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Everything posted by Kaytee.7832

  1. I decided not to even bother getting it. Much easier.
  2. Unfortunately that's very true. I do not understand how you can be high level and just go into a lower zone and make life miserable for new players. That sounds like WoW to me not the GW I know. I've run into this even at higher levels. I just step back and consider the source lol. But I feel bad for the new players. I hope most of them can overlook this and go on. Maybe they can find good guilds to help them 🙂 Or have a GM in the beginning zones and zap some of the bullies
  3. Hi, The only thing I can think of would be that you could use your left hand with the WASD keys. Also, the skill bar can be used with the number keys that you could use your left hand. 1,2,3, corresponds to the skill That's all I can think of but hope it helps some
  4. Thank you everyone for the wonderful advice and links! I was successful and finished the challenge! And I think I am a bit better player now 😄
  5. Thank you! Not sure why I didn't think of the wiki 😏 I will do my research so maybe I'll even become a better ranger!
  6. Hello, I am a bit confused on this beginning area. I have one heart completed but don't see anymore where Rama is The only thing I haven't done is the Combo challenge. I am a Ranger and can't seem to get it done. Rama only says I had to do it you can too or something to that effect. If anyone would be able to advise me I would appreciate it. Are there more hearts and am I missing something. Any link to a guide would be helpful and how the heck do I beat Raji on Combos 🙂 Thank you
  7. Hi, I'm on Sorrows Furnace and have returned after two years. I do have all the expacs. Working full time so I don't play every day. Are there any casual PVE mostly guilds that are recruiting. I'm not adverse to trying PVP or WVW but have no experience in that. I should note that I am an older gamer just in case that would make a difference :) Thank you for reading this.
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