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Posts posted by Kicast.1459

  1. Tomes accessibility limited by CD and energy (pages recharge) is bad design.

    Anet has to choose on how they want to limit. (And energy is the worst case solution that we see since start with thief: stupid spamming always on same skill)

    And please stop of all this mess of new types of CD skill that are not impacted the same way skills:

    CDs not affected by Alacrity

    Buffs that can not be removed from buff strip



    Now for Firebrand we have 4 way of limiting skill and related effects accessibility: 

    Cd on tomes skill

    Cd on traits


    Tomes debuffs


    Comon Anet seriously...why always adding mess to the mess ?

    • Like 1
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  2. Bots are a way to limit population drop down. In rocket league when a player is missing...you have a bot to replace him. With this long silence and no action from Anet with all reports made on bots I am convinced that they are anet's bot.

  3. @"Crab Fear.1624" said:Thief can potentially bring damage, and they have top mobility.

    But what other TOP does a thief have?

    Are they a top:

    • bunker
    • healer
    • support
    • aoe
    • burns
    • team fighter
    • damage
    • ect

    so when some one says thief can't duel because of x or y...why is the same treatment not given to everyone else when they are "top" in any one of these catagories?

    Check it out, stealth is not the only "toxic" mechanic in the game.

    you can't be a good dueller with top mobility.if you are you shut down all classes weaker than you.this is braindead easy to understand...but Anet.is still strufgling at it.

    Why the hell thief remains top mobility since beginning of the game ?And nerf short bow 5...for love of god.

  4. @Burnfall.9573 said:

    @"woodsnico.7426" said:Hello to all the users and developers of GW2, first of all I would like to congratulate the developers for making a great game very structured in combat, dynamics and solid graphics, noticed after playing for several years that the PVP of GW2 needs without a doubt new modes, new maps since we are in the era where the player vs. player combat has become more demanding in innovation, I hope and the GW2 developers are planning a future for what is the PvP, from my point of view they need to take new ways to increase the number of players per game with new modes, GW2 has great potential to continue growing as an MMO to be crowned as a leader in MMO of gameplay and entertainment, ArenaNet must understand that we are in new times where the player vs player combat is innovating as in other titles with this I do not want them to think that the game can turn into something commercial like other titles as a battle royale mode but you have to keep in mind that you need innovation in PvP and PvE, I think that PvE does not fill veteran players enough, the WvW is very low in playability since it is not structured from my point of view since you always have to go in a ZERG or accompanied by other players like the objectives that have to be done in the WvW are too basic, remember that this is only a point of view of a player I hope and ArenaNet promotes the game with new marketing strategies and new modes Innovative for PVP, I believe that the veteran community of GW2 wants a change to be able to see our game again as it was in its launch from the beginning, remember that GW2 is one of the best MMO in the market competes in the industry at a high level, I think that no one of us players would like to see this game at a level where it was lost due to lack of innovation and new marketing strategies, I understand that it is hard work for the developers to innovate in a community as solid as GW2 is but they have to risk and put themselves on the list as the number one MMO.

    +1You are one of too many concern player who want the best for the game: i completely understand all of what you said. You are right about many thing including Gw2 having great potential. Unfortunately, Anet had 6 years+ to turn the game around but refused to.


    This... it is not the game that is dead...I feel it is a company policy issue... and I feel (fear) it will not change

  5. Dear Anet ...thank you so much to give me what I have been crying for so many months other profession had and not me.Before I felt it was poor balance unfun to play against. Now I feel that it is funny.Everyone can change its mind after all.

    Scrappy scrapper

  6. @Gaile Gray.6029 said:After a careful investigation of matches and account data, we’ve confirmed that certain players were involved in PvP match manipulation during the current season. The players involved have been removed from the leaderboards and given Dishonor for a period of three months. We will continue to monitor the game for incidents of this sort, and will take action on other accounts as the situation warrants it.

    3 months of dishonnor?Good. I think we can now safely say that we can freely wintrade as soon as we have more than 2 accounts.Anet should maybe warn to avoid wintrading with the two accounts at the same time however.This is a good news for cheaters.Thanks a lot ?

  7. @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:Hey folks!

    Finding every spot in a map where nav mesh is broken and preventing teleportation is near impossible for a handful of people. As such, please post in this thread if you find such places in PvP maps. When you receive "No valid path to target."

    We'll be monitoring this post regularly and investigating those locations.


    Is there first a clear rule on tp ?When in theory are we supposed to be able to tp and when not ?

    Then we will be able to say when there is bug.

    I think (read fear)the rule is kind of "when there is a valid path you can use to reach the point without jumping" and "the point is in range by flight"

    An alternative could be... same but the valid path without jumping should be in range as well(hope this is not the case)

    My preferred one which is not the current one for sure:Just make sure the point is in range by flight.prevent tp in jumping puzzles and that's all.

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