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Posts posted by Bunny.9834

  1. 7 hours ago, Antycypator.9874 said:

    There is quickness, you just can't really get super high uptime without investing half of your stats into Concentration (Haste, Thrill of the Crime, Sigil of Celerity). I used to run with these in Open World.

    That's the problem, you can't upkeep quickness with thief unless you play a deadeye. Which I feel like the only spec the devs care about for thief. 

    I'm not understanding why they're so afraid of giving DD 100% SELF-quickness uptime (also same for Weaver). It's a DPS spec with no boons to share. 

  2. I like the idea of making GM traits from E-Specs build defining.

    The recent balance updates had homogenize the professions and lost a lot of their uniqueness. Add to this the globalization of E-Spec specific weapons. 

    I like E-Specs like Holosmith, Daredevil, Mechanist because of how impactful choosing specific traits to your build. 

    Some of the Grandmaster traits from these e-specs don't even warrant their GM status anymore (I'm looking at you Mirage). 


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  3. 52 minutes ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

    The ridiculous discrepancies between ranger and warrior were literally one of the reasons I stopped playing a year ago.

    There are so many examples of balance discrepancies like the one you pointed out--and in all of them, warrior gets the short stick.  Eg., Prelude lash vs snap pull, point blank shot vs pin down, etc.  It's like whoever balanced ranger used a completely different ruleset than what warrior uses. 

    And it's not just ranger. Warrior-Rev,  warrior-guardian, or warrior -necro comparisons are also pretty one-sided against the warrior. 

    It's so bad, in fact, that the only way warrior gets to be viable is having a few hilariously OP gimmicks that carry its whole kit. Examples include: full counter, berserker invuln spam +skull grinder, Bladesworn healing + unblockable, unblindable CC that does damage.  These things understandably get whined about and then nerfed--and in bladesworn's case, gutted entirely.

    Yeah I'm afraid it's only a matter of time until the ONE useful build for warrior will be gutted eventually and then back to 0. 

    So use that Staff while it's good. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

    main hand is basically hard carried by skullgrinder in terms of making it a viable weapon choice

    but off-hand is yeesh
    tho i will say crushing blow has a surprisingly high coefficient and it's kinda funny even tho impale/rip are still higher

    i was really hoping weapons as a whole would get a look over across the entire game with weaponmaster training releasing, maybe with underwater weapons coming to land

    I would go a little further that Melee in general for warriors needs a HARD look. The current meta (pvp) is impossible to deal with Melee. Warrior's "heavy" armor status means nothing at this point when you fight very punishing range classes. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Lighter.5631 said:

    so is hammer. earth shaker doesnt count as you need to hit enemy to gain adrenaline to get access to it..

    Yeah, don't get me started on that one. 

    Warrior: Backbreaker 

    cast time: 1s

    cool down: 25s

    knockdown: 4s

    targets: 1

    range: 130

    Ranger (Untamed): 

    cast time: 3/4s

    cool down: 20s 

    knockdown: 2s 

    targets: 5

    range: 600

    These base stats alone show you the imbalance in treatment.  

  6. On 5/20/2024 at 9:44 AM, Gaiawolf.8261 said:

    I always thought is felt backward that firebrands have quickness abilities while willbenders have alacrity. Willbenders want to burst quick during their virtue windows, while firebrands would benefit more from lowering the CDs of their tomes, support skills, and reapplying burn stacks.

    This has been something that would greatly streamline the builds for GW2 and its LFG system. 

    Assign Alacrity to Healers and Quickness to DPS. 


  7. We appreciate the sword buffs as we were asking for it forever for PvE but it's still gonna be clunky without quickness. 

    Give core thief and DD access to self-quickness in PvE

    #1   Burst of Agility is STILL TERRIBLE.  It needs a major buff in PvE. 60s CD is too much.  
    #2   Quickpockets - throw some quickness there with weapon swaps (make it might for PvP/WvW) 


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  8. On 5/19/2024 at 1:57 PM, Dami.5046 said:

    crikey, logging into a game and actually doing something. wow. 


    What do people expect nowadays? Log in a free to play game and get everything all at once? I don't even think Grouch gets that privilege lol. 

    SOTO is practically handing you the skyscale. You didn't have to do the crazy long  LWS4 quests to obtain it like the vets did. 


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  9. 38 minutes ago, Hpez.2908 said:

    Comparing Relic of Wayfinder with Relic of Speed, is this correct with swiftness up?

    Speed : +66% total bonus

    Wayfinder :

    In-combat : 33+25 = 58%

    Out of combat : 33+33 = 66%

    I'm not sure if that's how it works, I think its just 33% out of combat and 25% while in combat + the initial superspeed. 

    Most of these relics seems to be geared towards competitive. 

    Relic of Speed is great for classes with built in swiftness in their traits like DD, WB, Weaver etc.

    Wayfinder on the other hand is great for more team fight oriented builds. But you have to sacrifice a more "useful" relics. 

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  10. Pay a sub fee, then you can whine about how much content you're getting. 


    It's 2024 people, $25 now is like $5 10 years ago. 

    Adjust your expectations lol.  I think they did a decent job with this mini-expac. 

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  11. I'm all for CCs in Melee classes as they need it to deliver bursts. The problem is when it becomes AOE. You have 2 or 3 people running these AOE CC spam and you have no chance. Even if you have somebody running stacks of AOE Stabs. 


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  12. On 5/2/2024 at 10:17 PM, Pttf.2467 said:

    yup, that's why i play only till I lose 2 games and call it a day, yesterday i played 7 games without losing cuz i just stop cuz I knew it was matter of time till i got one of those matches, today i got what I avoided yesterday, 2 very one sided matches.

    when you're on a losing streak, best strat is to just keep losing lol. Eventually this amazing match making system will start pairing you with veterans lol. 

  13. 7 minutes ago, Mitsurugi Lp.6320 said:

    Good evening,

    So as many of you know there was a change to when the boons start to be reapplied on the jade techs. I loved this function because it made me go back to open-world roaming get buffs, and quickly dispose of anything in front of me but when it was time for a prolonged battle like Teq or Claw of Jormag I just had to rely on my usual skills/buffs without the added boons which wasn't bad at all. I somewhat understand why the cooldown is what it is now, but I also paid and spent time to get these "special little" bonuses and was wondering if anyone felt the same. 

    I've been torn with the idea of the protocols for a while. 

    On one hand, they make life easy because of the boon access. I even proposed they added these protocols in the Jade Sea Pavillion to make it easier to access them + incentivize players to buy the pass. This was knowing they wouldn't go away or get nerfed to the ground... well I was wrong. 

    On the other hand, I would rather they give access to the special boons like quickness and alacrity to Traits and Skills only. This is to promote a more active gameply and ACTUAL knowledge of the combat system rather than the one stop shop button. 

    I think they should just keep the stat buff. 

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