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Posts posted by Hologram.2810

  1. 2 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

    No, video games in general don’t have good stories. No matter if they are Asian or western. If I want a good story then I read a book or watch a movie. You don’t play video games because of their story. 

    Sorry hun, but stories are apart of video games as much as gameplay, artistic direction, and music are. You sound like you don't really think deeply about what you're doing, which is fine of course, but that's not everyone.

    Also... why wouldn't story be important in a MMORPG?



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  2. On 7/18/2023 at 9:49 PM, vares.8457 said:

    No but I prefer reading books when I want a good story. Stories in video games are mostly bad and I don’t play games for their story. 

    Hard disagree. The difference between FFXIV and GW2 is the same as most differences that separate the development philosophy of Japanese vs Western video game companies. The Japanese treats games as an artistic craft while Westerners (typically Americans) treats games as a mindless toy. You sound like you belong in the latter camp, nuttin' wrong with that of course tho. Although I heard WOW and ESO have good stories, so maybe it really is just GW2 that is mid and expects you to like it because it's not like MMOs. *shrug*



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  3. On 7/18/2023 at 9:42 PM, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    You replied to me, chief.  I think I made my position on FFXIV's story pretty clear.  Did you need more clarification?

    You love the aesthetic of FFXIV?  Personally, I think it looks like crap and I don't care for the art style either. 

    You love the gameplay, too?  Sorry, but why? 

    The movement is clunky without any of the fun and liberating movement skills that GW2 loves to employ (e.g. mounts, gliders, etc.).  There are invisible walls everywhere to prevent you from doing anything akin to a jump puzzle or even simply jumping off of a cliff. 

    The combat is straight old school tab-target.  No dodging.  No utilizing movement and positioning outside of scripted telegraphs (e.g. circle strafing doesn't allow you to avoid hits from enemies unless it places a big orange cone on the ground for you to walk out of).  Cooldowns are passive (e.g. reduce damage by 10% vs. cause the next attack to miss).  You also spend the first 30 levels on most classes using the equivalent of an auto-attack chain with a whopping 2.5 second GCD between skill uses.

    Then there's the previously mentioned gameplay loop which involves fetch quest after fetch quest after fetch quest.  Go find old man's socks.  Go kill 80,000 boars.  And when you're done with that we'll change the names of the items and monsters you need to find or fight and you'll do it again.  And again. And again.

    Like I said, it's completely and utterly awful.

    I can't speak to the community.  I did all of the dungeons up to level 50 (I think?) and I don't think anyone said a word through any of them.  I saw other players in the open world here and there, but not many and none of them spoke to me.  And since cooperation doesn't really seem to be a thing due to old school WoW-style tagging and resource competition, players generally didn't seem to want to have others around anyway.

    If you want to compare stories, I think GW2's story is not great.  However, comparing similar moments from the early story I find it a lot better than FFXIV.  Take the death of Tybalt vs. the death of random plant fairy lady (sorry, I can't recall her name).  Tybalt quickly endears himself to the player and I found myself genuinely sad when he dies, even though I didn't do more than a few quick adventures with him.  Fairy plant lady, on the other hand, sent me on a handful of meaningless fetch quests and then got killed.  Boohoo?  Why do I care? 

    GW2's artstyle is a crappy imitation of the anime style you're slamming but without the charm. Its character models looks plastic, the lighting has a lot of bloom and over-exposure where even turning off the correct setting doesn't really help to offset that muck, and really silly mobile game like animations that give off an uncanny and low budget feeling.

    The complaints about the invisible walls and tedious gameplay are even more funny considering.. GW2 is rife with that AND unfixed decades old bugs that the developers themselves don't feel like touching. There's also the abysmal heart quests and the slog of leveling up progress that turns off most people from the game.

    At least with FFXIV's combat, you won't get constant butchering of classes through "balancing" attempts because the devs don't know what to make out of the coding nor really care about the core identity of classes. You have a trinity, your class is capable of X, Y,Z things, you use it like that, and the game takes you through the tutorial by even training you how to get used to the combat system. GW2's system, in addition to the constant "balancing" patches, is very unintuitive, cluttered, and overrelies on looking at the wiki too much which is no bueno for new players who need direction that's actually put in by the developers themselves instead of a community-effort to pick up the slack where they're lacking.

    Speaking of Tybalt.. he was really the only character I remotely cared about in the series. Even then, I don't remember most of GW2's story since it was just mid after mid with a boring half-hearted world to go in conjunction with it. You're the kind of person who thinks traditional storytelling and melodrama is insincere and prefer the cynical, light-hearted approach of GW2 instead. A lot of GW2 fans pride themselves in liking the game because it's different from the flock whether that's worse or better depending on the player's taste. That's fine, but you can't expect people to like it or really care for it if they don't have the same gripes over the MMORPG genre as you do.




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  4. 2 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    I feel like we aren't playing the same games or this is hopeless fanboiism.

    No actual argument just an insult, ok then lol. I played more hours of GW2 and I just started FFXIV. Immediately I noticed that the latter (in both the community, story content, gameplay, mechanics, in-game tutorials, aesthetics) is of significantly higher quality than anything I encountered in all the thousand hours I spent playing GW2.





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  5. 1 hour ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    I don't know if it has too many words (I've only played the game up to level 50 or so), but my criticism of the story up until that point is primarily that it seems like a poor excuse for injecting structure into the leveling process.  At that it honestly excels.  Just follow the MSQ and you'll always know where to go and what to do.  There is no aimless feeling there as many players experience leveling in GW2. 

    However, as gameplay structure goes, an endless series of pointless fetch quests is not compelling gameplay.  I'd go as far as to say that FFXIV appears to celebrate the fetch quest like no other MMO!  I recall a quest line in the mid 30s where you're seeking someone who has information you need.  So, you end up doing this clown's chores for him because he's too lazy to do them himself, only to have him admit that he isn't the guy you're looking for.  He then sends you to find the right guy, who naturally has his own set of fetch quests for you to do.  Haha!  Joke's on you!  And through 50 levels so far the MSQ never relents.  It is literally just fetch quest after fetch quest after fetch quest.  Go here, meet this guy, go there, get this for him, bring it back, go here, get this, bring it back.  Zzzzzz.

    So what about the actual story?  I've heard it gets better, but frankly the story up until level 50 is terrible.  There isn't a single compelling character or interesting thread at this point.  You only even meet one of what I assume are the big bads at level 50 and get some hints that something interesting might happen at a future date.  It's extremely boring so far, so I completely understand why people would criticize the dialogue. 

    For the most part, it isn't voiced so you're reading big blocks of text.  And after playing GW2, I really miss the voicework.  I feel it makes story content much more immersive.  But the characters also tend to ramble when there's no reason for them to do so.  I got into the habit of reading the parts with cinematics and where it seemed like important events were occurring and then skipping through all of the pointless fetch quest NPC rambling as it never seemed to add anything of value to the story.

    And that's what I mean when I say it seems like a poor excuse to inject structure into the leveling process.  They didn't write a compelling story and make you feel like you're part of important events.  They made you an errand boy so that you would never feel lost while leveling up.  It's completely and utterly awful, but it does let you just follow a straightforward path through the process of leveling.

    I absolutely disagree. The story, even at the beginning, is extremely literary (in a good way), very nuanced, thoughtful, and does an excellent job at crafting character narratives and making the player character feel immersed in the world that exists outside of its bubble beyond just the player character's adventure. GW2 does the opposite -- the world isn't so lively outside of the core maps and increasingly everything becomes about the stakes placed upon the Commander and his circle of friends while everyone is treated as castaways. FFXIV's characters talk like regular people do with others they're opening to... you get to learn the little details of their life of what's going on in the starter town you've spawned in and piece together detail like that to create a bigger picture of a grand story with a lot of allegorical messaging and intricate symbolism. And I don't mind the lack of voices, after all, most of the voices in GW2 are very amateurish and downright obnoxious to listen to. I prefer no voice acting over voice acting with bad attempt at conveying emotions and ""witty"" sarcastic tone to cover the lack of talent.

    I guess if someone thinks that stories outside of extremely grand, spectacle-waving stuff OR pragmatism that's just focused on characters giving dialog expositions orbiting the bare task at hand instead of making characters and the world feel memorable with depth then it would be a turn-off to them. But to me, FFXIV's writing and GW2's writing are leagues away with no advantage flattering the latter.

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  6. On 7/17/2023 at 1:11 PM, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

    this is just how everything was before it all became darker and edgier in the early to mid 2000s, which many of us consider the dark age of entertainment rather than an era of enlightenment, in which everything was written like a teenage highschool drama.


    i guarantee you could put on any show from the 80s-90s and probably start calling it cringe immediately.

    Uhhh, no. 80s/90s weren't always sarcastic and ironic, even though there was some tryhard edgy stuff in that era, generally the tone of media was very eclectic and diverse to chose from depending on what suited your taste. Generally, even the sillier or meta-critique of stuff wasn't a constant stream of non-stop cynicism and trying to insert obnoxious witty dialog everywhere. Most importantly, it was appropriately placed in the correct franchises. If something was subversive or meant to be a cynical meta-critique on the current state of society then you knew what it was about from the jump (unless you weren't paying attention). GW2 didn't start off like this, like at all. It was more similar to other high fantasy medieval mixed with sci-fi / magic elements worlds.

    GW2's "writing" (if you can call it that) is annoying because at the beginning of the game's story it went from taking itself somewhat seriously/a silly joke here and there to full blown West Coast American ironic "witty" sitcom-tier humor. "Hey, hey, this story is stupid right? What about laughing at this? HAHA, we're so totally in on the joke" kind of annoying, pretentious "humor" that reeks of insecurity and people who think writing a story with high stakes and emotional depth/maturity deeper than a puddle is ~cwinge~.



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  7. 22 hours ago, Akisohida.8963 said:

    No. Steam represents SOME of the new players.
    Not every new player has installed via steam.

    But have fun playing something else. I don't get why you'd sit here and doompost and tell people enjoying the game that their game is dying. Pretty weird thing to do.

    Most new players would have been introduced to Steam since ArenaNet's marketing for GW2 is notoriously bad and Steam is the largest platform for PC gaming.

    Cope all you want. Telling it how it is isn't "doomposting" or whatever buzzword you're forcing on a discussion to shut down opinions you don't like.



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  8. 19 hours ago, Akisohida.8963 said:

    Except steam literally does not show the entire player-base, since most players got into GW2 before it ever came to steam.

    Acting like the steam player base is a reflection of the true population just because it easily shows numbers is...incredibly incorrect.

    But steam represents the new players attracted to the game

    If only old players are playing your game without that game getting a steady, large number of new players then that means that endeavor of introducing to a new playerbase via Steam launch was a flop. Something like Phantasy Star Online got a release on Steam after 10 years for it to be available for US audiences and it peaked something like 58k! players.

    Anywho~~ I quite enjoy seeing the chaos after the unprofessional remarks and balancing attempts done by the team. Uninstalled since 2 weeks now 😄


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  9. 22 hours ago, Daishi.6027 said:

    CMC: I want every class to be like old Cele ele!

    CMC (paraphrasing): Yeah we could make things fairly balanced, but that's not interesting. It's fine if we kitten up, maybe we'll get'em next time.

    Also CMC: *Everything we have now*

    He doesn't care about making the game fair he basically said so and implied the mistakes didn't matter. He, like every other past and current balance devs and the discord only care about buffing their pet class, with very little understanding of the meta game as a whole and how to evolve it to a healthy meta game.

    His giant PvP culling wasn't the W the sheep think it, especially with the asymmetry among class defensive ability nerfs.

    He should never have been hired, his scope of understanding of the game was narrow minded at the start, and it shows in the current iteration of the game.

    Funniest part of all of it is they had an offer from someone who understood the meta, understood balance, and was even critical of their own classes design and wanting things to be fair and balanced for the entire game. But no, we got this clown and hack instead. Probably because of some stupid back room deal, or idk maybe some casting couch style deal he seems the type.

    Liked but had to change it to LOL cause the last part took me off guard xD

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  10. he's probably giggling like a school girl reading all these salt threads

    "tee hee! they're so angry! tee hee!"

    meanwhile im just like: tee hee! let's see what happens when you lose all your playerbase and you don't have a job anymore! teehee! 🤣



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  11. As someone stated above ^, sexual dimorphism is not a good argument as to why there's no really long hair for men. IRL sexual dimorphism doesn't change the hair length between the sexes, men just usually have shorter hair than women due to the social gender expectations of acceptable hairstyles being different.

    Anyway, I wish the game had more curly, wavy, and coily hair. Elonian hairstyles were okay but too frizzy tbh I feel like they didn't use a proper reference for how actually nicely styled natural hair looks like. And not many wavy or curly hairs outside of those ones with a very slight wave which I don't like.


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  12. 41 minutes ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

    To be fair, the gods were "written out" with Nightfall. The conclusion of Nightfall is literally the gods stepping away from the world. The whole PoF thing about the gods fleeing because Elder Dragons was a retcon despite established canon lore.
    So it wasn't "introducing the gods as part of the character creation system just to write them out" but rather "adding the gods as part of the character creation system despite having written them out".
    And the point of this is as @Ulysses.2058 mentioned - religion is one of the centerpieces of human culture and society, from Kryta to Elona to Cantha. Though the faith has waned due to their silence (aka departure), as mentioned in the introduction cinematic for humans, it has not perished. And this is a bit of an underlying element of the human side of the story - like how charr have the underlying plot of "loyalty to the legion vs loyalty to the warband" (most notable in situations like the gladium and shaman sire plots, as well as IBS), humans have "remaining faithful vs only relying on yourself" (which gets highlighted the most in S3 and PoF).


    The lead narrative designers in 2007-2012 were Jeff Grubb and Ree Soesbee. While they stayed with ArenaNet for a while after, they weren't in the spotlight, suggesting they were working on another game product.
    In 2013, with LWS1, Angel McCoy and Scott McGough took over as lead narrative designers. This continued until Season 4 began, in 2018, where Tom Abernathy took over as Lead Narrative Designer until 2022 just before EoD's launch. Bobby Stein, a writer since GW1, is now lead narrative designer.
    This will explain why the setup of GW2 doesn't really match anything else in the story - the Elder Dragons were established by writers who stopped working on GW2 after launch.

    One of ArenaNet's biggest issues is that they are a "stepping stone company". Which means their employees shift a lot and you only have a handful of consistent developers in the roster, like Bobby Stein and Matthew Medina who (sans a brief period for Medina) have been around since the days of Prophecies but not the ones in charge overall. A lot of .

    I see, that puts things into perspective then.

    • Like 1
    • Arena Net hasn't cared about the game mode for years
    • Balancing is a joke
    • Highest ranked team comps are just based on memey cc / burst / boonball spam
    • Matchmaking is TERRIBLE because of small pool of players
    • Not beginner-friendly
    • Very rude and toxic players, probably the worst in the entire game
    • Counter-intuitive gameplay that doesn't even have spectator mode to learn from better players or clear animations to know wtf is being casted LOL
    • From what's said on here, incredibly shady scene full of wintraders, afkers, and the whole circus.

    Really, what's the point of sPVP outside of completing your daily (and even that can go left field pretty easily too)? Way more cons than pros, just not worth the headache or investment.


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  13. On 6/16/2023 at 9:08 AM, Darkness.3942 said:

    This topic is a minor thing to me despite noticing its presence in GW2 when its around me everywhere else in TV shows, Movies and other games. It's grown exponentially over the past five years as a topic everyone talks about often: it's hard not to notice it.

    I know Anet is a progressive company, I've known that for years, but so is Bungie (of who's games I also play) and there are respectable ways to handle that kind of thing in their game narration.

    Also "not asking them to write about themselves because I see them as a trend as unrealistic"? You're looking into what I said too much.

    You clearly haven't seen the likes of the Cleopatra documentary and the general backlash received by the MCU and Disney with their films within recent years because of the angle they've been trying to push, let alone the backlash of these past couple of LW episodes (even though the mental health thing is not the core reason why people are upset): bad productions get bad reception. It's not science.

    LOL comparing race-bending a real life, historical figure to doing it to a fictional character. 😂😂 Whoever thinks those two are one in the same needs to seriously evaluate their maturity and even mental health LOL. 🤣


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