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  1. well, sort of. I can see how you'd come to that conclusion. the intention was to suggest that as the game grows, and the direction of "the vision" changes, the definitions change, and maybe that should be addressed.
  2. but it's really a matter of degree, right? How many people go into raids with full exotics only. care to guess how many times someone is booted from a raid\strike once they find a FotM build wanting to join?
  3. that's a pretty big stretch. I've said we can agree to disagree. Ain't trying to oppress you friend. sorry.
  4. How did I invent my own definition? is that not what happens in raids\strikes\fractals\etc.? they are BOTH PvE one is done with "Imma do what I want when I want" (for whatever reason that is) and the other is what I mentioned above.
  5. you are. in an instance, with a limited number of players. formulaic, lots of organization. specific builds and professions. blackballed if you mess up. unlike open world.
  6. sigh... I get that people don't read the whole thread before responding. I made a clarification... twice. it seems that plenty here are only responding to the title and not the content.
  7. we can agree to disagree? I don't want easy. I want hard. VERY hard. like 2 years for a full set. about as long as it took for me to get my full set of leggy runes\sigil's. (didn't buy anything for them. 100% me) sure. some want easy. not me.
  8. Of course there are three game modes. I'm saying one needs to be split... like PvP - instanced\competitive and WvW - open world\competitive. I've not seen anyone mention a 4th. Oh, people bounce around it, but it's never mentioned. why does it have to make a difference to me? I'm not a narcissist. agreed. my bad.
  9. nope. that thread was about leggy armor. this one started as a three vs. four game modes. I try to keep it on topic, but we all know how things go off the rails here. in hindsight I should have left out that I think there should be leggy armor for PvE. my bad.
  10. well, I've not seen this topic put the way I did, so maybe the mod\devs will like what and how I said it. or not.
  11. I have no doubt some want that. I'm willing to wager that a lot of people would welcome a challenging - VERY challenging, more so than the other sets - just to play the game mode they like the best to obtain it... I would. do you think each current set should be obtained exclusively on the mode they come from? I do.
  12. Like I said. couldn't find one about 4 game modes. if you have a link, I'd love to read it.
  13. someone didn't read the OP. literally everything you just mentioned with the exception of JPs was mentioned there and I added a clarification for them.
  14. good question! I see the "leggy PvE" pop up here on occasion. haven't had much time to play the game lately. still don't really, that's why I'm here instead of in-game. seems right to me. if not to you. that's cool. thanks for keeping this going!
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