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  1. Hello, Sorry I don't really understand. if I do POF story 3 times i can get 3 backpieces? But the packpiece is not account bound, it is soul bound to the character I completed the story with? I just finished Episode LW S3 and am about to start POF
  2. But I thought ascended items aren't soulbound? I can just swap them no? At least the ones I bought with Laurels I can use them on my chars. But thank you for your advice! I am too scared to do Fractals or Raids at the moment but my goal is to get into WvW and maybe try Fractals if I can find a nice guild once I am done with all of the story campaigns :))
  3. I just found the blood stone map too hard, I'm playing a deadeye thief and I die all the time to mobs there, + it's really confusing to be able to travel as I don't have many HOT Masteries unlocked yet. The stumps I didn't mind the map too much but again was fire themed and I prefer snow, and I didn't think it was as quick to get as the berries. Ok so what I'm hearing is the best thing to do is to to do the berries for the back, 1 ring and 1 accessory. And for the Amulet and Accesory do the LW S5 map (I haven't gotten there yet, I'm playing through the story in chronological order so I just got to Bitterfrost map now). Some people also suggest the Bloodstone for a cape because you can change/reset the stats. That sounds like a great idea as I'm an altholic but that map was so hard to do events in. Maybe when I'm a bit more experienced and have more masteries I'll try again 🙂 Thanks for your help!!
  4. "Viper isn't available from laurels anyway so that is fine." YOU JUST MADE MY DAY!!! I've been beating myself up for buying berserker first for weeks. Can I get all of the trinkets which just Bitterfrost? I tried to farm the petrified trees and I didn't like it but the berries is really chill + i like the music and scenery in this zone, it's very pretty. Can I just do the berry map until I have 5 trinkets + backpiece? Thanks!
  5. I have 8 level 80 and geared professions if that helps. I was wondering what is the quickest way to get an ascended back? Also I spent my laurens on berserker gear and now realise I want viper 😞 - what would be the quickest easiest way to get 1 amulet + 2 trinkets and + 2 rings?
  6. Wow I guess I got really lucky, I ended up in a zerg of about 20 players and cleared through it pretty quickly.
  7. I don't mean to offend any one but if any one played ESO Online is WvW basically similar to WvW there? What is the best way for a new player to join WvW? Is it complicated or do I just find a zerg and "follow" them?
  8. I'm exactly like you, played in 2012 and 2013 and just recently came back. This game is incredible. I have tried a lot of MMOs including GW1 (my favourite of all time, nothing comes close, not even GW2), ESO, WoW, FF. GW2 right now to me is the best in the market, really worth coming back, amazing community, combat system, not very grindy or treadmilly compared to wow for example that has a gear treadmill and then resets every 6 months, amazing lore and story but I might be a bit biased since going back to Cantha hits me right in the nostalgia feels.
  9. Can someone tell me the easiest way to get an ascended back and 2 earrings? I bought amulet + 2 rings with Laurels but I cant see any back or trinket on sale.
  10. Hello, I'm a returning player. I just bought PoF + HoT and will be getting EoD soon. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a good Engineer build just to do all of the story content? I quit in 2013 so I have a LOT to catch up on! I have no idea what elite specialisations are but can google it, just need some suggestions as to what build to acquire/focus on 🙂 Also, I completely forgot but to get gear, I should just be able to find vendors or look at the trading post, and it's the max level best gear you can get ? This isn't like WoW where you have to grind for upgrades? Ironically I did like 4000 hours in guild wars 1 but never got into GW2 when it released, I remember in GW1 you could just buy gear at max level and was wondering if ArenaNet kept that type of gameplay. Thanks in advance!
  11. Hello I want to start playing GW2 again. I haven't really played much since launch. I have a bunch of level 80s, should I buy an expansion and take one of them from there? Which expansion should I get first? Would it be better to level a new character from scratch? I am mainly just a solo player but wondering where I can find the best solo experience. Thank you in advance!
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