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  1. Yes it is. But if you don't know it's both in a different time, you may not notice it at all. I found out by accident when I inadvertently used a mouse wheel while watching dusk/dawn time...
  2. So I figured out why I couldn't complete the kaineng collection. And it kind of pissed me off when I found out that EoD has a different time for dusk / dawn than the rest of the world ... Why can't it be on the ET wiki (meaning the time of day for the world and for EoD) to be known on first sight??? Unnecessarily, I caught 600-700 fish in kaineng at dusk / dawn because it was at the wrong time! And I've finished almost to the end, I miss the last fish in the 30th collection. Which can mean hours, because saltwater... And a few things that bother me: - My meal with 150 FP ends, but fishing power drops by 250-300 (similarly it happened to me with lure/bait) - I can walk freely on the anchored ship, but I can't attack the npc??? Do I have to hold the mast with one hand or why? I do not understand. - I won't know until Bait and Lure run out. Why not put an icon with a number for lure and bait above the skills? It's annoying to still check how much lure I have left. - Why doesn't the fishing power from the mastery do not stack until I change the map? Quite often I lose it due to a bug (I get on the skiff and start losing stacks). Or if I have to attack the npc. What's more, thanks to the extremely short time since leaving the skiff, I can't do practically anything (like killing a champion nearby) without losing stacks.
  3. I mostly caught with a random bait, but I still caught five ascended fish. About thirty attempts back, I changed the bait for legendary fish and I've already caught two. From previous experience, it just seems to me that the hardest thing is to catch fish with less chance and what they do not have a given bait. Which in most cases is an exotic fish. And in kaineng it's even worse that it goes taimen to catch only at dusk/dawn. It would not surprise me at all if they set a bait for world class/saltwater fish and at the same time reduced the drop rate for them to 1/5 or 1/10 and it would still be much better than it is now...
  4. I would like to finish avid new kaineng (for the first time I was obviously lucky). I miss taimen, which is a fish I have to catch at dusk/dawn, so within 5 minutes. The vast majority of fish were caught at the exact time, sometimes about 1 minute around. After some time without success (about 50-100 fish caught) I stopped disassembling the fish from here. The vast majority of fish were caught at the exact time, sometimes about 1 minute around. Still without success and currently I have in my inventory: 153 blowfish 49 dragonfish 28 emperor fish 18 weever and 31 other fish Drop rate for blowfish is just annoying (I hate it when I catch it 10 times in a row and at the same time I always hear a happy fishing sound. It's a pity that you can't set the level of the fish from which it can be heard). And I've already spent about 2.5 hours there at dusk/dawn, trying in vain to catch one stupid fish 😢
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