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WillemDafriend.2194's Achievements

  1. Hello people, I wanted to share my opinion and what your thoughts are. I saked in on reddit first, but that place atm just downvotes everything firebrand so it's not possible to discuss. Honestly it's a bit sad that so many seem to wish the worst upon this class... I wanted to give my feedback to the planned changes to Firebrand. Now please keep in mind, I can only talk about what direction I want it to be heading and which not, since my only source of what those changes might mean, are from you people on the reddit. So source: "trust me bro". I generally like guardian from Dragonhunter to Willbender, but what I enjoyed most is Firebrand. CFB and QFB to be exact, I don't know much about HFB. In means of balance goals I want to see a Guild Wars where everyone can play the class they thematically like in a viable and FUN way. So while there should be differences in flavour, one class cannot outshine another by a too large margin. Damage-wise I thought CFB and QFB to be in a good spot. The main balance critique was towards the free access to strong utility through the other tomes that comes with it. (Wall of Reflection, Sanctuary are also good utilities, but you got to remove dps options to take them so they come at a cost, but of course tune downs could be applied here aswell). So here is what I personally hope to see and don't hope to see: + For a fairer balancing access to utility has to come at a higher cost (I think the changes will do that) or has to be nerfed in the power of the utility (also part of the changes). + What I don't like to see is the loss of the fire tome rotation. The quick burst and aoe flame damage is what makes this class so much fun, at least for me (I personally also like to give quickness on cooldown incorporated into the rotation, some people seem to dislike that). Some Reddit users suggested that the upcoming changes might reduce complexity immensely, so you only tab into F1 for 5 and maybe sometimes 4 and for the rest of it camp on axe (Talking about as a potential viable tactic, not everything has to be the absolute meta, but in the end it has to be viable). Now I don't know if that is what the changes actually come down to, but if it is, thats what I don't hope to see. It would take away a great deal of fun in my opinion. Now what are your thoughts upon this? What do you hope and don't hope that rework brings to the class? Do you have any suggestion on what might be an alternative? For me it would be to leave the mechanic as it was before, but remove access to the free utility, so you got to commit to either F1, F2 or F3.
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