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Posts posted by Sylv.5324

  1. As an engi main, I'm ok with the scrapper changes because I will have more control over where I want to drop things. (I  played Tempest for a long time and got used to dropping wells where the group/zerg was headed anyway.) But the one problem I have is that Stealth Gyro no longer works like an elite should: stealth will be confined to a single spot. That's just not really useful except for resing and IMO an elite skill should do more than that.

    If it applied stealth on everyone who touches it like veil does, then that'd be great.

    Though it was always weird to me that stealth was an engineer thing anyway.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 6
  2. 26 minutes ago, Aradia.9370 said:

    hey, rather than starting a new post/thread thought i'd mention this here first. but i think since DX11 update backpacks seem to turn themselves off regularly when they have a clipping issue or whatever and rarely turn themselves back on. i love the quivers and capes. thanks

    Mine has been doing this off and on  in WvW for the last few months.

  3. I am really frustrated. The class changes to Chrono made it basically obsolete in WvW (removing self-shatters in a game mode where clones die instantly drastically changes the viability of the class), and so I'm having to reroll to another class in order to keep raiding WvW with my guild. I get it, classes change, balance, etc, etc.

    I played my mesmer/chrono since launch. I've put time and money into that character, eight years worth. He has maxed bag slots; I crafted him up to 28-slot bags for each slot. Why is it that I now have to spend real money in order to keep playing in the game mode I prefer, just to maintain the same quality of life? Why can't I move the bags I crafted to my new character? Why are bag slots per character instead of, like bank slots, per account?

    It would be one thing if I were just like, 'welp, I'm tired of mes, let's switch to x'. But I'm not. You guys changed a core aspect of the spec to such a degree that I have to switch to an alt in order to stay useful to my guild. I understand you guys need to make money, but making my bags soulbound, really? When every other bag type is account-bound? Now I have to craft them to 32s (more gold, and yet you nerfed farms) just to be able to swap them at a vendor?

    I am seriously considering quitting, with how aggravating this is. 'Oh, you want the same quality of life on your alt as on your main? Pay up!' is a crappy way to treat someone who's been loyal to your company for over a decade. I have no problem with whaling around, but that's in order to support your company. I don't want to support your company for making me pay for something I don't even want to do.

  4. @Ashantara.8731 said:

    @Lumpy Forehead.2193 said:Why the surprise? Female sylvaries have breasts even though they don't breast feed.

    Yes, there is a lot about the Sylvari that puzzles me. My personal explanation is that Mordremoth shaped them based on human physiology - why, though, I have no clue. ;)

    They were made in imitation of humans (as they would inherit it after Mordremoth took over), so they have breasts even though, yes, they don't use them.

  5. I like Taimi, and don't feel that, as a user has commented, that she is a 'diversity quota' character. It's great to see disabled characters, as there are so few, accomplishing useful and helpful things. Of course, I am also disabled in real life, and appreciate the representation. <3 Please don't kill off Taimi!

  6. I am concerned about how this will affect weighting when it comes to shards. As a roleplayer, server weighting helps me show up in the same shard (mainly tarnished cost players), so we can find each other more easily in, say, DR. If we no longer have a way to all be on the same world (aside from transferring every 8 weeks), that'll make it even harder to exist on the same shard.

    Could you guys do choosable districts like in GW1, instead of having no way to control on which shard you end up?

  7. @Fluffball.8307 said:

    Oh the customers absolutely can change corporations. And what better issue to rage over than mount skins? This will be on CNN for making the world a better place.

    Not everything has to be about changing the world to be a legit cause to bitch.

    But, since we're going there, I AM a paraplegic and my sweetie is a quadriplegic, and we have money because this is a great town for freelance artists. (I've even worked on 3d skinning.) We generally eat out every night because cooking every night wrecks my back. We are often met with surprise when we go to any kind of establishment. Our service dog in particular is sometimes an issue; other times a place won't have accessible seating, or they have very few. Many times we'll get poor service because it's assumed that disabled people are poor and won't tip well.

    We do, though. We usually tip a minimum of a quarter of what the meal costs. Even if something is comped, we still tip for the full price. If we like a place, we often go back several times a month.

    If we get bad service, if we get refused because of our dog, if we get seated behind the pillar/corner/etc so the restaurant looks like they only serve able-bodied 20-somethings, etc, we damn well complain, not just for our sake, but for any disabled people who come here later and don't need to be treated that way, either. We are often the ONLY disabled couple that establishments, cab drivers, bus drivers, etc, etc, have ever encountered. We are often the ONLY disabled couple with a lot of cash that they've ever encountered.

    Is being able to eat $150 overpriced sushi with my sweetie and my dog under the table going to change the world? No. But it's still wrong that I don't have the option and/or I only can if I leave my service dog at home, so I speak up, I leave bad yelp reviews, I call managers, and I call my lawyer if I have to, and then I go spend that money at a restaurant that DOES support fair practices.

  8. @Lilyanna.9361 said:@Sylv.5324

    So you suddenly have enough money to pay for a sub, and most likely their overpriced cash shops, also probably along with some gear that will give you (most likely) some sort of unfair edge?

    I have always had the money to pay for a sub. The issue isn't that $120 dollars is a big expense for me personally, it's that as a whale, I don't feel that I should contribute to this really egregious gouging of the playerbase in general.

    That said, in a sub game, a lot more content is shifted to the game (mount quests, for example), instead of just dumping most of them in the cash shop. You get the result that, say, WoW has hundreds of mounts in game and a dozen in the cash shop, while GW2 has 5 in the game, and 31 in the cash shop, 30 via RNG. Yes, I can pay for that. So what? Most people can't. They have to gamble.

    I don't pay for statted gear (I never did on AION). I pay flat money for skins I like if I like them now and then, as long as the majority stay in game and the in-game ones are good. I don't have kids, I don't have a car, and I live in Vegas, so my spending money goes to games I like, or my garden patio, or more clothes, or dinner at a nice restaurant. What I don't do is gamble, ironically.

    This isn't about my personal ability to afford things, which some of you proponents of this system suggest. I just think that we whales need to stand up to unfair pricing schemes because we're the ones ANet is really targeting, and regular players are shafted by contrast. I would willingly pay a monthly sub to THIS game if it improved things.

  9. @Dondarrion.2748 said:

    @Sylv.5324 said:Ok, Anet. Thanks to enabling folks like Pah, I am done. That's the kind of player you clearly want. In the meantime, I'll resub to a game that will let me spend my money the way I prefer to.

    What made you unsub in the first place? With all p2p MMOs I've had experience with the decision to unsub usually comes because publisher makes kitten decisions, ie. they make stuff you don't want despite you dishing out 10-15 Eur per month...

    That said i agree with you here but don't make rash decisions (how will you come back from threat after threat...) when the topic is still being debated and Anet/GW2 will have to change something here to avoid destroying their own reputation..

    They don't have to change a thing, considering how so many folks think it's just great.

  10. @NYG.2568 said:

    Some not all already have the the Mercedes to get upgrades for. Some people don't have a Griffin yet or may never get it yet they have an 'upgrade' for it.Back to your example, when I'm getting said upgrade on my Mercedes and want performance tires, I want Performance tires NOT Bluetooth...

    There are, in fact, examples in the thread of folks getting skins for mounts they can't use. So it doesn't even check against that. But that's cool.

  11. @pah.4931 said:

    @Sylv.5324 said:Don't care, spending my hundreds a month elsewhere. GLHF.

    This is how loyalty for over a decade is destroyed.

    Good luck! If you find a great new MMO that really strikes your fancy, let me know! It's getting bleak out there for games as huge and awesome and freeing as these.

    Loot box RNG is one of the reasons why.> @Rashagar.8349 said:

    @Sylv.5324 said:Don't care, spending my hundreds a month elsewhere. GLHF.

    This is how loyalty for over a decade is destroyed.

    In fairness, if it's "destroyed" this easily and quickly, it can't have been a very sturdy loyalty to begin with. You weren't able to buy in completely to the latest cosmetic craze in a way that 100% suited you immediately upon release of said new craze. I don't mean it to seem like I'm picking on you or anything but I think that says more about the quality of your "loyalty" than anything.

    If you have to re-interpret my statement into your own strawman, that's the best you've got. Both of you, really. ANet's been getting on my last nerve for about a year, especially with the proliferation of RNG. I think that 10+ years and thousands of dollars is pretty sturdy, but apparently you disagree. ANet seems to as well, so that tells me all I need to know. The fact that it encourages posts like yours and Pah's also shows me that I was wrong in sticking by ANet and wrong in supporting the company. What others choose to do is up to them, but the lack of response + insistence on RNG loot boxes makes it clear what kind of company it is now. It would have been nice if Mo had mentioned that when he said he'd make things up to the community, though.

  12. Yeah, 'this game isn't about cosmetics' is one of the silliest arguments I've heard in this thread so far. I really have no idea why people are trying arguments like that, is it just trolling at this point? Which is productive how? If the intention is to get me more disgusted with ANet, it's working, I guess, since that's the attitude they want to foster now?

    I regret ever spending a dime on this game, and its previous iteration. What a waste of time and money.

  13. @troops.8276 said:

    And why do you take the stance that anyone that doesn't agree with you has no experience in either the corporate world and/or running a successful business when some of us do? (I assume I'm not the only one)

    I used to run an art gallery a while back, and currently make fab money as someone who is self-employed. You can sell things without gambling schemes.

  14. @pah.4931 said:

    @Sylv.5324 said:

    @pah.4931 said:

    And frankly, if you like this game, you should too.

    Of course I like this game, that's why I'm ticked off that the reason I bought this xpac was gated behind 'gamble or pay a further $120 for a limited time to get the skin you want'. I already paid for the ultimate edition, why was this not included, if they were that desperate for cash?

    OK. First of all. Anet never promised Mount Skins with the expansion at all. I can't recall a single marketing device that stated mounts would even have skins. So you can't claim that first point. You bought PoF as it was advertised.

    Second of all, if they indeed are "strapped for cash" then why would they include something for free in a package that you bought without them including it? You see how that's silly right? (I still feel like most of you need business lessons ... "making money" isn't enough when you have bosses and investors and boards of directors)

    Now let me ask you something. Would you have bought PoF if they announced there would never be any mount skins? If you still would have, then just go ahead and pretend there aren't any mount skins. Boom. Have fun!

    Responses like yours are pretty much cementing my resolve never to spend a dime on ANet again, because they have enabled and encouraged this disingenuousness and condescension. Thanks for saving me money!

  15. @pah.4931 said:

    No laws were broken, and I GUARANTEE YOU they are making more money this way. If you actually love this game, you would see that and be happy that this "manipulative" (lol) business practice is keeping the lights on. OK, so you don't get the shiny raptor you want, but maybe now you might get one more expansion before the game shutters.

    Just makes it clear that there's no longer any point in investing in a game that's going so broke that it's going to shut down soon. Maybe folks should have stuck to GW1's original design, that one lasted over a decade.

  16. @Camaro Charr.2805 said:

    @Jaskar.3071 said:

    @Camaro Charr.2805 said:Hey I spent 400 gems on a random mount. It came up Highland Harrier, but I do not show the option to mount the Highland Harrier in game. What gives?

    Its a SKIN.there is an option to change mount skins in the hero-menu

    In the hero menu it is showing as locked for me... has a lock symbol over it.

    Let me guess... because I don't have the original griffon mount, then I cant use it... crap

    Thank you for illustrating why the current method is garbage.

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