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Posts posted by Weez.6315

  1. Hello,

    i just noticed that the Shatter 4 Tooltip says 12 seconds of stability at100% boondura while its said in the trait " Bountiful Disillusionment "  8 seconds + 2 seconds -> 10 seconds

    But you and party members only get 7 seconds of stability


    Tested in WvW so numbers are different from pve


    is that a bug, a tooltip error or am i missing something?

  2. I think support mesmer has the rawr healing output for a proper Support but the way how it is implemented doesnt fit into pvp and wvw, but in pve.

    Support traits have a too low range and the Rifle Heals are too slow and not bursty enough.

    In this clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCrOZnOC-MM&ab_channel=Mimsy i survive better than most other supports would but that doesnt make it a good support but a bunker build. So if that selfish healing and Support output could reach partymembers in a more reliable way, it might be a good support, granted Dmg/ soft CCs and Rifle 5 get an overhaul too


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  3. so i tried rifle mesmer again today in wvw full cele chaos inspi virtu and recorded it

    Reason of Cele is to get at least some dmg off to support kills with shatters and still have some healing.

    Reason for Virtu is the Clone Regeneration with the Block Trait

    def missed alot of Rifle AoEs cause of long casttime and not used to the skills yet but its should be still a showcase of how bad this weapon is rn for supporting in a wvw environment.

    First vid:  testing support in a 3 men group at nc outnumbered, felt pretty useless aside from the Portal goodness, the utility skill not Rifle 5

    Second vid:  meme 1onX with rifle sword/shield still full support

    as mentioned in my previous post Casttimes need some work, instant big heals needed, AA dmg is a joke, Rifle 5 change to mobility + 3 men portal, Phanta overhaul

    Music is sponsored by Mircrosoft Audio templates x)




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  4. WvW Roaming/pvp pov


    • Overall Dmg/Kill Contribution far too low, Supports in PvP need to be able to do more than raw healing. There needs to be ways to contribute to a Kill with either Dmg or Soft/Hard CCs  ( Example Druid,Tempest) , Grav isnt enough,
    • Since Rifle has zero Mobility, the second weapon set basicly has to be Sword (Mirage ambush leap, virtu leap) which results in zero Dmg ( this is mostly important for WvW )
    • So comparing a Support Mesmer to any other meta Support, it becomes pretty clear that this sadly is just a weak alternative
    1. Skill 1:  higher Power coe or add Some damaging condition so Cele becomes a viable option, add clone generation
    2. Skill 2: make it 1/2 s casttime
    3. Skill 3: same as skill 2, Give it an immobilize
    4. Skill 4: a weak excuse for a much needed CC, either give it some Dmg, a faster Casttime on Phanta or maybe a different effect all together like a 360* Knockback  Phanta next to the mesmer with an AoE heal/cleanse to give Rifle mesmer some defensive capabilities
    5. Skill 5: fun Idea, though not much of use, make it 3-5 uses and a 2 way Portal and u got a great skill with mobility for the Mesmer baked in which gives Room for another 2nd weapon set option other than sword/x
    • Like 2
  5. can we get some nice rankings after each season?stuff like

    commander who contributed the mostplayer without squad with the best k/dplayer who capped the most campscommander with the best k/dand so on

    would be fun to see some stats after each season and it probably would be a nice goal to have for some people to get on the top 10

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