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Everything posted by Drast.8532

  1. In my above example I have searched the wiki and still cannot find a clear answer. Some say once a day per character or account. That's fine that's clear. The others say nothing. Am I to assume then it is as many times as a day as you can do it? These posed questions to others were met with battling me on trying for infusions and reiterating the wiki should tell me.
  2. Most everyone I have met in game has been kind and friendly and for the most part as helpful as they can be. Until I ask a question about a specific part of the game and immediately get slammed with the response wiki it. Look its been a month now of people telling me to wiki this or that. So assume its been at least 3.8 weeks of me searching it for myself first. That wiki does not have all the information everyone claims it does. Yes it has a lot and I use it often if not constantly. I also seem to get everyone telling me to slow down and not do this or do that. I even had a player tell me I was wrong for skipping content. Latest exmaple: I am trying to find a list or anything at this point, on what metas/bosses that drop infusions are once a day chances or multiple chances. Now I got it down to the open world pve infusions sections on the wiki. Got it, I know where to go but not how many times. I ask my question. After back and forth explaining I have searched I am searching and trying to find it on my own, I then get told I am wasting my time trying to get an infusion I should just farm the gold. I don't think what I do with my time to farm that gold should matter. I was also told repeatedly to slow down on skyscale or take your time for this and that. These have no been the same people, these have no been one off isolated events. As an attempt to understand the community I have these two questions: Why does it seem you are not allowed to ask questions about this game to people in game? (And not just get the response /wiki) Why does a portion of the community want to fight me on how I play?
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