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Honest John.4673

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  1. This is probably the only way ANet can fix the population/coverage issue which has been an inherent flaw to the gamemode since launch while also keeping guilds/communities somewhat intact. Funny how if you stare at a problem long enough and have explored all other options the logical solution becomes apparent to you.
  2. It's almost as if a server community, that is still working as you said, by definition, is fully capable of making an alliance of people they want to play with in said community. And the pugs can join that community alliance, if they cared. "Care" being the key word here.
  3. They could simply join those alliances while they can if they cared. But since they're casual, seems like, by definition, they don't care as much. And I suppose heaven forbid hardcore be matched up against hardcore and casual be matched up against casual, that might make for more competitive matches, and I guess you can't have that in a competitive gamemode, right? And woe is me, I won't get to carry all the casual leeches, I'll miss them one-pushing in fights and contributing nothing to the group. But I suppose the casuals are being oppressed into being have-nots by the more hardcore players too, right?
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