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Posts posted by Lordrosicky.5813

  1. Long term sustain needs nerfing more. Short term sustain doesn't. So healing skills themselves are generally fine. Prot durations are fine.etc.... But long term "ticking" sustain needs significant nerfs. They need to reduce regeneration durations, reduce further all the traits that provide passive additional healing and increase the cooldown of some mobility skills that allow for excessive kiting with minimal skill required.

    The worst thing I can say about the current state of the game is that it is very boring. I am sure anet can see how much their pvp population has collapsed since it became kite wars 2 (as was obvious a few weeks into the patch). The reduction in damage was amazing, but the power creep of sustain and mobility was not changed nearly enough.

    The game is just imbalanced in the other direction now.

  2. @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:I will draw similarities to my main class here, as it's the one I know the most about. Call it bias if you will.

    You said you wanted to increase counterplayability by nerfing many of the instant cast abilities.

    Such as, reducing damage on Smite Condition by 80%By increasing cast times on skills like Deflection shot by 200%

    Meanwhile, you allow for traits like "Permeating Pestilence" to copy conditions with zero counterplay to it. You can't blind it, you can't block it, they can do it while stunned.

    You said you wanted to move damage from traits to the actual weapons themselves to add counterplay to passive procs

    You nerfed the damage by "Glacial Heart" by about 95% because you deemed the proc too oppressive on it's 15 second cooldown.You nerfed the damage of "Shattered Aegis" by 50% and making it unable to crit, because you deemed the proc was too oppressive. (even being an active application.)

    You then make a complete 180 and introduce traits like "Explosive Entrance", which is neither a Major Master, nor a Major Grandmaster trait. Doesn't have a cooldown (except for endurance) and still critting for 1.5k -2k consistently and even up to 4.5k. This is a minor adept trait (same as Reckless Impact) and it's dealing very respectable damage. 41sg5UQ.png

    So which way do you want it? Do you want the game to have less burst? While keeping 20k mauls in the game. 9WGMLyL.png

    Because you've nerfed just about every aspect of guardian burst throughout the years. So, can we get a clarification of where the balance is actually headed or do you just have no idea yourselves?

    You speak so much truth. Unfortunetly this game has about 6 years of terrible decisions to unpick, which is a huge undertaking and not really feasible at all. They need to continue to reduce everything in pvp.Both passive damage traits, passive condi traits, passive cleansing traits, passive boon generation trats and passive healing traits should be further reduced....and significantly.

    There are still many builds with 3 passive healing/regen traits which just grant way too much sustain for example.

    They need to start work on another "huge" patch which just nerfs all the passive proc traits in the game for pvp

  3. People leave after 1 game anyway, so swiss tournaments are a complete fail. ATs will be dead within weeks probably. Amazingly bad decision to add swiss tournaments.

    3 tournaments in a row we lost 1 game and my team left. So I just quit doing them now. This would not be a problem with single elim. :)

  4. @Psycoprophet.8107 said:

    @mehelpu.7160 said:Yes! The best benchmark for the other classes buffs would be the chance of winning a match of double thief vs double other class. Bigdata ftw!Because right now it's obvious that the team with the most thieves wins..

    Lol.It's obvious especially since only unranked 5v5 has been available since patch that third decap +1 bot is definitely the best. Their also ruling 2v2 destroying bunker core necro's, condi revs and fb's with no issues. OP has got to be trolling.

    Thief is far from a +1 bot if you have good mechanics.

  5. @Axl.8924 said:

    @Gwaihir.1745 said:Going to be interesting to see how they nerf necro without dumpstering reaper, since they both use some of the same traits and skills for sustain.

    Might well end up the same as they did to firebrand in the main patch but dumpstered core guard in the process.

    They can easily just nerf life steal and unholy sanctuary and it wont matter much to non-OP builds. Doesnt even need much. Rev is much better than necro in every department anyway

    The problem is over nerfing. You need to be really careful since in the past they were too easy to kill. You don't want them to be free kill anymore.

    Yeh I agree. But I think unholy sancturary is a bit of an oversight as there isn't enough counter play. And life steal just needs nerfing like they nerfed all healing. Not bu that much though. Minor nerfs will be enough. Other classes hopefully get nerfed too so necro isn't just trash tier again

  6. @Gwaihir.1745 said:Going to be interesting to see how they nerf necro without dumpstering reaper, since they both use some of the same traits and skills for sustain.

    Might well end up the same as they did to firebrand in the main patch but dumpstered core guard in the process.

    They can easily just nerf life steal and unholy sanctuary and it wont matter much to non-OP builds. Doesnt even need much. Rev is much better than necro in every department anyway

  7. @Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

    @Leonidrex.5649 said:you can 5man queue rainbow 6 siege and nobody whines about it.the reason why 2man wins over 1man so hard is becouse general population is SUPER DUPER bad, its not DUO abusing, its abusing kitten players with kitten matchmaking.The fact that I have games where I go 35/0 in plat 2 and then get gigastomped shows how bad the popolation is.

    Pretty sure ANet straight up said there’s a massive disparity in performance between top players and the other 95% of the population. The comment was about PvE and raid dps output. But there’s no reason to believe it’s any different in PvP. The game does a kitten poor job of teaching players how to rotate, prioritize or even what’s good choice strategically and what’s a no no.

    You are 100% right. It's not any different. It was the reason given when DuoQ was restricted in the first place. Top players stacked together represent like maybe 000000.1% of the total active population, give or take.

    Combine that with a matchmaker that will continuously reach lower and lower to find you a game if it can't find you any competition appropriate to your level, and you have an actual recipe for disaster and abuse.

    It makes the population issue a self-perpetuating one, because you get people like the op here who come back to the game, or come into the game for the first time and immediately get matched against two of the best players in the game, stacked together on one team. It is nonsensical to think that's anything but a drain and will keep people coming back for more.

    Like yes; it's true, the root issue and why merging DuoQ with SoloQs doesn't work is because the population is too low, but because Merged queues are unfair and don't work in the current population, the low population issue cannot ever even begin to be remedied.It isn't sustainable, and that should be obvious. Like 80-90% of people SoloQ; and i'm not making that stat up, but for the sake of 10-20% of people, 80-90% of players have to play at a disadvantage. Drain on the population that kills all sense of competition.

    Yeh it might stop be playing again honestly. In the original solo queue leaderboards (pure solo queue before any expansions) I actually had 3 of the top 4 accounts or something at the end of it. It was a lot of fun because I finally had a level playing field to prove I was the best without going against stacked teams. I obviously don't expect to even get high up now at all as I am a more casual player now (and haven't played for 6 years and even at the end of when I did play I was a casual before). I don't really like grouping up with people and probably will just quit again sooner rather than later if this isn't fixed.

    I would settle for a new column on the leaderboard showing solo queue % so we can see who is just a duo abuser and who is actually good.

  8. @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:I can see all the work you've done behind this post. All the countless hours gathering data and carefully calculating match ups and other variables.

    Well done dude.

    Yeh, I had some issues with the mesmer to be honest. So strange numbers, but in the end the numbers clearly showed it was OP.

  9. @Chaith.8256 said:

    @"primatos.5413" said:Yay works as int... wait.. thought they brought down everything?!

    Maul: Reduced power coefficient from 1.75 to 1.5.14,3% nerf :)

    Should have been 30%. It needs to be 1.25

    Don't pretend you wouldn't be here making the same exact post if that maul had been 12k instead of 16k XD

    We got peeps in other threads complaining about sub-10k numbers from WI and Maul, so basically anything you die to should be nerfed and people won't stop crying until no one ever dies.

    Oh wait we got that post HoT bunker meta, and then people cried that no one died and game was slow and boring so devs wanted to make things "feel dangerous" again and up crept the power since.

    It's like a friggin yo-yo man XD

    Yeah i think that too. I wish ppl would make some simple tests with maul, for example, to end once for all these types of thread. Like zerk vs zerk, zerk vs bunker and then bunker vs bunker.To me high numbers are acceptable in a zerk vs zerk situation. A 16k dmg agasint a bunker(ish) with high toughness is not, tho.

    I do not feel in zerk v. zerk hitting 16k with a single ability is acceptable unless it's on a long cooldown and setup. With 6s of stealth access, it's an outlier for sure.

    Go from zerk Soulbeast to Engi, Guardian, Revenant, Ele, you'll notice you are doing 33%-66% of the damage output.

    Agree. 16k for a single ability shouldn't happen when the ranger/thief can stealth first. That is how people quit gw2. Stuff like that with 0 counter play needs to end. It is way better after the patch but still not acceptable at all.

  10. (Best build on each class only). I did this via statistical analysis as I ran the numbers. Just finished doing it today. The numbers have been run and the results are in. I was kind of surprised by them but you can't argue with numbers/facts. This is for 5v5 conquest.

    S tier:ThiefMesmerRanger

    A tier:RevEleGuardianNecrowarriorengi

    That is the order too. So the best class is thief and the worst is engi.

    I ran the numbers and this is what they showed.

    IF there is enough demand I will run the numbers for 2v2 too. It is a lot of work for me though.


  11. Just came back to the game after 6 years and I just found out that unlike every other game you can duo queue at the very top MMR.

    Is this actually true? I cannot believe that is a good thing. I wondered how people at the top had 80% win rates, now I know it is just via duo queue abusing.

    Please fix this before the next season or there is no competitive integrity in the ladder. Make it impossible to duo queue above 1650 or something. Otherwise people will duo with friends and stomp at the top level.

    Suggestion: On the leaderboard show the % someone queues solo so we can see who is just there abusing duo queue

  12. @bravan.3876 said:Nerfing sustain from too tanky classes is the only way makes sense in terms of the philosophy of the last big patch. If you start to increase dmg already, the power creep starts right now again. Also condi dmg should be looked at, imo it is less reduced than power dmg. Both, that condis were not changed well and that stuff will be too (face-)tanky was expectable when looking at patchnodes pre release already. But fixes seems to hapepn fast at least, also the last hotfixes did not rly solve all issues (example Necro still too tanky), rezzes (in particular from classes with more than the normal rezz ability like Necro, Ranger etc) are still too strong and they forgot Ele builds (Tempest/ Weaver water) and Ranger pets.

    Mesmer is very tanky with all the evades on weapon skills and stealth. I agree their sustain should be nerfed. I think giving all their evades longer cooldowns. Like the axe evade. That would be a good start.

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