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Vero.9064's Achievements

  1. Awesome, thank you! And no worries, you sound great 🙂 You're only our first guild in Guild Wars 2, we've been in others in previous MMOs before 😄 Though that was when we were younger and had a lot more time xD
  2. Hi! Can I and my husband, Martin Greywolf.4971, join your guild? We're 33 and 34, respectively, and we mostly do PvE content, with some WvW - Martin more than me. We mostly play in the evenings or on weekends, and sometimes during boring meetings xD I'm more casual and social and play a Firebrand, and Martin plays more and therefore is better at it, mostly as a Virtuoso 😄 if that sounds okay, we'd love to join! This would be our first guild 🙂
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