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  1. Yooooooo! I think its the first zip line sound effect in this Playful Ghost Jade Bot showcase!! Happens at exactly 1:00!! H
  2. Maybe it could be a hyena sound? Im not playing ranger though, so I'm not sure if i'd be hearing someone elses pet during metas or rifting and such. Ill hop on my ranger and see if I can match the sound up, but I doubt it's that.
  3. Im pretty sure I'm not the one putting off the sound effect hahaha. It's gotta be someone else. It's so distinct though. Go run some Rifts in a large squad with the volume up and I swear you'll eventually hear what im talking about.
  4. Lately i've been rarely hearing a sound effect that distinctly sounds very similar to Michael Jackson's famous "heeeeee heee". Does anyone know what this effect might be? And no it's not the Dreamer neighing sound effects. Might be a weapon stow effect or elite spec, I have no clue. Would love to be able to track down what it actually is i'm supposed to be hearing xD
  5. I tested recently in game against someone w/ only 1 skyscale and it seems my previously state conclusions continue to hold true. There is no discernible benefit from having both. I was kind of hoping for a huge increase, like when you unlock the springer high hop. But this skyscale launch upgrade doesnt event seem to do anything.
  6. Obtaining both skyscales is supposed to provide you the benefit of having a larger leap off the wall once appropriate masteries are unlocked in their respective tracks. Not only is the wall spring distance not increased, but it seems the flight stamina depletes faster post leap, after unlocking your 2nd skyscale. You would think the leap itself wouldn't eat into the green bar, but it does. I'm having harder times reaching places I used to consistently access before unlocking everything.
  7. This has been happening to me every since DX11. I have all top of the quality computer parts, best on the market. Simple textures like the skill bar or floor I'm standing on will take seconds to appear. Loading into maps can take 1-2 minutes, often. 12th Gen i7-12700K 3.6GHz 64 GB of ram Nvidia Geforce RTX 3070 Ti m.2 ssd & 1tb ssd. Gw2 is installed on the 1tb as far as im aware. Not sure where hidden cache/asset files are currently stored.
  8. You basically have to run this content with a group if you are going beyond tier 1 rifts. The cost of a motivation exceeds the bonus reward you get from it. Therefore if 1 person is opening all of the t2 and t3 rifts for a squad, they are operating at net loss, both in terms of gold and time spent earning essence. When I run this content as a commander, there is period of time that the rift boss wont spawn until a motivation is deposited. If my squad sits here for awhile, I try to explain to people that these rifts require a "key" to be opened. I then direct them to the motivations, and ask each person to buy 1 from the tp. After this brief explanation, I've never had an issue with getting others to contribute to opening the rifts. And I've ran 50+ hours of these rifts as a commander. It's true, the most cost effective AND profitable way to farm these rifts, is by never contributing motivations at all. But, if people start being selfish, I, as a commander will just start charging people upfront to join private squads. I'm sure guilds are already doing this, and other public commanders would do the same. Nobody wants this, so just contribute your 1 motivation when you join a rift squad and all will be kosher. Indeed, it is more cost effective to spread the keys (motivations) out, only consuming 1 per rift for the entire party of players. That is what I tell my squad members to do. I believe the break even is having 3-5 players per 1 motivation used (at least for T2s), but you're not trying to break even in terms of gold or progression, you're trying to move forward. I'll generally run T1s until I get a party of around 30 people, then I'll switch over to T2s or T3s. T3's you don't make any gold from, only the mats needed to farm for new PVE legendary armor. T2s generate the essence needed for T3 motivations, which when consumed to defeat T3 rifts, yields these legendary materials, ie T3 essence of triumph. This is how the gold sink / money making method works. Remember, only the person who uses the motivation gets the bonus, but the bonus does not offset the cost of the motivation itself. Therefore, lets say two people wish to earn the new legendary armor, 1 uses as many motivations as possible, crafting all their essences into keys, while the other mooches every rift. The moocher will complete their armor in less total rifts. There is a third type of player, the one who buys all their motivations off the tp. Based on my calculations, this player will complete the armor 3 times faster than the moocher, at the cost of their gold.
  9. Indeed, it is more cost effective to spread the keys (motivations) out, only consuming 1 per rift for the entire party of players. That is what I tell my squad members to do. I believe the break even is having 5 players per 1 motivation used (at least for T2s), but you're not trying to break even in terms of gold or progression, you're trying to move forward. I'll generally run T1s until I get a party of around 30 people, then I'll switch over to T2s or T3s. T3's you don't make any gold from, only the mats needed to farm for new PVE legendary armor. T2s generate the essence needed for T3 motivations, which when consumed to defeat T3 rifts, yields these legendary materials, ie T3 essence of triumph. This is how the gold sink / money making method works. Correct, only the person who uses the motivation gets the bonus, but the bonus does not offset the cost of the motivation itself. Therefore, lets say two people wish to earn the new legendary armor, 1 uses as many motivations as possible, crafting all their essences into keys, while the other mooches every rift. The moocher will complete their armor in less total rifts. There is a third type of player, the one who buys all their motivations off the tp. Based on my calculations, this player will complete the armor 3 times faster than the moocher, at the cost of their gold. I definitely agree, the bonus should be higher, maybe yield some additional essence of the previous tier to help offset the cost. Would be a nice change. I agree with this as well, but I assume it hinders the gold sink, which in the end is the purpose of this whole complex system.
  10. You basically have to run this content with a group if you are going beyond tier 1 rifts. The cost of a motivation exceeds the bonus reward you get from it. Therefore if 1 person is opening all of the t2 and t3 rifts for a squad, they are operating at net loss, both in terms of gold and time spent earning essence. When I run this content as a commander, there is period of time that the rift boss wont spawn until a motivation is deposited. If my squad sits here for awhile, I try to explain to people that these rifts require a "key" to be opened. I then direct them to the motivations, and ask each person to buy 1 from the tp. After this brief explanation, I've never had an issue with getting others to contribute to opening the rifts. And I've ran 50+ hours of these rifts as a commander. It's true, the most cost effective AND profitable way to farm these rifts, is by never contributing motivations at all. But, if people start being selfish, I, as a commander will just start charging people upfront to join private squads. I'm sure guilds are already doing this, and other public commanders would do the same. Nobody wants this, so just contribute your 1 motivation when you join a rift squad and all will be kosher.
  11. Had the same issue with the new patch. I renamed my "addons" folder to "temp" for now and all is well again.
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