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  1. There is no leap in logic. I'm comparing mechanics locked behind masteries, except some are open world and the other is raid mastery. 10 skyscale fireballs, in full power gear, hits about 2.5k-2.8k dps over ~13 seconds on the golem. Here are some things I've found which also do the same dps. A reaper taking off all their accessories and pressing 1 on greatsword. Snowcrow's condi virt hits like 5k just pressing 1 on dagger, but it's an optimized raid build so I understand not counting it. All three tests were done without boons. Also I am joining up with like-minded people... I'm saying this because I'm tired of commanding a squad and having people doing the equivalent of putting a post-it note with their name on it as participation. I want to possibly propose changes to the developers so here I am talking about it on the forums! Also I'm not mad about "10% carrying the 90%", its that each player in that 90% is doing more than skyscale leeches. I want that to change for the better
  2. I literally name Amnytas and Heitor meta as examples where this is reasonable and understandable, because they're mechanics. I've not seen anyone complain they couldn't do Xera because they didn't have the mastery... (I can totally see it happen I've just never seen it happen)
  3. Apologies late answer, life happened. I think the respawn timer should still be 5 minutes, after which your body would despawn and your map be forced open until you find a WP to respawn at, it would still cost gold but should cost nothing if you can't afford it. (Not like anyone has ever been not able to pay WP costs ngl). You would lose participation even faster while fully dead to incite people to respawn and get back into it. And I think upping the participation requirements should only be of major issue to Gold tier rewards. Getting Bronze or Silver for participating in an event should not be difficult. I do believe that Gold rewards should be for players who played the event "better than the rest". Maybe a top 33% of the players who participated or something.
  4. Forcing faster respawns like WvW does currently is a good solution, especially since it's a system already implemented into the game. Skyscale fireball, no comment. Make the timer for COMPLETELY losing participation (event text greys out) in events shorter and increasing the activity requirements to match powercreep and general playerbase getting better over time. This would also somewhat help new players towards improving without external tools/ressources if they get Gold on an event when they usually get Silver or Bronze because they did more damage/didn't walk back after dying. If we're making Gold tier rewards actually challenging and not the default I think it'd be worth to up the amount of XP/karma you get from it, not sure if upping the amount of gold earned would be a good idea because I'm nowhere near good at playing with money in this game. Other metrics dictating what tier of reward you get could be something like, boons applied/healing done, time spent alive consecutively, CC applied and mechanics done. For solo events I think the current system is ok (?) I don't really see anyone leeching those type of events because of how fast they are and because skyscale leeches are almost exclusive to meta/group events, from my experience
  5. Gotta start somewhere, also the fireball isn't a direct problem of the participation system and its flaws... But it is part of what makes it so bad/outdated
  6. It promotes activity. No one wants to WP back and still getting rewards for being dead during 85% of the boss/meta exposes bigger underlying issues with the participation system such as how low and not updated the requirements are for getting Silver or higher in events
  7. You run the risk of getting hit with a stray and dying during a big event if you're just not paying attention and auto attacking. You're also providing more damage and possibly CC by just pressing "1" on whatever weapon than you ever would on skyscale, granted you have any meaningful damage stats
  8. I'm hoping I can command a Drakkar meta once spears are actually released and not see a dragon for once, it'd be nice methinks
  9. I'm kinda tired of having a handful of players sat on Skyscales every time a meta is up shooting fireballs and getting full participation from doing none of the work, it almost feels insulting. I think they could make the skill not give participation/not get participation if you are mounted, this would force players to dismount if they want to get rewards from the events they're tagging. They could also disable the skill entirely in areas outside of SotO where it's needed for some of the map metas like Amnytas or eastern Inner Nayos. If that option is too radical (understandably so) they could tie the fireball to the dismount skill outside of SotO, allowing players to still tag an event from far away and forcing them to dismount afterwards. Also had someone earlier tell me "I do it because I'm handicapped stop judging others how they play", which is fair. I just don't want to see someone that's completely out of danger, providing near to no damage, no CC get full rewards like the rest of us... I've never heard of anyone say 'Ah kitten, I almost had full participation in that event but my hand cramped so I couldn't get it" because of how low the participation requirements are. You get just as much for sitting back on a Ranger with a longbow, auto attacking and sometimes using abilities than the Weaver breaking their fingers trying to do their rotation. You can also create even more relaxed builds by slotting in some gear with Vitality and/or Toughness on top of your usual damage stats This isn't rage posting btw I just really wish ANet would see this and consider changing how the fireball works
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