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Genie Cologue.1702

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  1. Yeah i will do that, probably tomorrow it's being late here in France lol. Never heard of banner buffs ? I'm gonna check it out I actually was lol. That's what makes it so dramatic Thanks for helping guys, i will upload a video of me doing the rotations later on. Have a good night/day
  2. For the gear, an exemple is, on my power vindicator, the stats on my gear are power precision and ferocity, as pointed out on builds, except they're all exotic, not ascended. Firework superior runes too. Traits are also the same as on builds. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that. Golem has all conditions on and i have all boons on as well, if that's what you call full raid buffs. I also tried with food too, hardly gaining 1k or 1.5k DPS. For the rotation, well for the Low Intensity Daredevil i pointed out I match it at 100% of course lol, it's literally just spamming 2 buttons. The one i'm mainly focusing on, because it's my main, is the vindicator. I would say i match the benchmark at 90%. These are really easy rotations that do not require a lot of mechanics, i looked at this type of benchmark because i'm new and it can be hard for me to focus on what's happening on the boss and around + my rotation. But these are mad easy. So I don't get what's wrong.
  3. Hello everyone ! So I'm new player, i started playing like a month ago and have maxed 3 characters (thief, guardian and revenant) I'm starting to get involved in end game content such as raids, fractals etc... My issue is I can't seem to DPS properly with any class, I'm definitely missing something but i can't tell what. At first I obviously thought the problem was my rotation, well it was, but just slightly. I've been watching videos on how to improve that, i trained for a couple hours and... here it is ! My rotation is kinda clean, but... DPS is still missing. First exemple, the first rotation i looked into is this one : (Condi Willbender) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlHAIRYl4jA&t=123s A pretty easy rotation to perform, the average DPS in the video is around 36k, and I somehow couldn't seem to hit more than 23k. The second rotation : (Low Intensity staff daredevil) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPbY6u7JeK4 This one has to be the worst I experienced lol. I could not go over 5k DPS, this is insane. And finally, the last one : (Greatsword Power Vindicator) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVcUUrW_8Kw&t=24s Same here, average DPS is around 35k, and I barely reach 15k. Now, don't get me wrong, I do get that these videos are probably outdated due to recent patches, buffs and nerfs. BUT The DPS gap is so huge that it's actually pushing me out of the game, it's kinda frustrating to the point I feel extremely useless in groups, I am not having fun. I really love the game though, and the fact that i can't figure out what's stopping me from doing decent DPS is really confusing me. My gear is exotic, with the good stats on each character and the good runes too. I know gear plays an important role in the potential damage output, but 11 to 30k difference with what people do and what I do seems extreme lol. I hope some of you guys could help me understand what's happening and thank you for reading ! This was my first post on a forum, excuse the bad syntax and simple english.
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