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  1. I agree with this. I don't think GW2 did good job with trying to catch new players with EOD + Steam release. No Anniversary Sale (10 years!), hidden LW cost that they had to update in last minute so players at Steam kind of know what they miss (though do they reall know what exactly they do miss by not buying LWs?). I don't think extra 10$ for PoF would hurt them to include LW in it.
  2. It does not matter. Game is always losing value. Got F2P in 2015 because it lost value (base game). HOT got bundled with PoF (which is now lower price) becasue it lost value. EOD will get lower price soon and probably be in future bundled with HOT + POF becasue it's losing value. LW was free content on release, why it's paid now by new players? I have no idea. They should be part of expansions.
  3. It doesn't matter if it's played or not. Games with time gets lower price, that's how it works. It's not new (not matter what it is): the price goes lower. Plus the fact remains: LW was free content on release. It doesn't make sense for it to be paid one for new players. New players pay lower for old Expansions because this is old content, that's how games work. But why do they pay for content that was free? You can try to justify it here on Anet forum among people that love this game but for new players it just won't seem fair at all. That's how it works. No matter how you look at it: it's 10 years old game for everyone newly interested.
  4. You paid more becasue you played early - you paid more than new players becasue you got more hours of the game, you accumulated more goods/knowledge/experience and you paid for it when it was NEW. You paid for new stuff when it was new. Now it's OLD. It's 10 years old game. You all are talking here "100 Euro + LW costs" is great value for 10 years of content. For new players it's not like that, they don't have nostalgia/loyality behind them that ties them to game. They simply think "how much for 10 year old game?". You don't expect to sell 10 year old car for same you bought it right? Not to mention LW content was free on release for players that play it at release. Yet it's new players that are expected to pay for content that was free in first place. It doesn't really add up. For me it was also part of reason why I didn't buy expansions when I got informed I don't get LW seasons with Expansions, where LW seasons are story (+ content) THAT LEADS to expansions, ties them together. For new player like me (even if I played 10 years ago on release I now think of myself as new player) it's just predatory way of trying to do "gotcha monetization". If I bought expansions (glad I didn't) and only later (let's say during HOT/PoF) realized that I didn't get everything but I missed LW paid content - I would be FURIOUS. Even if Anet thinks for some reason that prvious free content should be paid (lol) - at least bundle them for slight increase to expansions. This is riddiculous monetization method.
  5. Yeah, that's what I got from this thread, few more on reddit and logging back to the game (jesus...the amount of currencies..) to play a bit. In MMOs I pretty much love to get the (as someone said here) non-essentional stuff, like skins for example, dyes etc. But I see that nothing changed for that in GW2 and it's still grindy as hell to get those things, which is what stopped me from playing it years ago. For me It's just not worth my time to spend so much time to get one stuff. Some people need it to keep playing games - I get that, but that's what makes me not wanting to play the same games. Thank you all for your responses and honesty, but seems game is still not for me and this is not what I am looking for to spend my time in. I wish you all great adventures in this and other games 🙂 Thread can be closed.
  6. Everyone have different definition of fun, that's why I prefer to ask first before I jump in. I don't need time walls to keep playing a game, time walls is what make me not want to play games. Ergo I prefer to get stuff and then don't worry about getting it and just play vs needing to have stuff to get to keep playing. Everyone are differnt.
  7. Really? 5 months and you still didn't get ascended :(. Sorry to hear it man. That's really bad.
  8. Gearing up is not my goal in MMOs. I play them for fashion. Gear as "stats" is not really big on my list.
  9. yes, it does but again - it's not needed for anything. It's just another thing to do. And it only take few weeks becasue newest set can be aquired 1 piece/week or 2 piece/week but it only take like 2-3h in one day to get that piece. So newest BiS is time-gated but not "grind-dated" as it doesn't require grind at all. Simillar to what someone told me here about 20-25 weeks time-gate but obviously in FF XIV it's nowhere near that extreme. But what I ask here is skins, not BiS as I don't care about BiS here or in FF XIV. Only about rarest/coolest skins in game for fashion.
  10. Dude, you try to tell me how game I play for last couple of years is played when it's obvious you don't play it. Going by your logic I should answer my own thread question here since I don't play GW2 but I can tell you how it's played.... Seriously....
  11. Again - you don't have to grind for relic in FF XIV for new gear score, pretty much nobody does that for that. The difference between gear you can get from other stuff is like 5 points (615 vs 610 for example, which still gives you 610 overall iLvl). 99% of us in FF XIV do relics they like just for skins. They pretty much offer no power increase for noone apart from pharsers. But I am not here to explain FF XIV :D. So how fast you can get Legendary weapon now if you put your mind to it?
  12. I think about Legendaries only as skins, I don't really care about them being BiS (FF XIV) or that you can modify them for different builds (GW2) as I usually stick with just one class/role as I don't like to level up multiple stuff. Lego weapons in GW2 I want for skins, skins is all I care in MMOs. Lego armors also do have epic skins like weapons?
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