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Posts posted by Blocki.4931

  1. The way that is handled is actually super reasonable. The way everybody acts around them is weird, because in real life, this stuff is very weird because not a single person around you is even able to relate whatsoever to the feeling.

  2. We will see how it is going to look ingame, this is just some artwork showing off the style they were going for. I imagine it is like a re-imagined Rata Sum taken a notch up. Honestly, I could see Rata Sum looking like this if they made it today.

    Though my first impression did leave a somewhat bitter taste in my mouth, I can't really say this doesn't fit the game. It makes sense, given all we know about Cantha so far. Holograms are nothing new, the two things that scream futuristic to me are the holo-monitor and the green lamps/lights, which are very unusual for GW2 as we know it so far.

    • Like 2
  3. Or, consider this, people will whine no matter what because that is how it has always been since the dawn of time.

    Never enough damage, never good enough synergies, no utility, "this weapon is useless", judging before we have seen everything, judging by first impression only, judging by what other people said and not even trying it themselves... Those are all too common.


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  4. Warrior chains blocks, increased endurance regen for more dodges and the fact they are likely to survive one or two heavy hits if they do go through to be tanky.

    Try running traits and the sigil for hp regen, try different heal skills... it's pretty hard to die as a warrior, but you don't have class mechanics that just carry you through that for example.

    • Confused 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    Looking like a **** doesn't equal looking sexy. Which is why most of my characters are male.

    In GW2, for most part, if you want to play a female character, you can only pick between a "spoiled little princess" and a "Oooh, look what I've got!" look (the latter even comes with an increased cup size most of the time, in which case it is save to assume that a male dev created the respective set of armor or the outfit).

    That's not how cool looking female adventurers dress.

    Tens of thousands of women would love to disagree with you there. It's honestly sexist of you to make such an assumption. As if women don't like looking at attractive women. Disproven about a million times.

    Reminds me of the discourse over some anime games "oh look at her body proportions some disgusting fat pig made this!" but the answer in 90% of the cases has been a woman made it with the reason she enjoyed it and the fans enjoyed it too.

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  6. They fully intent for strike bosses challenge modes to be as difficult as raid encounters. Honestly, that's a good way of moving forward. Strikes also don't have to only be an encounter, there can be pre-events like raids too if they really wanted to.

    They are far more accessible too. No need to have an opener, anybody can just start them etc.

    • Like 1
  7. The content is the replayability of the gameplay, which is killing players, taking objectives, sieging, skirmishing etc.

    The devs need to make sure this works.

    At the same time the rewards also play a role here, since they are the main reason many people start playing something, which then gets them hopefully hooked in the fundamentals. Pretty nice they plan on updating that, especially the reward tracks.

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