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Posts posted by Leo.5829

  1. 19 hours ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

    WHY Anet, why are you nerfing this trait so badly ? Untamed was already bad for roaming, with let loose barely making it playable, and now you remove fury from Let Loose ? What the actual kitten ? This entirely removes it giving us opening strike, which cuts a huge deal of our damage.


    NOT ONLY THAT, but you nerf OWP in THE SAME patch ?!


    Do you want us rangers to only play cele or something ? 


    Absolutely so let down by the changes.

    No, no, Ranger had to be nerfed it was way too strong. The nerf was a good thing. It was so strong you couldn't join a squad in WvW unless you played damage Soulbeast or damage Untamed. You just got kicked unless you played those. They were too strong. They were top damage, top strips, top cc and top utility. Game breakingly strong. It made all the other classes futile. And don't forget in roaming it just was unkillable and defeated every other class together in a 1 v 8.

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  2. 21 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    Why do you say this?  There's a druid support build that's a contender in meta currently.

    Cleanse tempest, heal vindicator and even the nerfed scrapper are better off-supporters than druid.

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  3. Yes. This game is worth it.  It is my go to game.


    When you read the forums you might get a skewed impression because people come here to complain about aspects they are dissatisfied with but people complain because they care and they want to keep playing. This game always tries to be different from other games of the genre and sometimes it tries to hard but it is plain and simple fun. It is nice that you can just hop in and play without having to waste time on some eternal grind or some ridiculous time gated mechanic to progress story and map exploration unlike some other games. This games strengths are casual open world exploration with some large scale dynamic meta events and world bosses sprinkled in, the story and World vs World ( a game mode which centers around large scale player vs player combat and the conquest of objectives like towers, keeps and castles in a war between three realms). For coordinated World vs World gameplay you'll want specific armor and weapons but you will get those by just playing the game mode and the game mode throws decent armor (exotic max level armor) at you. You can play this game with friends, or easily make friends in the game or if you desire so play like a lone wolf. This game is accommodating of either playstyle.

    But if you are into the eternal grind thing there are some optional things that you can go for like legendary gear ( which isn't actually more powerful than the gear tier below it, it just has the option to swap it's attributes type eg swap from offensive stats to defensive or healing stats at will), certain flashy cosmetic items and of course achievements and titles.

    Downsides which are worth mentioning are:  new content comes out at a slow pace, although for a new player that is not really a concern because there is so much to do and due to the way this game is set up the majority of the content doesn't become obsolete after time and the other thing is classical "endgame content" like raids and fractals ( fractals is basically just a fancy name for a different type of dungeons)  doesn't fall into the "just hop in and play" category because the player base rigidly enforces specific build and gear set ups due to the difficulty of the raids. If you are interested in raids and fractals you'll probably want to find  a guild or group which whom you regularly play and have agreed upon a specific playstyle on before hand. But you don't have to do raids if you don't want, they really are just optional. This game may have some faults (but which game doesn't?) but overall it is fun and definitely worth checking out.

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  4. The overall idea off an pet centered idea is great but the pet dies to fast in a wvw Zerg vs Zerg setting, losing much of your spec power when your pet dies. Even in duels and small scale roaming the pet dies to fast and you end up losing much of your kit. Especially essentially losing your heal skill when your pet dies feels very bad. Also your heal skill damaging your pet doesn't help. Considering this elite spec is centered around your pet it should actually make said pet useful. But even with unleashed buff the pet is not exerting enough pressure. The heal skill shouldn't damage your pet but also heal it and resurrect it if its dead.
    Traits have counterintuitive effects. It is great that you can now control your Pet skills but without F1 "Attack my target" the pets become clunkier to use. Your pet being unleashed does not make up for 15% of your outgoing damage being deleted. Also receiving 10 % more damage is counterintuitive to the whole desired bruiser aspect. The utility skill "Mutate Conditions" has to much cooldown to be useful same goes for the teleport which also has to little range.
    Pets sometimes refuse to attack at all even when the F1 skill is used and the enemy is bombarded with clicks.
    Connecting with the hammer skills is unreliable in competitive environment. The range is very small and even with the teleport this spec is very slow and lacks mobility compared to other classes. The damage numbers on hammer are to low for the weapon to be interesting and actually hitting enemies is hard. In PvE the hammer damage is straight up to low.
    If you play any other weapon then hammer it is better to stay unleashed all the time because you want that outgoing damage buff and your pet doesn't make up for the reduced outgoing damage when you do not have the unleashed bonus and you're not going to play hammer because it is unreliable.
    It is disappointing that other weapons see no effect from the unleashed mechanic.
    In its current form you're going to stay permanently unleashed for the outgoing damage buff, making you essentially an awkward core ranger. It's also disappointing that unleashing your pet doesn't cause it to deal more damage or buff it's movement speed ? Also a missed opportunity to not make the pet bigger when unleashed.
    So far this elite spec is to fragile (especially for a supposed bruiser spec) , to immobile, lacking in ability to actually hit anything with the hammer and deals no damage.

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  5. I just did the Twisted Marionette with a private squad filled with lfg people. Didn't succeed with the first try, and i had to kick a lot of afkers and people who didn't want to do mechanics but it was a lot of fun when we did succeed! 😄  Please don't nerf the difficulty of this event, this is the most pve fun i've had in a 50 man squad  in quite a while!  Bring out more content like this!

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  6. By the way as i have learned on the teamspeak, people are using this for an exploit to make thousands of Gold in short time. Not sure what arena net is going to do about that. I'm guessing they could do a rollback again to undo the gold exploit but as it stands as of right now a bunch of greedy wvw players are filling their pockets with large amounts of liquid gold

  7. If you don't like Meta gaming find another game. GW2 has been this way for years and unfortunately it doesn't seem like it is going to change anytime soon. GW2 straight up lied about there being:a)no dedicated support / tankb)skillful playc)balanced)play however you wante)no grindf) actions against cheaters and botsand then censor anyone who calls them out for it. Apart from that and the very poor PR skills the game is actually very good though.

  8. Not only would i recommend it, i already have recommended it to friends who now play. However I recommend this game with the fyi that this is a game for casuals. GW2 is mainly about Open World PVE (exploration, jumping puzzles, secret zones, events, world bosses, racing ...) and Story.

    I do NOT recommend GW2 for raids and PvP (which are compared to other games, putting it mildly, subpar).

    T4 Fractals and Organised WvW (Meta classes + TS + if possible for you guild) are also very fun and worth mentioning. I enjoy these however i have to warn you that getting your characters ready will take time and resources, and because of the game balance you'll be expected to play certain build combinations. T4 Fractal and organized WvW are a little less casual than Open World PVE but are not "hardcore" by a long shot.

  9. To be honest they should have done so from launch. It would make experimenting with other classes and builds so much better. It would probably also be easier to balance the game with a pvp gear system. (Also since people mentioned it: as someone who has legendary equipment it doesn't bother me at all if such a system is implemented in wvw, in fact i rather welcome it because crafting an additional legendary armor set so i can play with light armor classes seems so off putting and i'm not going to do it.)

  10. You don't. Thief really does one thing: win 1 v 1 or disengage when he doesn't. They are the best at roaming by a longshot. You will not kill a thief that doesn't misplay. The only thing against thief in wvw you can do is walk in groups and deny him kills (in which case the thief becomes useless).

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