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Everything posted by michixlol.9340

  1. Instead of opening a new thread I'll give my opinion here. I always have the impression, WvW was meant to be played differently than it is played. It feels like people play ist like.. work. Not for fun. It's only about running around in a huge group doing the things the commander does. I even joined the TS-channel of the group. It was so kitten boring. It was only run here, then run there. Then maybe you meet an enemy group, stay away from each other, but shoot aoe on the ground far away. If you are melee you have no chance to do anything but die or heal. You get your loot anyways so it doesn't matter. In my mind it seems like it was meant that people roam freely and help each other out, build a few groups, raid a tower or something together.. but not this... zerg. What is this.. and if you don't have as many points as the others they run away with their mounts most of the time. If you are new you don't get anything. At best, you get that it is best to run with the huge group. And I do it every now and then. But it always gets boring so quickly. It's so weird, there are parts of GW2 I think are better and more exciting than in any other MMO or even game and then there are things that seem so.. messy and... just not fun. Like WvW. And it's so sad to me.. I hate what WoW has become, but I liked every part of WoW back then. But WvW is just.. a mess. PvP is also totally unbalanced. But playing a MMO only for the PvE part is also.. meh. and that's why I started with GW2 a lot of time and lost it again everytime. Some things are so amazing. And some things are just .. meh.
  2. I mean come on.. PvP in GW2 has been pretty sh** for a very long time. Devs don't develop anything for PvP anymore. You only have a chance if you go full meta. And there still is a Dragonhunter or something that can twoshot you. And for everyone who says, because MMO, no! In WoW there are never classes that have not chance. When I did PvP in WoW years ago I could improve, I could with every class be helpful. And when I was killed in just a few blows I knew, with better gear this could change. GW2 does nothing with gear tho. Everybody is the same. And still you get two shotted. in some cases. It's stun stun stun dead. I try to get into PvP in GW2 very often, but it's poorly designed and it gets no love anymore in any way. There hasn't been a light at the end of the tunnel for many years. And it's always been the same since I started in 2016.
  3. My honest opinion.... yes PvP in GW2 is pretty kitten. First of all you die very fast. Most of the time you don't know what is happening, everything is bright blinky and all this stuff. Then you use your abilities, and I don't mean randomly, but you know your abilities, but still you can't get any life of other players down. Not a bit. Then they basically onehit you. Why is this possible? Because there are meta builds. And god I hate meta builds. If you don't play meta you basically have no chance. At least as elementalist. In melee you die even faster. Dodging, yes, but it doesn't really help. I played a lot because I generally like MMO PvP very much. It is such good change. But honestly, if I win, I think.. hm. Wasn't that much fun and if I lose it is so frustrating. Because you couldn't do anything. Did I mention you die extremely quickly? You don't have time to think. If you are a new player, you're basically done for. You can't do anything and you are basically there to die for. It's all so squishy that it isn't even satisfying to kill someone. It feels like luck or overpowerment. The fact I think PvP in this game is really bad is also very frustrating to me, because I generally like GW2 and I just can't play WoW anymore (Retail is just awful anymore and I've already seen everything of Classic). But WoW had really good PvP generally IMO. I know it is exactly what fans of GW2 PvP hate. But to me WoW PvP was absolutely great. It was far more strategic, if you had bad equipment you still could do your part with abilities or could get the flag or capture or go with others and heal them or get at least a little bit of damage or just stay alive and tank a bit so others don't get damage. It was very much possible! For example also to slow enemies or distract them. Everybody could do their part. And additionally you had a reason to play PvP, to get armor and to get stronger. And learning to play was also easier. The learning curve in GW2 is so steep.. in PvE you can at least make it easier for yourself. But in PvP in GW2 you can't do anything. You can't do any damage to meta builds. You are basically onehittet. Even in a group you can't do nothing basically. You can't slow anyone because the game pace is so fast. Staying alive is more or less impossible. You can't defend a point if you're not also meta. And only attack a point if nobody is around. Everything is chaos. It just isn't fun to me, also not after hundreds of games I played with elementalist and minion necromancer. And it hurts because I really like the game. I think the worst part for me is just that meta builds are THAT much stronger than others are. And that you die so fast. I like a slower playstyle like in WoW. And if I could decide I wanted armor to play for. But well.... I won't go back to WoW just for PvP. But still.. it makes me mad and sad that GW2 PvP is like that.
  4. What is this topic even, to take away an option from the game... I don't like those bright nights. Maybe someone saw the discussions in WoW a few years ago about how Blizzard made the nights far too bright in Cataclysm and how all people wanted dark nights back. In GW2 I already have the option to have atmospheric dark nights, more realism with this and more contrast to lights in the dark. It's more immersive in my case to turn the adaption off. Dark is dark then and I just can't see everything. And it's how it should be in dark rooms or caves or in the night. So please NO, don't remove the option. I very much appreciate all the options the game gives us, even though it lacks others, like split up post-processing options.
  5. All I read from your first answer is that this thread is useless and I shouldn't have posted it. I had my reason to do it though. It is just not helpful to say, don't play it then.
  6. Yes, I mean, that's part of what I meant. You can do everything, but most things you get for doing them aren't really essential, because it is not something specific, but pretty much.. anything.
  7. No it definitely is useful! But one has to recognize that. Yep, I saw that. It is possible to search for what you want. Makes it not much less overwhelming for new players tho.
  8. You get the wrong idea here. I played WoW so very much.. you could barely imagine. I don't put the players into categories. I say people in general are pretty lazy. Or a big part of people. Seemingly.
  9. I can see that, but as first glance the system is pretty much the same as in WoW. If you delve deeper into it, you may see the advantages and rewards and adventures you can have with this system. But then again, it could actually be better or more classified. It is pretty okay. But there are so many Tabs in there and tabs beneath tabs.. It could be a bit better organized and more present to one that doesn't know about it. Idk. Or not. To me it's okay as it is.
  10. The thing about the vertical progression is just that you also play to unlock new parts of the game. In horizontal progression you have everything at the start. You don't play to get into new battlegrounds, new dungeons, new storylines, new raids or new zones. That is the case until you're at max level maybe, but then ...
  11. exactly that. First you have to find your own goal. And when it's done, you are not directed to the next one, but instead you again have to sit down and find your new goal.
  12. I'd say vertical appeals to those that don't want to think that much. I mean, not exactly think, but to those that just want to be given the experience and not be forced to build their own experience. And I'd bet most people are kind of lazy. And that's why I also think most people want a path given to them, but with choices and crossroads on the way. GW2 doesn't really give you this one way that spreads into several ones in time, but it just gives you one crossroad with many many different ways at one point.
  13. I didn't want to say GW2 is worse than WoW. I think in GW2 there is much more love of the developers to feel, compared to modern WoW. To me GW2 is the best MMO I know, better than ESO and modern WoW and definitely better than Final Fantasy. WoW Classic maybe would fit me more, but I've already played through all of it. I'm done with WoW. GW2 is great! But one has to adapt. And it proves to be quite difficult sometimes. And my biggest problem is to find myself a long term goal to play for and not to just do anything. A little bit of progress feeling would be nice. And that's my problem, I don't really feel the progress. But it's true, the game is great for a gatherer! And I like to gather. But I kinda feel left alone mit all the stuff there is. I always love the halloween event, because there you have targets. Like getting the clock tower done. Or getting a number of these pumpkins carved. Or revealing the story behind the mad king. You have distinct aims there. And I really like that. Also the trying something over and over again, sometimes, not all of the time, I really like it. But when the event is over I'm a bit lost again. About the endless gear treadmill.. It was just satisfying for example if you are tank in a raid, first it's almost not possible to hold against a boss, but with the new gear you get it done. Also with skill, but it wasn't impossible anymore. I like this feel of progress. Maybe I do those dungeons, I can choose which, but one of those to get the gear to get to the next level of content. To get everything at once is... well.. there is no content as reward. I like to work myself up in something. And yes then the next expansion hits and all is "lost", but you don't feel it so much, because you get a lot of new good looking armor and a new world to see and new story and you can work yourself up to get against the new bosses once more. One could say, leveling is the same, a lot of people don't like it. But it's a goal to get up in level and I really liked that about WoW, that every level seems like progress. And thus I loved leveling. Or still love it. In GW2 you even get pretty much all of your abilities very early. The learning curve is very steep. But I don't want to criticize that.
  14. My only classes on 80 are necromancer and elementalist. My main right now is elementalist. I feel the class has a lot to master and I like that.
  15. Maybe I'm just a bit overwhelmed 🙂 thank you for all the answers! I'll consider every one of them.
  16. The problem isn't the options, the problem is more of the reward.
  17. Thank you for the answers! I think legendary armor will be the way to go then. Achievements are neat, but also very chaotic in a way. The game really wants you to make your own goals. Anyways, thank you, especially Rogue.8235 for the long text!
  18. I know, GW2 is a totally different style of MMO. And it does a lot of things differently from WoW, some you could like, some you don't. And I also don't intend to form this game into something I like and all of you don't. But I know quite a few people that have loved this game for some time and then suddenly stopped playing. For me it was like this since 2016 too. I started, stopped. After some years I started again, loved it, but stopped. And to me it is an aspect of the game that I would call..... it's a little bit too sandbox. Take this with a grain of salt, sandbox is great! Really great. In Tyria you can do pretty much everything and get something for yourself. That's super! In some way... because, I think what the problem is, especially, if you don't have other people to play with, that you don't get those.. long-term goals. It's nice to just log in, do a little bit of roaming, do a few hearts, events, listen to the very awesome world, maybe do an arena or if you've got a bit more time, do a dungeon or something... it's very nice, if you have just some time and ya.. just want to do anything. But I personally figured out for myself, after some time I just don't know what my aim is. In WoW you have goals. First goal is to get to max level, in GW2, there is much less effort to do this. But I like to level, because I always have something to focus on and to do the things for I do. Then you know, when you do dungeons in WoW you get better loot and some kind of tokens to get even better loot. In GW2 you get some stuff, but.. what for? I mean, sure it's something. But do you need it in an aim for anything else? To get stronger? Not really. Mats? You can get somewhere else too. So you can have an achievement if you gather them? Hm maybe yes, that's a point. But is it enough? In WoW you want to get stronger and stronger and you feel it, you feel, some raids or dungeons or whatever just die more easily or you don't die as easily. In PvP you can feel if your armor is better. In GW2, when you have exotic armor, there isn't that much in view to get. In WoW you know, you have to go there and do this to get better armor, in PvP and as well in PvE. And you feel the new armor. At least it was like that previously. Now in GW2, where do I get these long term goals? The living story is nice, I love story and lore! And listen to everything precisely. But the things you get for completing parts is.. meh. It's just not necessary to do it. I could literally just walk around and gather and do hearts and get .. maybe even better stuff in the same time. I didn't recognize I'd get a special skin, a mini, a mount, some stronger armor than I have.. just something to store and sell and dismantle. The story is at least a goal I can always follow. But besides this... I can do anything all the time. But I can't get myself a goal. Something big. Something like becoming stronger, or to become the best or some motivation to find myself a team and guild to accomplish something, because why accomplish it? I'd really want to have something to .. do something for. The long-term goal. The aim I do everything I do for. Or to do something specific for. I just feel lost in this game. Over and over again. And I am not a twinker. I want to play my main and to develop him. To experience with him. And to work for a greater goal. But I think this game makes it pretty difficult. I just needed to get this out. I really like this game. It has a lot of really special things. And the lore is awesome. But everything seems so.. worthless.
  19. Still bugged. Just figured out the problem with my elementalist. I'm glad it is already a known problem. At least. A fix is very much needed.
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