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Everything posted by Gladamire.8436

  1. For the new exp pack I see they have 3 different ways to purchase 1. Base Edition for $24.99 2. Deluxe for $49.99 3. Ulitmate for $79.99 but for steam there is only the base game for $24.99 so there no way for us to get Deluxe or Ulitmate or am I missing something?
  2. I am trying to understand how this works for GW2... I come from basically Everquest/World of Warcraft where Everquest you ran groups to grind exp and then raids to get the best gear World of Warcraft changed it up a little, by adding 5 man dungeons, and made the leveling process easier as you can solo So you would solo content, get to level cap of the area and go to expanison vanialla, BC, Wraith, etc etc, if you didn't wanna solo you can run dungeons, and then you did raids. I know Guild Wars 2 is differnet, but just trying to understand it all. So you solo level your character in the orginal game to 80 by pvp/world/world or Dungeons in groups when you get to Dungeon levels, starting at 30, Peronal Story, and World Map 100%. Once Level 80, you then can do Living World Seasons Personal Story Expanisons Story Fractials (5 man dungeons) Strikes (mini areana with boss fights only) is there an order to do any of these? how do you then get better gear? it just all randomly drops from anything? Once 80 the gear goes Whatever you have from anything while leveling (white, yellow, blue, purple) Epic Gear Blue/Purple Legendary Gear Orange Ascended Gear Pink
  3. Hello, Was wondering if the getting the unbreakable tools and copper vendor machine are good for new players or should you expereince the game as it is before getting those?
  4. Hello, Can you 1. Transfer from NA to EU server? 2. Transfer character from server to another Server in NA? 3. Can you tranfer character from one account to another?
  5. understand and I want to thank everyone for their help and kindness... as with the issue I am facing I have just been frustrated and upset so as posting, it was also venting for me
  6. I have tried to esclate to a "Senior team member" however since 11am est they have not replied, after talking with me a few emails from 6-11 am today
  7. This is different case, your case you had an account from website... the Steam client and website are two differnet accounts and can not be mixed or matched.. if you started years ago with DLC then play that account, the steam is for New players only with fresh accounts... the issue I have is that I started a new steam free account played on it, purchased the bundle pack and only given parts of it and being told in game to order the rest...
  8. So because this is Steam client, there isn't a "ticket" they just ask you to email them. and all there replies are go talk to steam Steam is saying that I purchased and from them all is good, go talk to Arena.net... so basiclly I have a new GW2 account with 100 dollars into it that in unplayable..
  9. After looking more from free to play to Path of Fire and Thorns it is all mixed up what I have and do not have access too I have access to the Revenant Profession; but only 3 bag slots, not 5 I have access to 5 character slots, but none of Living World besides Season 1 I have acess to leave starter zones before level 10, but can not enter Arch Lion cause I am not 35 It only shows Original and Dragon Masteries I have Map Map Chat, but not guild bank access I do not have Daily Login Bonus I do not have access to Raptor, but I have the glidder
  10. Hello, it is on a Steam account, I purchased through steam, when I login to GW2 it says this is steam and logs in as steam I understand you can not use the web client on steam and steam on web client I also understand the waiting for the card/payment to clear.. but if that is the case, why does it show I am licensed for Dragons? but nothing else? https://imgur.com/a/EERxgeu is screen shots of the accounts
  11. So yesterday I ordered from Steam on my Steam account the full Bundle, this includes, Living World, Path of Thorns, Orignal game, Path of Fire, and Heart of Dragons for $99.97 after the purchase, my Account on Steam shows I have everything added.. my account on Guild Wars 2 says I only have Dragons, when you login to the game, the story mode shows I have living world 1, and Dragons, everything else is listed as needs to be purchased. I can travel to other zones without being level 10, the ads have been removed, I have 5 total character slots, but I can not access Lion Arch as it says I need level 35... I contacted GW2 support with a ticket, they replied within 6 hours... that the issue is with steam contact them... I contacted Steam with a ticket, they said the issue was with Arena.net... so your saying everything should be good, I just need to wait 2-3 days? why would I purchase something for 100 dollars and get parts of it unlocked now, and rest need to wait? if that is also the case, why does Arena net advise I need to speak to Steam about the issue? All I see is getting the "it's not my issue, go away" and check this other department for support, After spending money, (that can not be refunded) As it is I have an account that is "little" better then Free edition, with no way to play other stuff I paid for, even if I let this go and play I can not re-purchase thorns or fire, cause steam shows I already have purchased them.
  12. yeah; I logged into the account website and it shows I haven't purchase Fire/thorns, but have Dragons
  13. The issue is it still shows I have the Free Basic Edition, and can not enter Lion Arch until level 35 I doesn't give the daily rewards, and all the story modes for expanisons say I need to purchase them even thought I have purchased
  14. I got the Guild Wars 2 game and played a few days, thinking I have missed out and this is an awesome game, I decide to purchase Guild Wars 2 Bundle from Steam $99.97 for everything... Only 1 issue... It doesn't work... some things unlock like 3 more character slots... but I am still level locked and can not go to lion Arch until 35, I go to the Story line and everything but Living world season 1 says It needs to be purchased first I played a ticket with Steam support, we are sorry we can not help, we show your game is purchased and added, for support contact Arena.net I placed a ticket with Arena.net, we are sorry we do not support steam, you need to contact Steam for support... $99.97 is now in limbo becuase it seems I can not get refunded or support for it.... what a great experience this is turning out to be
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