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Bach From The Brink.2715

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  1. Thanks u for the patch. Some things to be desired but I think u guys are doing a great job so far. Lots of good things have already happened relative the patches earlier in the year... god bless... mmorpg balancing with these many skills is probably really tough. Have to balance for wvw roaming and zerging, pvp, and pve... Thats a lot... Good luck.
  2. So, I got into a very heated discussion with a very aggressive forum member and in the end, he started messaging me and I decided to take a picture and show everyone that he was continuing to try and be mean to me. He saw it and messaged me that it's against the rules and that I cannot do it and should remove it immediately. I then asked him if he could help me find the rule he was talking about as I was having trouble finding it and he called me a troll and started telling me to stop talking to him (I think he is trolling me now?). I just want to know what the rule is and whether or not I did what was allowed since he won't tell me. Thank you very much.
  3. I don't know about you, but I can pretty accurately determine whether or not I remember something and if I don't have a lot of confidence in it... I can go back to make sure or just say "I think this might be the case." Perhaps it's too much confidence on your part. I've played this game for 3 years and this is the longest I think I've ever talked with anyone on these forums... Forums aren't really my kinda stride usually. After this it'll probably be another few months / years before I comment on something again xD. You can say I am wrong but I'm pretty sure I hit the nail on the head with that comment. You're pretty confused and just want to be a good deadeye player because you play a lot of thief. No, you couldn't. And good players grief, too. Plenty of plat1s grief quite often and occasionally you'll still catch plat2s messing up a good amount. Lots of people in the mode, even some really low-ranked players, seem to think that they carry infinite wisdom about gw2's combat and their class (because they're too attached to it). There's also players who seem to think that gw2s combat is an objective statement with no flexibility... hence why you get some people just constantly running and inting far because "they're a side-noder" kinda like those people who will sit on a node and tell their team to "get on node" whilst just sitting there and watching the fight. You'll be teamfighting if you see a good opportunity. Just how it works. And you can have good success with it. You being unable to do that is just like the case of you having issues with body-blocking. You do what needs to be done. You can try that first teamfight and if its apparent it's not going anywhere or people start getting downed you just leave and go do other things. And there are some games, where if you recognize they've got just too good of a bunker, you can instantly go far. You can play around tempests. You don't counter tempests. They counter you. But you can play around them just not being a top-tier player. They're not going to block you out of the game and teamfights like you think they are. You don't just play around the roles of the gamemode, you play around the fact that everyone else, just like you, are a human. People are going to make mistakes either because they aren't paying attention or they're new. I know a good portion of people who just play ranked games for legendaries and you'll get them even if you're high ranked, as you probably know (maybe? xD). I grouped up with some peeps for a p2+ tourny and got told by an EU player that I played a real good deadeye a while back... Might mean something to you, might not. If you don't believe what I tell you, maybe you'll have faith in others? Or possibly think that I am lying about that? I could understand given you don't seem to trust others very much and have a lot of confidence in yourself. Almost all of my games were in p1 with a portion in p2 on chronomemer + deadeye xD... Why do you continue to insist that I'm actually bad? Are you trolling me perhaps? You wouldn't list your rank no matter how much I asked for it... Perhaps you're afraid of me looking up your name? If you're on NA I've never seen you on the leaderboards even in the top 100 (for what little that means) - I can say that much. You talk about shame like you know what that is... You completely misstated that willbender was spammed 2-3+ times per team in the MAT after I told you that wasn't the case... and then I had to link you to it for you to believe me... Man... Idk... 3.1k posts is quite a lot. Flexibility implies breaking away from the main gameplan as needed. Breaking it as needed isn't going to cause you to start only breaking rules only unless you're wishy-washy. You did say that you were having trouble with body blocking. The only time I've ever had trouble with body blocking was when I first tried DE when I was starting out. For some reason, it just seemed like all my projectiles would hit other people... And then I realized that it was a personal issue and that I could avoid that by just not spamming a button into the wrong person. It is a central issue, and that singular issue pretty much says how much attention you pay to things around you. I claimed deadeye would be dominant and then you started talking about your definition of dominant and in the end, I had to change my wording to "strong" to make you less upset xD. I wouldn't be too proud of that if I were you.
  4. But if you were so confident about that why should some of these other things you're saying be trusted? You seem to treasure confidence and being able to boldly say anything you want... Perhaps you are taking this too seriously. I have noticed you have 3.1k posts on these forums which is quite an impressive number. I don't think you'll listen to any case no matter who, or how well it's made. You keep bringing up the same things that I've told you I agree with you on, directed you to where you were confused about them, and you just don't seem to remember any of it and I need to keep on saying it for you. People grief all the time in ranked. They will run out of that radius lmao. I watch for whether or not someone has mag aura pretty consistently and I see it all the time. You said tempest and such made you completely unviable in teamfights. All it does is make you wanna roam and +1 / decap a bit more but you will still be doing some teamfighting and you can still generate momentum through that route. DE is good at teamfighting in certain situations. You can do it and carry great success. It's that simple. If you start to get around your body-blocking issue you'll experience it for yourself, too. I've told you how I counter tempests. What about that tells you I don't understand basic fundamentals of the matchup? You're talking about how you can't do anything to tempsts but again, that's because you dump your shots into other people in front of your target and because of that, probably don't watch for who has projectile hate and who doesn't, either. There's no shame in admitting that gw2s combat can be confusing. We've all experienced it - the moment of not knowing whats going on in a teamfight when we were less experienced. We can understand you. Boyce was talking about how one of the reasons gw2 esports didn't take off was probably due to the number of skills going off on your screen and how confusing it would seem to new players / viewers in addition to some other stuff a few months back. Winning is about knowing your role and when to be flexible. You can't just run far or sit on a point and think you're gonna win the game doing that. Roles tell you what you need to be doing most of the time. The rest is for you to figure out. You speak of limitations, yet you find body blocking tough to get around. Thats, again, because you're pressing your buttons when they're up and not paying attention to who or what is in front of you. Go on... You can say more about your definition of dominate and what you think I'm thinking about you... It's quite entertaining. :3 So, what is your argument? In your original post you called deadeye bad... You slowly came to realize that you were wrong about that... Do you want thief to have more teamfight oriented specs and less mobility-oriented specs? I could agree with that...
  5. I'm not so sure I should be trying to convince you given you said with a pretty good amount of confidence that willbender was being spammed at 2-3 times per match xD. Seems like you don't care about accuracy and kinda just want something other weird thing out of the conversation. Either that or your memory just works in some pretty odd ways. Well, in that case, you go do you. You don't have to listen to me or anyone else. You can cover your ears and listen to yourself if that suits you best. People get pressured away from their team all the time either that or just don't pay attention to where the support tempest is. And to that end, most tempests aren't good and won't pay attention to where they're supposed to be. Most players in the mode have pretty horrible positioning or don't pay enough attention to what's going on around them. I'm not really sure what we disagree on here. We both think tempest is too strong and oppressive at higher levels of play and I do, too. But I'm saying it doesn't flat-out mess up your class and it shouldn't. You can teamfight on DE if need be. You thinking body-blocking is an issue kinda said most about you and the amount of time you've put into deadeye xD. Like you clearly understand some of these other things quite well but that one thing kinda just shows you don't actually play the class well and willingly dump your shots into the wrong target. Yeah, most of what you do is decapping and outnumbering. But you can teamfight if that'd be beneficial. It's what roamers do. Body blocking isn't an issue and never was apart from bad DEs just button mashing and dumping their skills into the wrong target (and to that end, projectile hate too). You say I haven't touched it but you saying that doesn't really mean I didn't hit plat 2 with it at one point and remember how I did it lmfao. Real odd from my perspective about how you think you saying that I haven't played it all and ain't good at it is going to convince me I ain't good at it. If you see a low target, you can just tp in and whack em a few times or throw a few shots. Or you can start out in a teamfight if someone else has already gone to cap home and there's a tough target on far and you think you can sway the direction of the teamfight. If you can't, you leave. Winning games is much more than just following strictly what you do most of the time in your role. As a tempest support, you'll sometimes not be teamfighting and you'll be +1ing or even taking a 1v1 / 1v2. If you can take a 1v2 or force them off the point and decap / cap it, you get value for your team. Doesn't mean you're only gonna keep on dueling for that specific game. That changes throughout the game based on what's going on in the map. People on your team might mess up and then you've gotta pick up slack because of the 4v5 you've been put in etc. Yeah, go on about why you think everyone knows your definition of dominant. If you wanna listen a little, DE will probably be dominant in that roaming role. But don't really wanna argue you with you about your own definition or things though so how about we just call it strong in that role - and yet stronger with the removal of specter? That good enough for you? Feel free to say if it isn't.
  6. Here's the May 2022 VOD. You're wrong and you still insist that you're right. Quite odd. You won't listen to anyone about anything it'd seem... Perhaps deadeye is really actually a bad spec and you are right about everything despite everyone saying or having said otherwise. We both agree that tempests are extremely oppressive. You are arguing with someone who already agrees with you. You seem to think body blocking is an issue and that having an enemy tempest flat-out invalidates you in every single case and I have been saying that isn't the case. Lots of bad tempests on the ladder and despite aura share's radius, people can and will run out of that. Again, roles are a thing. Just because deadeye isn't being spammed at 2-3+ per game doesn't mean it's not strong. I said you can teamfight if need be, quite well. Keywords. You can if need be. You need to read what I am saying. You've pretty clearly been arguing that all the projectile hate assists in making deadeye bad. You saying something is objectively true doesn't make it true. If you want what I think: being unable to get past body-blocking as a DE player means I really shouldn't be entertaining anything you say right now. I'm pretty good at deadeye and I have watched yet better deadeyes. They don't shy away from teamfights whenever they pop up unless they're start going south. They're not only decapping and +1ing. They're doing everything in their power to win a game. Dominant naturally means that it's going to be ran at 2-4+ a game? That's funny. Go on, explain more. When things get nerfed other things inadvertently become stronger picks. This has been established for years. Certain classes fill roles better and when those classes that are performing at top-tier levels get nerfed, other classes inadvertently become stronger picks.
  7. Rewatched the may MAT matches... Willbender was only ran as a 1-off by the good teams in the 5-6 games I watched and, in the quarter, / semi / grand finals was only ran as a 1-off. You didn't watch them, but you clearly think you did for some reason. At that, I'm not too sure you're actually talking about DE in good faith anymore. You're probably aware that you aren't that good at DE but you're still going to give your opinion on it. You won't listen to me, and you won't listen to the top players. There's no convincing you it'd seem. Most people on the ranked ladder don't stand in wells, projectile hate etc. You are aware that mag aura is only given in a certain radius? People will go outside of the range quite often. If you pay enough attention to whats happening in a teamfight be it skills, positioning etc. for body-blocking to no longer be an issue for you, you'll find ways to win despite the trouble tempest creates. Do note again that I'm not arguing it shouldn't be nerfed because good ones are far too oppressive... I'm just arguing that because one tempest on the enemy team invalidates you doesn't mean that your spec is bad. You say you know it's a decap and +1bot but other people who just know more about the mode have said otherwise. It's a good all-rounder. You can teamfight with it if need be and you'll do quite well normally. What are you rated with deadeye, for the fourth time? Dominant has no official meaning and I'm not quite sure why you're retroactively creating a definition for it. And even then, I haven't been arguing about it being 2+ per team in a match. I never was arguing that. I have been talking about how its already quite the strong pick and it's going to get stronger now that other options are getting nerfed.
  8. Did you watch the MAT at all when willbender was strong? No one ever took it as a 3-off and most were generally taking it as a 1-off if I recall right. I pay attention to where people are and seldom is everyone going to stand in their focus projectile hate or be close enough to get that perma mag aura. Most of them are also incredibly poor when it comes to chaining that projectile hate and that's where I get them most of the time. Additionally, melee is an option if they aren't spamming lightning aura and if they're rotating through that they're out of stone heart / part of where their mag aura will be coming from. You farm harbingers both in teamfights and out of teamfights. Thats been the case for a looooong while now. Weird you didn't know that though. I'm going to ask again since you just don't seem to want to answer. What elo are you in for body blocking to be an issue? The only time it was ever an issue for me on the class was when I wasn't sure of what was going on in a team fight and couldn't figure out how to position properly and that was when I started PvP. You think deadeye can only decap bot and +1 and thats the issue here lmfao. That in tandem with you thinking body blocking is an issue kinda makes it sound like you just don't know how to teamfight on the spec and if you don't know how to do that on the spec I kinda struggle to figure out why you're giving your opinion here. Specter was dominant and blatantly broken in that same role. Its why it got nerfed. Think you're missing that there's roles in the gamemode. I'm not saying deadeye is going to be 2+ on the same team and I never did and don't know why you think I did.
  9. Willbender was insanely dominant and moreover, oppressive prior the nerfs but some teams in MAT were still only taking one. But it was a guaranteed spot. Same goes for specter - what you were originally not too thrilled about seeing nerfed. No idea how you play deadeye, but I only have any real issues with good tempests and there just don't seem to be that many. I'd agree if you'd just said it needed a nerf though because the good ones are oppressive to an extent that they shouldn't be. If you see a harbinger in this meta, you should be farming them as deadeye with or without poison cloud. It was that way prior the harbinger nerfs and its even moreso now. Body blocking should almost never be an issue. Gonna ask again, but what elo are you normally in for body blocking to be a big outstanding issue? And then there's the things they've been right about. And there's also the thing you're wrong about right now. You don't think deadeye is strong right now.
  10. If there's something that you need more of than one on a team like with the willbender / garbinger meta, that's not good balance and I don't know why you think it is. It kinda sounds like you want to have 3-4+ thieves in games. It's not rubbish in teamfights nor is it rubbish in 1v1s. I play a good amount of deadeye in plat 1 / plat 2ish. It's quite good at both of those things. It's a strong pick even right now and its gonna get stronger now that some of the meta stuff is getting nerfed. You don't have to believe me, but if I were you, I'd probably just roll with what the top pvpers are saying about it. There's no shame in admitting you're not the most informed about something.
  11. Idk what elo you're in but its already really strong currently. Its not just me who is saying that. Literally some of the top pvpers in the community have been saying it and it just got stronger with the recent nerfs. Naru was talking about it yesterday on stream, I think. Big issue is that a lot of peeps here are giving opinions that just don't know what the meta actually is.
  12. Top echelons of the pvp community are talking about how deadeye is probably gonna be very dominant next patch. Thief is still there and I seriously doubt that its going anywhere.
  13. this was meant to be a wvw / pvp patch they literally said it but people missed it or something lmao
  14. Nothing is changing about the boon gameplay. Boons and strips are here to stay period. Chrono getting slight nerfs to strips isn't going to ruin that dynamic at all. Boons are needed, especially stab. Not having stab just turns games into unfun cc fests and you still have spellbreaker and scourge for big strips. I'd be relatively fine if they removed the amount other boons (granted that could affect the viability of other classes which are already struggling, I think) but stab has gotta stay. CC fests are far more boring than a 30 stack roflstomping smaller groups will ever be. You wanna comment anything about the other major buffs to roaming or challenge the utility distortion is going to provide to you, as a roamer main? People hate seeing change and can even fear it, but change can be good. Be open to change. Nothing is becoming unplayable. You're fine.
  15. It offers illusion of life in addition to boon strip and stab and some other stuff and alac+quick. Increasing stab and removing boon strips to compensate is absolutely fine. It's not dying, it's not going anywhere. Keep in mind you're cont splitting those stab mantras so adding extra stacks and duration. Mesmer in PvP is likely going to be meta after the changes. General consensus by the streamers and high tier players over on twitch and as a hardcore mes main I fully agree with that. If you roam on chrono and stuff you should be capable of realizing how incredibly big it is that we've got distortion back. Its good in zergs but it's absolutely amazing for roaming and 1v1ing etc. And virtuoso getting distortion in addition to all those blocks and that low cd bladeturn requiem is flat out broken. If you don't play in those zergs probably shouldn't be giving opinions on those zergs. What they touched doesn't even affect you as a roamer and the other things they've added are significant buffs. And the thing you might actually take for roaming, stab mantra, got buffed.
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