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Nininananunu.8653's Achievements

  1. In this situation autoclicker is heavily against tos. No idea why you have the need to promote autoclickers in this context.
  2. after going to his twitch stream and asking him why did he use autoclicker even if its against tos, he said that hes exposing the game bug abusing and that people gain advantage with these kinds of things to get titles in pvp, when in matter of fact you cant use the tonic in pvp... If you wanna be the hero that reveals game breaking bugs, dont reveal those ones that NEED a kitten autoclicker to be abused.. LMFAO
  3. the matchmaking does actually work if the playercount is high enough, but its nearly impossible to matchmake a game with 10 players online that are from any rank, some playing alts
  4. A6: if you care about your rank and still play during dead hours, you wont get it. if you dont care about your rank and play during dead hours u can as well play unranked A7: anet offering me ranked mode during my primetime that is far from a real ranked experience
  5. yea, just dont make it so that its a necessity for some people to go ranked instead of unranked to get specific items
  6. i'm pretty sure theres people who can pinpoint the hour or even the minute when queue goes crap, anet can see that even better. the starting point of the "good hours" isnt that clear because there isn't one
  7. anet could make it a 3rd kind of queue that opens up only during primetime, the amount of players playing ranked might increase and the timegate slowly with it. for example start with 2-4 hour primetime and when you see that people suddenly appear when primetime starts and disappear when it ends, expand the timegate to 5 hours and so on, someday we might even have a 24 hour real ranked, only difference now being that theres no legendary item farmers, alts, or duos that ruin your fun because you dont have any friends online at 5 am server time. also no1 wants to queue outside primetime right now, even though theyre online because they know its pointless. people stop playing after a certain hour now too, some people would like to continue after most go to sleep but instead they'll just log onto their alts and start half-assing games -> afkers -> people stop playing you know the earth is round, its always 7pm somewhere also i dont know how many people share this thought but i dont like playing ranked mode if i know the top100 is achieved by abusing the system
  8. sup yall so everyone who has played pvp for more than 2 hours knows the ranked is rigged, full of afkers, wintraders, alts, people who are completing their first placements with gold players, pvers, etc etc.. making it boring, frustrating, untolerable, depressing, disgusting experience when you realize the rank doesnt matter at all and you're still for some reason to climb this pile of doodoo. + your friends are making fun of you for being gold1 because u just dont have the energy to roll the roulette i mean have you seen how much rating you get from winning games versus losing games? on a normal morning i might win 5 games, getting around 4-7 rating each win. then lose one game, boom -21 rating. on a worst case scenario i just gained 1 rating playing for around 2 hours, considering you need 100 rating to get from one rank to another (gold2 to gold3 in my example) it takes you 600 hours to climb from bottom gold to bottom platinum, all because of the lack of players simple fix: make a REAL ranked queue that only lasts during primetime, after kids get home from school, people get home from work make it have no rewards that unranked doesnt give (items needed for legendary), only reward is the rank itself, maybe titles too make it a soloqueue, not duo list of silly questions: Q1: why make it timegated? A1: people abuse LACK OF PLAYERS during the dead hours by duoqueuing against bronze players, also you can snipe top players with ur alt accounts and throw their game Q2: why no rewards? A2: OBVIOUS ONE, rewards attract people that dont play to win, they start with placements among decent players and only play for pixels, not for rank Q3: why soloq? A3: people cant carry their alts to high ranks with a duo partner and then throw their games when matched with other high ranked people Q4: why dont you play during primetime yourself then? A4: i do, i just also happen to play during nights and mornings too, which other people dont do in fear of losing their ranks (+4 winning and -21 losing), or they play with alts with b-tier builds Q5: why? A5: to give "ranked" a meaning TLDR; make a timegated queue, when more people will play, current matchmaking will work
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