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Everything posted by Maledict.7891

  1. This isn't true though. There isn't another meta in the game that has this high a level requirement combined with zero impact from the individual player, other than maybe the Triple Triad event. I like doing world events, I *love* doing map meta's. I think they are one of the best parts of the game and an absolutely amazing aspect of GW2. None of them are like this one, which seems to entirely rest on a huge number of people doing specific actions in a set time or massive fail. None of the Heart of thorn meta's are like this, none of the other EoD meta's are like this, none of the Living Season meta's work like this. In all the others you can at least feel like you are contributing.
  2. I had this happen literally two days ago. Map had a commander, people doing events, every region was at High participation. Two minutes before the meta starts, the map closes down. Which of course then shunts you into a map which is totally empty and has no completions in any area. This *absolutely* happens. People aren't lying when they say it is.
  3. I know this has been discussed many times before, and for a first threat creation not an original topic. But please, for the love of god, re-look at this meta event. It is incredibly unfun as it currently stands, for two main reasons: 1) Failing feels totally out of the players hands. The final fight is an absolute mess of effects, and requires huge amounts of CC from large numbers of players in a short time period. No matter what individual contribution you make, winning the fight is entirely dependant on lots of other people doing something you can't control. At the same time, all the other key points are equally out of your control - breaking bubbles and switching to the tail. It leaves you feeling incredibly helpless as a player compared to other events, and thus extra frustrated because it feels like your individual contribution has no effect on the outcome. 2) If you fail, the rewards are terrible. It is literally one of the worst uses of time in the game. Compared to other big map metas, the length of time it takes for a failure is astonishingly unrewarding. You would be better off doing practically *anything* else in the game right now than the EoD end meta if you don't win. I appreciate that Arenanet have said its win rate is now equal to other meta's, but I honestly think either a mistake has been made or you are looking at the data wrong. Because literally every other meta I can join via LFG and have a decent chance of winning. I have failed *repeatedly* with this one over the last few weeks. It doesn't feel like it has improved at all since the expansion launched. Suggestions for altering the fight: 1) Rebalance the rewards so it's not so appallingly unrewarding if you fail. The fight takes an hour win or lose, you shouldn't feel like it was an absolute waste of time if you participate. 2) Lower the CC requirements for the head, and lower the health for the tail. Make both elements MUCH more visible to players. One tiny little blue buff you have to hover over for the tail buff is not good, and if you aren't an English speaker you're easily going to miss a one off audio line. The fight should have much bigger visual and audio queues as to what you need to be doing as a player. 3) The CC shouldn't rely on an entire raid grabbing an Icebrood Saga war table buff, multiple times throughout the fight and using that. If you're seeing players use that as their basic strategy for winning, something is wrong. It's a fantastic spectacle of an event, and deserves to be seen and won more often. But right now, its the worst meta in the game to run. Content from 7 years ago in Heart of Thorn is a better prospect, and that's just sad.
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