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Posts posted by jbrother.1340

  1. @Ayakaru.6583 said:

    @Ayakaru.6583 said:Because gw2 is more entertain to play than to watch.I doubt even know why game channels are popular in the first. You're waching someone else having fun.(Strictly talking about lets play streams. There are people who can amusing videos ABOUT games)

    So world of warcraft is more entertaining to watch than play?

    Apparently. The people must not like the game very much to rather watch other people play

    Apparently people that watch sports must not like the sport very much if they’d rather watch than play.

    Apparently people that watch music performances must not like the music very much if they’d rather watch than play it themselves.

    Apparently people that watch TV/movies must not like the their lives very much if they’d rather watch events through imaginary characters than experience them firsthand.

    The difference there being that those levels of activities require years of dedicated training.I get you'd watch a championship of a game because that's not a playing field the average Joe can access.What i don't get is why you'd watch another average Joe play

    The top streamers might seem like normal average joes to you but most of them have made a stupidly large pile of money competing in some cases at the international level in gaming. They got rich some of them playing games at a level that would simply make you or me quit if we had to play them everyday at "that" game. It is like anything else people do professionally for money. Many might do it but few master and claim it as their own.

    It might be unpopular here to mention this stuff and you might not find the games some of them play regularly amusing but there are a couple streamers that often are playing PUBG and other FPS games that crush people like they never even existed and do it calmly no matter what happens. I love seeing that. I love seeing in their eyes the pain of losing to an amateur and the process going on back there or learning and then being a performer and keeping it all down while they genuinely say GG when the other play got the drop and won in a fair fight. I love watching people perform. The average joes are there as well they are just the ones with fewer viewers often or in some cases are diamonds in the rough that have not figured out their brand yet. I find the come up and the fight to survive in that world and on twitch highly amusing. the same as singers, actors, and other artists that I enjoy.

    In the words of the great philosopher Rodney Danderfield from Back to School (1986):I have only one thing

    to say to you today,

    it's a jungle out thereYou gotta look outfor number oneBut don't step in number two.And so,to all you graduates...as you go out into the worldmy advice to you is...

    don't go!

    It's rough out there.Move back with your parentsLet them worry about it.

  2. @Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

    @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:Why do people even stream? It's such a peculiar mentality to me.Someone used the word narcissistic earlier. That's quite pejorative, but it does seem to describe streaming behaviour pretty well.

    i don´t know, is a
    • book author
    • radio host
    • professor
    • musician
    • forum poster
    • .....................also automaticly a narcisist for sharing his work/mind/activities/...?

    This makes me feel that mmo players are going the way of the dinosaurs. I notice mmo players are usually the first to call out mobile games as not being real games either so, it's not surprising that streaming isnt in their repitore as well.

    You know what would be really healthy for probably most people...

    Stop needing to call others out for your opinions. Stop calling them out as though somehow "you" possess some hidden knowledge that is subtle and quaint. Who cares if something that is clearly creative and imaginary (yes it exists in the sense that it is physically able to be interacted with but spawned from imagination) doesn't do it for you? I hate the taste of liver. I have cooked liver and onions thousands of times in my life and eaten it many as well. I still hate the taste but have been complimented on my preparation of it by others who love it often. My personal taste is not relevant in any way.

    With a game or twitch or anything that you or another might consider creative or entertaining who are we to argue with that taste. I never understood twitch and for quite some time wondered why people did that and why anyone would even want to broadcast themselves in that way. It is pretty raw entertainment. No filter really no time delay and things can go badly wrong and if the camera is still rolling you are going to get super exposed to the world real fast considering it is being recorded or clipped by someone. Then I went to twitch one day and saw for myself.

    It is madness. It isn't just games. I watched a person build a bird feeder the other day. there were only about 100 people watching but we chatted and he did as well with us and questioned certain things he was doing with tools and technique in his wood shop. He answered and gave information and joked around. It was a nice little bird feeder. It isn't just a bunch of twelve year old squeakers. I watch games and chat and watch cooking shows and other stuff live. For me that is the reason I actually really like it now that I just went and saw for myself. I love live entertainment. I have far less chance to see live performance for me actually in the flesh than I would like so it fits a role for me. I go to concerts, plays, opera, ballet and all kinds of other stuff whenever I can but I am not rich and that stuff can cost. Twitch and other platforms like it serve a very desired purpose and now I have digressed.

    The reason more people will watch wow is several factors. One being that things change fast at the top on twitch. New and shiny often rockets to the top for a bit and then drops into a place below that and hovers around or crashes and disappears so far down you forget about it. WOW as classic launches is going to have a huge presence for a short time. It will not last long and will drop in place in the first three rows on the twitch browser after a month or so, maybe less. GW2 has never had much presence and in the end that is a viscous circle that causes a game to flounder. You need something that draws at least a couple mid-size or large streamers to a degree to survive. That causes ads to get played people get paid and then the circle is broken. It isn't easy in the sea of online games to achieve this and most games simply cannot for long. There is a reason the top games are always on top. Small streams and streamers are often more fun than large ones.

    GW2 is never really going to have a place on twitch based on the current existence and culture of twitch.

    Sort of digressed hard from the person I quoted not sure what happened. What can you do???

  3. @Tarlonniel.6534 said:

    @"hugo.4705" said:

    Also what is dads? They play the game with their child? Missed the meaning of first sentence.

    I did not understand that at all either.

    I think the OP is referring to the group of people known as "gamer dads" - male gamers with growing demands on their time from family, work, etc. , so they can't spend as much time playing as they used to. There was a lot of focus from game journalists and developers on how to accommodate gamer dads for a while; not sure how much it's died down now. Maybe they've shifted to a more gender-neutral term.

    Once they get a little older nothing wrong with teaching them about your hobby and using it as an opportunity to get closer to your child while they learn what gaming means to them. You also have the opportunity to teach them about safe gaming and time management habits during this engagement. Might also help dad (and let us be real here a moment; mothers are no less gamers than fathers these days) learn time management better as well.

    People should stop labeling people and allow us all to actually be what we are. Individuals that have no collective consciousness. My island might bump into yours now and again but we are all floating solo on the same sea.

    Fine... no more analogy or metaphor for at least 30 seconds.

  4. @Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

    @Psientist.6437 said:The time you spend in Tyria is yours, you do not owe us anything.

    Sage advice.

    Maybe not owe...

    I agree with the statement, I really do. I would only ask that maybe you could loan us some civility and honorable behavior. I will pay you back with the same and interest.This is directed at the OP to this quote. It is good advice to live and let live within what can be allowed. If you decide to come and kill chickens on my lawn all bets are off ;)

  5. @"Mortifera.6138" said:Some people blame casualization on dads, saying they shouldn’t be playing video games. Well, what about a socially inept person playing a social game? I have no social skills, which keeps me from using voice comms, as I feel I would just ruin everyone’s fun with my awkwardness and insecurities. What do you think? Is it the socially inept players’s fault if they don’t mesh with a social guild? Or should the guild be more understanding of abnormal human behavior?

    Why does it have to be a matter of "blame"?

    You would only be at fault here for something if you choose not to try and grow as you live. At least speaking for me I would never blame you for ruining anything because you are shy or awkward. There are many reasons you might be that way that are not your fault and not within your control as you were raised. However if you are an adult and recognize this about yourself you have an opportunity here.

    You could use this socialization to grow. Maybe not all the time but start slowly using voice comm. Try and find a group of people that are mature and won't just you for these things and allow you room to grow. I know that is not always an easy prospect but just making the effort might start changing how you feel.

    and the idea that "dad's" should or should not do something does not seem appropriate. Who are we to say how another person should act within the acceptable norms for being a parent. You know things like NOT beating your children or being abusive of them. Things like being there for them and playing games could be something that is used to connect with them, better understand them and thus be in a better position to guide them into adulthood.

    I think avoiding the mindset that fault is needed here would greatly assist you as well. Do not expect people to be understanding. No stranger owes you anything. You might find though that there are many players out there that will be understanding of you. You just don't have a right to expect it. It would be honorable thought if they could accept you as you are now, not as they would like you to be.

    worry less about what others think of you, I know it is hard sometimes. Your opinion of yourself is the thing you should work on first.

  6. @"luzonophir.7134" said:what's the appeal of Linux compared to UNIX such that lots, i mean lots of people want virtually ALL Windows Programs to run on Linux?

    (given that Linux is a derivative or should I say, born because Stallman et al HATE UNIX)

    It seems like people who want to use Linux certainly would like their preferred apps to run in Linux. I found the more I used Linux over the last few years the more I wanted to use apps that were created for use in Linux rather than the MS or windows alternatives.

    There is stuff I don't like about some of those apps but I choose to overlook those things in that I pay MS no money at all. That is a motivating factor for me to use it. It is either pirate Windows or legally use Linux. I could certainly and easily just take what I want but why do that when I have a totally viable alternative that allows me gain better advantage?

    The appeal is also that UNIX is how far behind the curve now? Linux depending on your distro is well maintained. The kernel itself is constantly being worked on and at least for OpenSuse Tumbleweed runs great and I have almost zero issues at this point with the current packages and I just just "dup'd" it last week with zero issues and overall about 15% better performance in this round of updates.

    It is personal choice for most people in the end. I am sure others have many other reasons that I don't or am not mentioning.

    Oh and GW2 runs like a champ in here now. I run both armor's package and raw WINE that I configured using Gallium Nine standalone. Armor package runs better in large group events for me like world bosses and G9standalone runs better in open world just moving about and doing random stuff. Runs pretty well on this old PC setup with a phenom II 955.

  7. @"Mortifera.6138" said:Anyone get the feeling they’re not playing a “real” game? Look at the gem store. The rifle skins, for example, make your toon look like a character in a shooter — it’s like a preview of a shooter game — but you can’t play like it. It feels like this is not a real game but a preview of real games. It’s like ordering a picture of a pizza. You get to look at the pizza, but you can’t eat it.

    It feels like a free alternative to real MMOs. This feeling is stronger now that a Living World season is going to compensate for the lack of content usually delivered by an expansion. “Real” MMOs are getting expansion. We are getting silence.

    You are acting like this is some sort of "free" bait and switch?

    Nothing is hidden. there is no scam. you can find countless hours of footage and opinion about this game online. no one is giving you a "paper pizza" here. you are knowingly coming into this knowing what this game is or you are willfully remaining ignorant. Again nothing is hidden. It is an MMO in its own style that sometimes resembles something else...

    The problem is what makes you think that you can get the full game for FREE :)

  8. @luzonophir.7134 said:can you run GW2 with UNIX?

    or nobody likes UNIX?

    I am guessing it is possible but you would probably have to do it all yourself. Compile all needed drivers, alter the system in such a way to accommodate either running WINE and all needed components or something similar. I looked for only about 5 min but did not find much on searching for data related to this.

    If you could get WINE running and your graphics drivers who know can say :)

    I am not very proficient in UNIX so maybe this has already been done actually.

  9. @Zaklex.6308 said:

    @"Ashantara.8731" said:While I appreciate criticism of the game, as I am one of its vocal critics, I didn't bother to read the whole OP, because - with a title like this - you are just making matters worse. If you "predict" the "fall", you are only more likely to make it happen - because it's demotivating for devs and players alike to read such a negative statement ("final judgment").

    The only power players have to bring about a "fall" is stop buying gems to a large degree and just simply stop playing the game in massive numbers. That day will come. People cry and cry. They want their this or that to go on forever.

    That which has a beginning has an end. This game will to. People should enjoy the game now because it won't be around forever.

    ~snip~I present to you in this corner one, the original Guild Wars, that which has a beginning has no ending...last I checked the servers where still on and people still log on and play. Also, Second Life...it appears to have no ending in sight even though Linden Labs has released their virtual world v2.0.

    I think you are being to literal. But when I say nothing lasts forever I am not. This game will end so will second life and gW1. It is just the way it works.

    It does not have to be a bad thing or a thread like this either.

    Let me give you something to consider as well:

    you are considering a very short timeline on which you are basing your statement?

    How many years can a coma patient lay in a bed not interacting with the world around them before they are considered "dead", at least by their own family or a dr that is really hanging on for them?

    They may be alive still, you can visit them, you can see them in front of you, and you could interact with them (even if they cannot interact with you) but by most people's definition that is not "life". Those other games might be in coma mode and they are alive but even in that state they will not last forever.

    I don't want GW2 to last forever, I want new games to come out that compel me more, that draw my desire into a new MMO style game that will live on as we say goodbye to GW2 at some point in the future. I want to experience new systems and new ways of playing these games. The end of GW2 does not have to be anything but the inevitable passage of your loved one, and you put them to rest with honor and move on with your life. I just don't think GW2 is in coma mode or in geriatric sunset time. It is in middle age and has some time to go before we all start ignoring it and not listening to what it has to say...

    It does not seem like ANET has given up but it does feel like they might need a boost to their moral and find a way to deeply infusion their passion back into it.

    In the soon after here we are all going to be gone to, so like I said before go log in and enjoy it. Nothing in this universe will last forever.

  10. @"Ashantara.8731" said:While I appreciate criticism of the game, as I am one of its vocal critics, I didn't bother to read the whole OP, because - with a title like this - you are just making matters worse. If you "predict" the "fall", you are only more likely to make it happen - because it's demotivating for devs and players alike to read such a negative statement ("final judgment").

    The only power players have to bring about a "fall" is stop buying gems to a large degree and just simply stop playing the game in massive numbers. That day will come. People cry and cry. They want their this or that to go on forever.

    That which has a beginning has an end. This game will to. People should enjoy the game now because it won't be around forever.

    Partly the reason I still actually log in sometimes is that this game runs like a champ on my old PC with Linux.

    As far as demotivation. The majority of the player base never comes to this forum. The devs if they are that swayed by the statements they read here (I doubt most of them ever come here only those that are required to) then they are not acting like professionals and they certainly are not working at Wendy's.

  11. @"mikhail.3506" said:I honestly Hooope nothing will happen to this game, it's a good game. But if we don't get a HUGE update like a new expansion/content come August there won't be anyone left playing this game. No players= no money = no content. It's gonna be a vicious cycle.

    So What new content are we getting in August, and will it be enough to stop people from going to WOW CLassic?


    People do love their nostalgia. It might please them for a time. It was fun when it was back then but now the fun is in the memory of it for me. I cannot say I want to play it again when I am already not playing the current version for years. People will find what they remember it was like is probably not exactly what they are going to actually play which was what it was really like. Nostalgia for me is most fun watching other people's. I have no time for it. Guess staying here sounds simpler.

  12. Hey there Armor,

    I am back (sort of) I had for the most part deleted everything for sometime now but decided to start transitioning back to playing a little again.

    Tried the current package and it works better by a decent margin compared to the last time I was using it (not sure which version I was using last year). I am getting faster load times and better FPS. I still get a little stutter but mostly in dense areas or high population spots.

    Did you ever get your package working with Gallium-nine?

    I get lower FPS using it through straight wine-staging with NINE but I get zero stutter just a bit of lag in large events. I would love to incorporate the best of both.

    I have it running both ways still and it has become much easier to deal with Gallium-nine and wine now. Now that it is basically a stand alone you can just install Gallium-nine to the wineprefix for a specific game directly. There are some drawbacks but this ran without issue for me the first time I tried and I was guessing. I either am finally starting to remember something about linux after these last few years or this actually got easier.

    Hope things have been well and I see a lot names in the thread here that I did not before so that hopefully means that GW2 on Linux has become more popular. I have to go back and read a lot of the pages of these posts now :)

    I have been tinkering with this:


  13. @"WunderWaffla.9485" said:My 2 cents about performance, specifically proton.

    My config is Arch Linux with 4.20 kernel and latest mesa.I've got amd RX 590 gpu and at the start was very disappointed about it's performance with gw2: there were constant heavy framerate drops from 60 to like 15, regardless of settings. I used default settings from Lutris and ArmoredVehicle's package (but before ArmoredVehicle released package with esync+gallium9) It was pretty much unplayable until I tried to launch it via proton. I just installed gw2 via Lutris and select "proton 3.16-beta" as runner (I have Steam alongside with proton enabled so this runner was available without any additional actions). And boom - smooth 50-60 fps on almost ultra settings in 1440p. It drops lower in cities ofc, but in combat it's fine.

    I also have steam installed in openesuse with Proton 3.16 beta setup. I am not getting options for this in lutris when I try and install a runner? Did you have to take additional manual steps to make this runner available? I don't user Lutris very much normally do this manually with WINE so I am not that savvy with it and might be looking in the wrong spot or missed a step? I try and test all these different methods of playing GW2 with Linux and would like to test this as well if you can provide more info.

  14. @wisemonkey.6275 said:This has been working really well. I would like to know if we can run GW2 with addons (for e.g. ARCDPS) when running through wineThanks

    What addons are you talking about? Stuff like dps meters and such? It is possible I think but I personally have not tried as I don't use them. I have seen posts on other forums of people getting DPS meters going but you would need to look around on the internet and probably integrate some of those files into the system files inside of the WINE prefix for GW2 if you set it up manually. I am guessing you might be able to with Armor's packages here but you might need to talk with him to see about that.

  15. @ArmoredVehicle.2849 said:

    @jbrother.1340 said:I am currently running gw2 with gallium straight through WINE.

    I've been wanting to ask you about Gallium, are you also using esync in combination with it? If yes, how is the performance compared with esync off?

    Those 2 features together can probably get the game to run with almost the same performance as on Windows. I'm considering getting a cheap AMD gpu just to compare it with Win (and hopefully make Gallium package out of it) :)

    It has been a while since I have had to mess with it and forgotten. I will have to check later.

    Do you know is that part of the wine-nine in opensuse or is was that an option to turn on in the config files for wine? I for some reason am brain dead today, but my job is sort of crushing my left lobe today :)

    E-Sync is a separate set of patches that help CPU intensive games (such as GW2), for non-Gallium Nine users this helps massively but I was wondering if Gallium Nine+ESync = even better performance. If you'd be willing to give it a shot I can build you a special package. As my per usual builds, it will not affect your current Wine-Settings, everything is self contained.

    I would be happy to test it. Just let me know. I will check back later and see how it is going and give it a try once you are ready.

    I've managed to build a custom version of Wine with both ESync and Gallium 9 inside. It looks promising but without AMD hardware I won't be able to get far into testing this myself, so you'll have to be my eyes on this one :)

    Download Link:

    Installation is as follows:

    1) Unzip the package somewhere2) In terminal run ./setup.sh3) In terminal run ./wine_settings.sh > From here go to 'Staging' tab and tick 'Enable Gallium Nine for better D3D9 graphic performance'4) From that same folder open up "data/drive_c/GW2" and put the game files there, Note: The executable must be named "GW2.exe"5) Run ./play.sh and you're done

    As I mentioned earlier, this runs entirely in portable mode and will not touch anything from your current setup. If you get stuck somewhere let me know.

    I should have some time to test this in the next couple of days and will report back once I do or if I have issues.

    So just out of curiosity. Are you just using the wine-nine-staging version and integrating the esync patches in with that when you build this up? I am no linux guru by any means but I do like to learn more when I can.

    PS,One more question as I seem to have forgotten in my head...I have a hybrid GPU laptop that also has amd gear an rx560 in it.

    Where do I put the DRI_PRIME=1 switch to force the AMD GPU over the integrated one? I just cannot remember in your scripting where to add it.

    I just tried initial setup quickly to see what it would do.

    It launches wine config windows but the "enable Gallium Nine" option in staging tab is grey'd out for me? Not sure why. I have not done a distro upgrade on tumbleweed recently but I do have Mesa drivers installed as well as amdgpu? I am going to do a reboot just to see and might do a distro upgrade later to make sure something is not out of wack but it sometimes breaks stuff bad and I need to do some backups of some data first so it might take a bit.


    I tried to run game after copying over data files and it starts and updates the launcher and did attempt to run. I get opening music and cursor change but then it goes black screen on me and only can hear music

    I get the following in terminal and it drops back to $ prompt but keeps black screen window open.

    ATTENTION: default value of option vblank_mode overridden by environment. ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment. ATTENTION: default value of option vblank_mode overridden by environment. ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment.

    I might have copied over some bad data so I am going to overwrite it with the last data I had in your previous package not the updated game files from my gallium install and try again.

    EDIT #2:

    Ok I tried again after recopying the data and I get same as above but also

    Wine cannot find the ncurses library (libncurses.so.5).
    I do have the libncurses6 libraries installed but not 5 and not sure if that matter or if I should ignore.

    It did launch this time though to character screen. I don't think though with Gallium option unchecked in config it is actually running Gallium Nine though right now but game does launch so once we can sort that out should be able to fully test.

    That was quick, thanks :)

    So to summarize, vblank_mode is basically V-Sync which is usually turned on by default in Mesa, I set the game to not use it to prevent performance loss, the mesa_glthread setting is for multithreaded rendering which improves performance in some games, I set this to make sure the game uses it regardless of what the global system setting is set to, the aim here is also to prevent performance loss. Those 2 are just warnings, nothing bad.

    As for ncurses5, it can probably be safely ignored, however I will try to include this in the package as further notice.

    Finally the bigger issue: Gallium Nine checkbox grayed out, I expected it with my hardware, but if it's happening also for you, something may be wrong with my build.

    EDIT: Well turns out that to compile Wine from source with G9 support you need to have Mesa with G9 installed beforehand, otherwise Wine will compile without the required library and will leave you with just a grayed out checkbox (which is exactly what I did). :)

    That brings me to a conclusion, I will take some time to gather info, possibly learn how to compile Mesa myself too and I'll see if I can get a cheap modern AMD card to test with. Might be a while till I get this all set up.

    That makes sense both parts.

    I am using an HD7950 in this PC. I think you probably can get one or similar for about 40-60$ on ebay but who knows of quality for a used card and they are getting older at this point.

    I wish I knew more about compiling at this level of complexity but it still beyond my skill set.

    Just let me know once you are ready for further testing and I will keep checking back.

    I appreciate the effort you are putting in :)


    side note. I installed the libncurses5 libraries and error went away. Not sure if it even really matters as the second time I launched after a reboot it still did error in that way but still launched the game.

  16. @jbrother.1340 said:

    @jbrother.1340 said:I am currently running gw2 with gallium straight through WINE.

    I've been wanting to ask you about Gallium, are you also using esync in combination with it? If yes, how is the performance compared with esync off?

    Those 2 features together can probably get the game to run with almost the same performance as on Windows. I'm considering getting a cheap AMD gpu just to compare it with Win (and hopefully make Gallium package out of it) :)

    It has been a while since I have had to mess with it and forgotten. I will have to check later.

    Do you know is that part of the wine-nine in opensuse or is was that an option to turn on in the config files for wine? I for some reason am brain dead today, but my job is sort of crushing my left lobe today :)

    E-Sync is a separate set of patches that help CPU intensive games (such as GW2), for non-Gallium Nine users this helps massively but I was wondering if Gallium Nine+ESync = even better performance. If you'd be willing to give it a shot I can build you a special package. As my per usual builds, it will not affect your current Wine-Settings, everything is self contained.

    I would be happy to test it. Just let me know. I will check back later and see how it is going and give it a try once you are ready.

    I've managed to build a custom version of Wine with both ESync and Gallium 9 inside. It looks promising but without AMD hardware I won't be able to get far into testing this myself, so you'll have to be my eyes on this one :)

    Download Link:

    Installation is as follows:

    1) Unzip the package somewhere2) In terminal run ./setup.sh3) In terminal run ./wine_settings.sh > From here go to 'Staging' tab and tick 'Enable Gallium Nine for better D3D9 graphic performance'4) From that same folder open up "data/drive_c/GW2" and put the game files there, Note: The executable must be named "GW2.exe"5) Run ./play.sh and you're done

    As I mentioned earlier, this runs entirely in portable mode and will not touch anything from your current setup. If you get stuck somewhere let me know.

    I should have some time to test this in the next couple of days and will report back once I do or if I have issues.

    So just out of curiosity. Are you just using the wine-nine-staging version and integrating the esync patches in with that when you build this up? I am no linux guru by any means but I do like to learn more when I can.

    PS,One more question as I seem to have forgotten in my head...I have a hybrid GPU laptop that also has amd gear an rx560 in it.

    Where do I put the DRI_PRIME=1 switch to force the AMD GPU over the integrated one? I just cannot remember in your scripting where to add it.

    I just tried initial setup quickly to see what it would do.

    It launches wine config windows but the "enable Gallium Nine" option in staging tab is grey'd out for me? Not sure why. I have not done a distro upgrade on tumbleweed recently but I do have Mesa drivers installed as well as amdgpu? I am going to do a reboot just to see and might do a distro upgrade later to make sure something is not out of wack but it sometimes breaks stuff bad and I need to do some backups of some data first so it might take a bit.


    I tried to run game after copying over data files and it starts and updates the launcher and did attempt to run. I get opening music and cursor change but then it goes black screen on me and only can hear music

    I get the following in terminal and it drops back to $ prompt but keeps black screen window open.

    ATTENTION: default value of option vblank_mode overridden by environment. ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment. ATTENTION: default value of option vblank_mode overridden by environment. ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment.

    I might have copied over some bad data so I am going to overwrite it with the last data I had in your previous package not the updated game files from my gallium install and try again.

    EDIT #2:

    Ok I tried again after recopying the data and I get same as above but also

    Wine cannot find the ncurses library (libncurses.so.5). I do have the libncurses6 libraries installed but not 5 and not sure if that matter or if I should ignore.

    It did launch this time though to character screen. I don't think though with Gallium option unchecked in config it is actually running Gallium Nine though right now but game does launch so once we can sort that out should be able to fully test.

  17. @ArmoredVehicle.2849 said:

    @jbrother.1340 said:I am currently running gw2 with gallium straight through WINE.

    I've been wanting to ask you about Gallium, are you also using esync in combination with it? If yes, how is the performance compared with esync off?

    Those 2 features together can probably get the game to run with almost the same performance as on Windows. I'm considering getting a cheap AMD gpu just to compare it with Win (and hopefully make Gallium package out of it) :)

    It has been a while since I have had to mess with it and forgotten. I will have to check later.

    Do you know is that part of the wine-nine in opensuse or is was that an option to turn on in the config files for wine? I for some reason am brain dead today, but my job is sort of crushing my left lobe today :)

    E-Sync is a separate set of patches that help CPU intensive games (such as GW2), for non-Gallium Nine users this helps massively but I was wondering if Gallium Nine+ESync = even better performance. If you'd be willing to give it a shot I can build you a special package. As my per usual builds, it will not affect your current Wine-Settings, everything is self contained.

    I would be happy to test it. Just let me know. I will check back later and see how it is going and give it a try once you are ready.

    I've managed to build a custom version of Wine with both ESync and Gallium 9 inside. It looks promising but without AMD hardware I won't be able to get far into testing this myself, so you'll have to be my eyes on this one :)

    Download Link:

    Installation is as follows:

    1) Unzip the package somewhere2) In terminal run ./setup.sh3) In terminal run ./wine_settings.sh > From here go to 'Staging' tab and tick 'Enable Gallium Nine for better D3D9 graphic performance'4) From that same folder open up "data/drive_c/GW2" and put the game files there, Note: The executable must be named "GW2.exe"5) Run ./play.sh and you're done

    As I mentioned earlier, this runs entirely in portable mode and will not touch anything from your current setup. If you get stuck somewhere let me know.

    I should have some time to test this in the next couple of days and will report back once I do or if I have issues.

    So just out of curiosity. Are you just using the wine-nine-staging version and integrating the esync patches in with that when you build this up? I am no linux guru by any means but I do like to learn more when I can.

    PS,One more question as I seem to have forgotten in my head...I have a hybrid GPU laptop that also has amd gear an rx560 in it.

    Where do I put the DRI_PRIME=1 switch to force the AMD GPU over the integrated one? I just cannot remember in your scripting where to add it.

  18. @ArmoredVehicle.2849 said:

    @jbrother.1340 said:I am currently running gw2 with gallium straight through WINE.

    I've been wanting to ask you about Gallium, are you also using esync in combination with it? If yes, how is the performance compared with esync off?

    Those 2 features together can probably get the game to run with almost the same performance as on Windows. I'm considering getting a cheap AMD gpu just to compare it with Win (and hopefully make Gallium package out of it) :)

    It has been a while since I have had to mess with it and forgotten. I will have to check later.

    Do you know is that part of the wine-nine in opensuse or is was that an option to turn on in the config files for wine? I for some reason am brain dead today, but my job is sort of crushing my left lobe today :)

    E-Sync is a separate set of patches that help CPU intensive games (such as GW2), for non-Gallium Nine users this helps massively but I was wondering if Gallium Nine+ESync = even better performance. If you'd be willing to give it a shot I can build you a special package. As my per usual builds, it will not affect your current Wine-Settings, everything is self contained.

    I would be happy to test it. Just let me know. I will check back later and see how it is going and give it a try once you are ready.

  19. @ArmoredVehicle.2849 said:

    @jbrother.1340 said:I am currently running gw2 with gallium straight through WINE.

    I've been wanting to ask you about Gallium, are you also using esync in combination with it? If yes, how is the performance compared with esync off?

    Those 2 features together can probably get the game to run with almost the same performance as on Windows. I'm considering getting a cheap AMD gpu just to compare it with Win (and hopefully make Gallium package out of it) :)

    It has been a while since I have had to mess with it and forgotten. I will have to check later.

    Do you know is that part of the wine-nine in opensuse or is was that an option to turn on in the config files for wine? I for some reason am brain dead today, but my job is sort of crushing my left lobe today :)

  20. @Leios.8965 said:

    @"jbrother.1340" said:I have done that and was already opted into steam beta. I try and launch the gw2setup.exe file and it won't let me trying it with "add a game" non steam game. Am I missing something here? I am trying this with the "Proton 3.16 beta"?

    I just used the Gw2-64.exe I don't think I tried it with the setup, but not sure why that wouldn't work.

    I have no clue right now and cannot keep trying today. I will try again in the near future to troubleshoot my issue here.

    It will attempt it if I use the gw2.exe from my existing install or if I try the 32bit client installer but just quick flashes "launching" in a window in steam then disappears and does nothing. Hard to say right now what it is doing.

    For clarity and info sake I am using:

    OpenSuse Tumbleweed (I need to run a distro upgrade on it as I have not lately and it is behind so that could be not helping either but not sure why)Have a radeon vid card

    It runs with a Gallium style setup pretty well but just wanted to see if it runs better like this and just to see really. Will keep trying. Could be some missing library that doesn't affect it straight through WINE?

  21. @Leios.8965 said:

    @"jbrother.1340" said:Did you just use the GW2 installer and launch it through steam to get the install setup? I have not really used proton setup for anything as GW2 or native linux games in steam is all I play.

    You need to sign up for the steam beta (like so:
    ), then you can just add GW2 as a "non-steam" game. That was all I needed to do. I am not familiar with Lutris, but I hear you can use proton there now too.

    I have done that and was already opted into steam beta. I try and launch the gw2setup.exe file and it won't let me trying it with "add a game" non steam game. Am I missing something here? I am trying this with the "Proton 3.16 beta"?

  22. @Leios.8965 said:I have been experimenting with using proton for running Guild Wars 2 and it seems to be working almost the same (if not better) than my wine installation. I would be interested to see if anyone else has had any problems using it recently. I have it running through steam, but I think you can do it through lutris now too.

    I am currently running gw2 with gallium straight through WINE but not using armor's package here. I have that setup as well but just am not right now.

    I think I am going to try this with steam proton and see what it does and if I get better results for fun. I have a pretty old PC here and I am always down to experiment.

    Did you just use the GW2 installer and launch it through steam to get the install setup? I have not really used proton setup for anything as GW2 or native linux games in steam is all I play.

  23. Is it possible that if there is a need for this debate again...

    that it get its own thread and not litter this one up with an argument that doesn't have one correct answer.

    There are valid reasons for both sides, but the only one that really matters is personal choice.

    this thread is for informational purpose is it possible to keep it to that please?

    If one wants to use Windows use it, if you want to use Linux and other OS's please do that too.

    All these debates do is trash a thread that is a great informational source for those that do want to use Linux and this game together.

    Just start another thread it isn't that big a deal is it?

  24. @AoTsuki.8675 said:Since my friend who is relatively new to the game dropped a precursor, I would like to ask you guys, did you ever get one dropped?I play since launch and never had one drop, had to buy them all off tp or craft.I won't say that I am not salty because I am.

    Most people have not had one drop. I played since they launched and not salty could care less so I guess I am savor and sweet...

    get over it. if you played since launch you could have farmed the gold to guaranteed one now and bought it.

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