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Depco.6310's Achievements

  1. I figured it was something like this. Again, a log out and complete login allowed us to restart the mission and complete it on the second attempt.
  2. This just happened to me and my wife. Post -Patch. ***Edit*** After fully logging out and restarting from desktop we were able to complete the mission.
  3. I see what you mean. I use Vengence to get up when knocked down. I didnt realize that I could die after combat while using that. Maybe I should read the descriptions a bit closer. Thank you for the insight. I will be more mindful of when I use that skill.
  4. I am a warrior. I use dual axes. No Vengence. I have Strength, Tactics, and Discipline as my specializations.
  5. I have been playing GW2 for about 3 months. I am having a great time and have been able to get my wife into into playing with me for the last 2 months. Recently I have been experiencing instant death after leaving combat. Upon finishing a particularly difficult fight I very often die once out of combat for 5-7 seconds. I check my combat log and don't see any damage being taken or conditions that would explain the insta-death. Also I am not downed, I am defeated. Is there some unknown to me mechanic that is causing this? It is very frustrating since I either have to wait for someone to rez me or go to the closest waypoint to continue playing. Also for reference I am using a relatively modern computer with a 400mb wired internet connection so I don't experience any lag at all. I do get occasional fps drops when loading in a new are but otherwise my gtx1070 gets the job done. If anyone has any advice for this annoyance let me know. Thanks in advance.
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