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  1. Also other people can't see it apparently x'D I have no idea what I'm doing wrong lol. I've tried it on a character that's 1 year old and another that's 10 years old.
  2. I've tried equipping a weapon but it still doesn't show up, not even in combat
  3. I applied this to my Amulet of Celebration and the aura isn't showing. In my settings, character model quality is set to high. I've tried this on my asura and my sylvari. I can see other people's auras just fine. Honestly not sure what I did wrong lol https://imgur.com/a/A2kk0Fm
  4. Hey, I'm also new (though I've had my account for years). If you want to party up sometime feel free to add me in game :)
  5. Heck yes I'll take you up on that. My home server is sanctum of rall but I think I can guest easily.
  6. The only thing I care about atm is earning gold so that I can get skyscale & griffon. I'm level 80 and have no idea what I'm doing, since in other mmos I could just solo farm mobs without having to do quests, events, bosses, dungeons, etc. and eventually get enough coin. Apparently doing group events is the best way to farm gold, but I don't see anyone advertising or looking for that! I'm in western North America.
  7. I almost never see people using the chat to ask to party up and do events or farm gold or anything. And the LFG is almost always empty! "There are currently no groups available..." Every guild I join, there's no one talking in chat. I'm so confused as to where & how people find other people do to stuff with in this game.
  8. Hey there. Just wondering if anyone is in the same boat as me. My main priority is socializing. Being able to say hi to people on a regular basis and ask if anyone wants to do dailies or finish maps, or whatever else. I would like to try dungeons & fractals with a group, especially as I've never accessed this content before. I've got zero interest in RP though. I also really prefer smaller groups; Joining random guilds with a hundred members, 70% of which are grayed out names last active 3+ years ago, feels so weird. I'm assuming there's a reason why super inactive people don't get kicked, though. I've been playing since launch, but very much off and on. So in many ways am a noob, but I get the gist of most things. I just haven't done much beyond basic pve. I also do tend to be more active, rather than a once a week player. My server is Sanctum of Rall, but I guess that doesn't matter too much since you can guest? Even if you don't have a guild or want to be in one, give me a shout (in game I guess?) if you want company.
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