the skill radius was made smaller and/or the explosion radii made larger. Tone down the damage difference between small targets and massive targets that dont exist.

    If you feel like this is too many buffs on an already strong class sitting at 43k then honestly I couldnt argue against that and an easy solution is just nerf forerunner of death down to 24%.

    -give us back our vigor
    -make energy meld worth casting
    -tone down requiem rng
    -actually fix the dodge bug 
    -give us some CC that isnt staff 5

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  2. The fix has only half worked and you are still able to use skills during the dodge animation. Previous thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/123061-vindicator-dodge-multiple-bugs/
    I documented how the bug works here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LubLcor9C0A and clearly showed you can get a free skill cast during the dodge (in the video its an auto attack). The change in weapon strength type has been fixed but the greater issue is still a big problem.

    Can the underwater dodge also be fixed and burst of strength's cooldown too https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/125037-herald-burst-of-strength-cooldown-is-still-not-working-properly/
    There are far too many revenant bugs that need to be addressed.


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  3. Its supposed to use that 690.5 utility weapon strength number and does so most of the time to give an avg of 21.5k damage on the golem. The bug is that sometimes it doesnt use that number and instead is using the equipped weapon strength number for an ascended greatsword which is 1100 making the damage shoot up to 36k. In the video a lv1 greatsword is used with weapon strength 161 is used and the resulting damage is much lower, 3.6k.

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  4. 1) The new dodge is sometimes using equipped weapon strength to calculate damage. See here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRvB4FDVxVQ for an example case and the result of this is that the damage is now inflated by about 1000dps  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xj3ty22Daqk. Theres no reliable way to reproduce this bug that Ive found but as in that first video if you dodge enough times you should encounter it eventually. It should average somewhere around 21k but instead is averaging anywhere from 23k to 28k.

    2) The dodge can be interrupted very easily by any skill you can queue after. This both stops the animation, the damage and doesnt give you any dodge related buffs like forerunner of death. I dont have footage of this interaction but it is fairly easy to replicate while mostly happening when spamming an action mid-dodge.

    The upside of the bug is that it is has put the build into a semi-decent place in endgame pve and people are playing it a lot more so I would also request the dodge damage be buffed in line with what its currently able to reach while still fixing the issue.

    Edit: After some more tries it seems the easiest way to reproduce the first bug is to use mist unleashed then queue dodge after and spam 1 or auto attack, this results in the dodge doing an auto attack in the air and is causing the use of equipped weapon strength for the damage of the dodge. Any weapon skill on any weapon can be used including just auto attacks but mist unleashed seems to be the easiest to bug. Full explanation video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LubLcor9C0A


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  5. You've missed the point here. Of course getting legendaries across a whole account is a huge convenience bonus but I'm going to have 400+ items of unneeded ascended stuff that I dont know what to do with because currently salvaging all that would cost more money than manually deleting it all.

    You can't suggest to just take the loss when it also affects any newly gained ascended gear too.

    I know I'm in the minority here with this problem but it just feels really bad to get rid of all this gear and get nothing for it.

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  6. Is there going to be a monetary incentive to moving all current ascended gear setups onto legendary setups?

    Currently I have 9 classes geared with 2/3 builds for each as well as multiple bank characters and bank tabs full of ascended gear that will become obsolete with this update since I have all available legendary trinkets and armors and would like to use them.
    I've calculated it would cost me upwards of 400 salvage kit uses to get rid of all the useless ascended gear I now have.

    Trinkets give stabilizing matrices which is mostly fine and profitable to salvage but back pieces dont give anything usefull.

    Raid weapons give gaeting crystals or magnetite shards which are only slightly profitable and quite tedious. Regular ascended weapons only give 1g .
    Ascended armor gives nothing but balls of dark energy and vision crystals, both unsellable and not very useful in crafting. Salvaging armor is a definite loss.


    Currently it costs roughly 30g to craft an ascended weapon or armor piece so i think salvaging rewards should be in tune to this.

    All other gear tiers are profitable to salvage so why isnt ascended gear.

    A solution would be to have every ascended item drop balls of dark energy when salvaged which can be vendored for 5g. This would alleviate the cost for the 1g salvage kit and give every ascended drop a nice reward. It would stop the hoarding of unwanted ascended gear and would make ascended drops feel slightly more valuable to those that no longer need ascended gear.

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  7. There are a few QOL things I'd like added that other people may want as well.

    -A message in chat when a setting has been changed. I have a hotkey to turn auto targetting on and off and another for lock ground aoe's to target. It would be very useful if I could get a message in chat to quickly see whether it is on or off without having to open the settings and scroll down. Similiarly for other settings i.e. "autoattack ON".-A message shown in chat when switching between build templates. i.e. "build slot 1 loaded" / "Zerk DPS loaded".-A keybind to switch build templates AND gear templates at the same time. Currently you can have a bind for build slot x and a bind for gear slot y but it'd be great if there was a third option to switch to both build slot 1 and gear slot 1 for example. This would be truly one button press per swap.

    I think these would be pretty simple to implement but would be very much appreciated. Im sure others have some more ideas for small things like this.

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