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Posts posted by IsabelDawn.8950

  1. Oh my goodness I feel you so much!

    I've been having the same problem, this is something that I've noticed has been happening a lot recently. Across all MMO's that I play, roleplayers have been increasingly withdrawing into private/curated environments and away from the open world. The form of it varies: Some go to private servers, some only RP in private instances and guilds, and others give up on online roleplaying entirely in favour of the curated tabletop experience, but the end result is the same: In the EU sphere, open world roleplay seems to be a dying art that no one wants to deal with anymore.

    I've asked people about why they do this, and the answers often have to do with dislike between roleplayers rather then trolls - People unsatisfied with how others choose to portray their characters/the world and thus preferring to withdraw into a curated environment where "bad roleplay" can't come in and interfere.

    In other words, there isn't as much trust between roleplayers to collaborate on a shared environment.

    That's the gist of what I get told when I ask, anyway.

    I wish I could tell you how I deal with it, but the truth is I've mostly ended up giving up myself. I don't roleplay as much as I used to. I want to. I really, really want to, but I have a hard time finding these RP communities. A lot of them don't advertise anywhere.

    And to be honest, when I do try I often wind up feeling questioned, judged and mistrusted by the recruiters in their efforts to filter out "bad RP". That isn't a nice feeling either for something that should be all about having fun together.

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  2. Hey there!

    I am a casual player looking for a group of people to grow and get better with. I've been playing since launch and happy to help others who need it. I am mostly looking to do dungeons, fractals, holiday content and eventually raids together, but I'l definetely need to gear up for that last one!


    Your group looks fun and interesting, so if you want me, you have my sword.

  3. I don't get this. Could it be that Guild Wars 2 just isnt your gaqme, mechanics wise, but it is storywise?


    I am playing through the game, I havnt even reached endgame yet, but I already maxed out every specialization with hero points to spare. This is because I try to do everything in a zone, I do the events, I do the climbing puzzles for the vistas, I explore the map..To me, that is part of the game's appeal and fun, and it's the replacement for quests in other games.


    If you consider all that a grind, well that is a huge chunk of the game's content, and that gives me the feeling you've only done the story content and nothing else, which would leave you tragically short on points at the end, indeed.


    At the risk of saying something impopular: Try to slow down and enjoy the journey, take some time to do the content spread around the map like breadcrumbs. It's fun, and you'l hit the final chapter of the story with more hero points then you know what to do with. And most masteries unlocked, too.


    And if that is all mind-numbingly boring, I fear perhaps it is the game itself that isnt entertaining for you..

  4. Nothing.


    We lose nothing by not having a subscription. Absolutely nothing. The game is one of the finest MMO's on the market, has been for over ten years, with just as much effort, time, and skill put into it as the other top contenders (more, let's be honest about some of GW2's competitors here..)


    Arenanet is the one who is missing out, along with their shareholders. From what I understand, Guild Wars 2 is a top contender in both quality and player numbers, but it lags behind severely in revenue.


    "But Isabel, more revenue means more money to spend on the game's development, so clearly a game with more revenue would be a lot better!"


    Oh, you sweet summer child...If only it were so.

    Revenue usually goes either directly to shareholders or to the parent company for the development of other games, the budget for the current game doesnt neccecarily grow, and in my opinion it rarely compensates for, frankly, the serious dip in quality that results from a profit-oriented attitude to game design rather then a quality-oriented one.


    None of this even touches on the real point, by the way: subscriptions dont earn that much money

    The cash shop and those well known "whales" are what generates the lions share of revenue for most MMO's, including the ones with a subscription.


    The reason Guild Wars is not pulling in as much with its cash shop is the same reason most of us love the game: The game respects your time, and doesnt try to push or force you to buy things to have a good time. It is free to play, charges a one time fee for its expansions and LW content, and the rest is purely fun and cosmetics. Exactly as it should be.


    Unfortunately, that means Arenanet is going to make a lot less money. Tragically, respecting your players doesnt pay in cold hard cash over the short term.


    That being said, Guild Wars is still relevant and amongst the top MMO's a decade after it launched and seventeen years after Prophecies hit the market, so maybe it does pay over the long term..Clearly Anet is doing something right.

    • Like 9
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  5. On 7/28/2022 at 4:34 PM, Zechie.4039 said:

    Expanding the guild halls function could be a solution but my issue there is that people would probably end up having to create their own guilds just to get the ability to decorate it, and then go through the unlocking process, so it wouldn't be accessible to all right away there would be a process, and others would be needed.


    Guild Wars doesnt neccecarily need a full decorating function, though. It could be fun, but I think in the end the cons (empty game world, lack of player interaction, beautiful public environments going unused) will weigh heavier then the pros (minigame, showing off your house).


    As a roleplayer I used to think housing was vital for it but the housing feature seems to kill even those communities off rather then support them.


    In the end there are other games with a full housing and decorating feature and it isnt a fix that -needs- to be in the game in my view.


    It's also one of the most gigantic cash drains I've ever seen in MMO gaming. Just look at how ESO monetizes its housing system.

    • Like 2
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  6. I would prefer to have no housing in Guild Wars 2.

    I am a housing nut, and I love tinkering on houses, but they also have a way of draining the game world of players and making the world seem empty and inactive, as every player just does their thing from their own house instead of the central auction house.


    Expand the guild halls function instead.

    • Like 7
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  7. I played original Guild Wars since the day it launched since the day it ended. I was ecstatic about Guild Wars 2, and I never felt different about that to this day.


    It was a brilliant move - The game had a wonderful story and wonderful mechanics, but fire it up now and you will see it's age.

    At a certain point it was just done. It felt done. It had told it's story, and rather then endlessly trying to expand what they had, Arenanet fast forwarded the clock, brought in a changed world where all these interesting races and nations I saw in Guild Wars 1 had time to change and flourish, and it was the best thing in gaming. 


    I sincerely hope that they will, eventually, when it becomes clear Guild Wars 2 is running out of new content to add, and the game engine can no longer do what the devs need it to do, transition to a Guild Wars 3.


    I did not feel I 'lost" any progress in Guild Wars 1, rather I felt like the adventure just continued in a new form, and it did.


    I do not feel Guild Wars 2 is near that point yet, though. I have a feeling the Devs know quite well which direction they want to take the game.


    I feel that arenanet is hiring because Guild Wars 2 has been doing so well lately, and so they have the freedom to devote more resources to the game. But even if they did turn out to be working on a Guild Wars 3, I would not be upset.

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  8. That reads like another question: Should open groups be elitist by default or inclusive?


    I would say inclusive so long as the group can clear the content.

    After all, you can't expect complete strangers to live up to elaborate requirements, and a gaming environment where you get constantly kicked for not having x achievemenet, or x gear score, like on some other MMO's? That's not my idea of fun, I don't think that's what we should want for Guild Wars, and, to get back to the core point of this post, it is not neccecary for fractals.


    It's different if you put it loud and clear in the box, though even then, growing elitism is not a good thing. It's just not.


    A lot of toxicity comes with the attitude of "gotta go fast" that I dont personally think anyone should want to become the norm.

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  9. In the end this game is being played for fun. Now "fun" has a very different definition for some people rather then others, and that is fine.


    Personally I think that so long as my party is able to clear the content, how we clear it (as in, with what builds), shouldnt matter.


    I know there are some people who will very angrily disagree, but in public groups at least, I think people need to have a little bit of patience and joviality.


    Get your friends together and be as elite as you like, but expecting it from randoms might be pushing it a little.

    • Confused 2
  10. For me, the important difference between elitism and efficiency is if you remember that:


    - An MMO is a social activity to be shared with other players


    I am currently trying to dip my toes into endgame content myself and I do things that drive folk mental. I dont always know what to do or even what gear I need.


    For me, the elitist is the person who will smacktalk me and kick me from the group without even trying to help, while the efficiency-oriented player is the one who helps me out by telling me what I need to do, what gear I need to get, and how to aquire them.


    People who point the way are not elitists, even if they need me to get out of their way right now, and I'd be very, very happy to help them out in the future once I've learned the ropes and am good to go.

    • Like 1
  11. I wouldn't worry about that.

    Even some of the most ancient, archaic MMO's of the first generation are still running (and, shockingly, still have players!). It is vanishingly rare for an MMO to be shut down, shelved, and never accessible again. It does happen, of course, but it isn't the norm for established titles.


    More often then not an MMO gets put into maintainance mode, meaning the game still runs, and can be bought, but the developers no longer actively update it. Guild Wars 1 is a good example.


    Even that I dont see happening anytime soon, this is a great time for Guild Wars 2!

  12. Region: EU

    In-Game Name:  Ziya
    Pronouns: She/her
    Species: Asura
    Position in the Pact:  Junior aviation developer, vehicle engineer.
    Years of Service: 1325 AE - Present
    Brief Rumors:

    - Rumored to have worked on the development of the Pact's airships.  Later served as an engineer for Pact vehicles, both ground and air.

    - Rumored to have seen battle despite her scholary role. Scuttlebutt has it she uses an Asuran golem suit  for it.

    Additional Info: During the events of Heart of Thorns, she picked up a lot of improvisational skills, using wreckage of the crash to improvise all manner of devices. This broadened her skillset considerably.

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