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  1. I. Have someone other than Cal hire Balance Devs so there's diversity in opinions/directions that are directed in balance development. This game has the BEST server infrastructure and combat system, and is currently being completely squandered as all of the diversity that before differentiated the classes had to be sacrificed on the cross of "make things technically do quickness or alacrity even if you will get kicked from most groups for trying to use them on 90% of the actual fights" when there were better, simpler, more effective ways to accomplish both a) and b) simultaneously that the devs would have known if they actually sifted through feedback or played more than 1 or 2 classes. II. Fix Bladesworn. It's the title class of and entire expansion and it's completely unusable in PvP, WvW and you currently get kicked out of PvE groups if you come in as either a DPS (because you're melee) or as a Support. All the Grandmasters are redundant now and play the same, even back when the FUN version of [Daring Dragon] existed And the recent changes completely nuked it out of existence in for the few builds that it worked for in PvP and WvW roaming. Absolutely no place in Zergs too. There's been plenty of better written posts on the Warrior forums. It's an A-Tier class concept that has only gotten worse to play since it came out. And it was buggy even then. I can't tell you how many friends I've had try this game, try that class, and then quit entirely because that was their first impression of an Elite Specialization. (This is not an exaggeration or a joke.) Thanks,
  2. Pleas ANet. Instead of trying to "FIX" / Force Alacrity on Support Bladesworn (who's current biggest problem is that it has to use Gunsaber as one of its weapons instead of Warhorn or Staff) Give us [Daring Dragon] back like People Want. You can nerf it into the ground or make the "flow cost" 30+ for all I care. And put the frogging Alacrity on Spellbreaker for PvE where it makes sense. Have it apply on trigger of Boon Rip' effect or against defiant foes magebane teather pulse or something and just make it a dif boon than alacrity for Competitive WvW / PvP since you seem to be moving away from that. It solves literally every implementation problem with Warrior rn, at least for PvE. And makes EVERYONE happy. ๐Ÿ˜„ Less work for you. More fun / playstyle diversity for us.
  3. Why is [Glacial Heart] going to trigger on Chill??? Does Guardian have chill on it's kit LITERALLY ANYWHERE?? Flow Stabilizer still gives Fury not Stability. Don't make the excuse of "it's in the name." Fine with [Heaven's Palm] finishing downed' enemies. It always should have. But what's the counterplay to it if it also evades beforehand?? P.S. Looking forward to ANet miraculously remembering that Bladesworn exists at the last-minute and somehow taking even more fun / flavor / playability off it via unexplained, unaccountable changes. Seriously screw Warrior, I'm just gonna play Willbender at this point. I swear I'm so close to quitting this game.
  4. Also, side-note, I not really a fan of how "on-disable" traits have escalated from just "on-hard-cc" to "on-hard-cc and immobilize and chill and etc." Especially with how much these vary across the core 9 professions. Please homogenize this OR give each one some flavor that makes sense. Thanks.
  5. Mmhmmm and most, as you said would jump at the chance to do a complete overhaul of Warrior weapons, systems etc. as Taylor did with Ranger pets. People like Vallun once upon a time we're passionate players trying their hearts out to push this impossible boulder up a hill. Recently even newer, smaller channels like CptCrapface, and BuildWars2 have done entire breakdowns on the class+specializations as a whole and even individual weapons. And even provided avenues for simple, easy fixes as well as larger broader reworks. But all of the larger Warrior creators eventually got fed up with ANet's bullskitten. Which is emblematic of the playerbase as a whole. And I have no doubt in my mind eventually these smaller creators eventually will and should do the same. They can aim this passion at something that will actually matter. Even in your post you attempt to throw the courtesy of it being "reductive." Which yes it is, but it's also accurate. ArenaNet has no passion for or idea what makes Warrior, or really their game fun anymore. Because none of the people in guidance or balance power play either to any meaningful degree. They also have no incentive to rectify either. There will eventually come a point where all of the Warriors have attritioned and the game is being held together by power creep and new ever shinier hats. But this is not a Guild Wars 2 I want to play.
  6. " Dragon Slashโ€”Boost: Increased the delay before the dash from 0.25 seconds to 0.5 seconds. " For the record, I don't care that UD doesn't stun anymore in PvP or WvW that needed to go. But this was the last skill on Bladesworn's kit that felt at all "good" to use. It doesn't add counterplay for your opponent because you still keep tracking them before the slash actually goes off. It just makes the class feel even worse. Meanwhile reducing aftercast on Gunsaber skills does not thing to fix the actual problems where they all go different ranges (not 900) and don't actually do their damage if they connect. ANet delete [Tactical Reload] and replace it with something cool. TR is the balance problem. Not Dragon Trigger. Either way, this class has been made nothing but less fun and playable since it came out, and I'm out until this class at all becomes playable again. Deuces.
  7. Like I understand that the way it's currently made it "needs" Gunsaber to work. Fine. But shouldn't we at least get our normal burst-skills back at some point? Maybe they could even use ~30 flow per "burst level" used or something. CmC said they were eliminating Tradeoffs... What gives? Is there another class that I've just plain forgotten that still has something like this? The only other ones I can think of are Deadeye Steal and Core Rev F2 vs Regengade F-Abilities vs Energy Meld. (Which, again, these classes need to function so see Gunsaber Concession #1 above ^.)
  8. @Myror.7521 Yup I would too. But with the amount of Development preference that Ele and Ranger are getting rn from the weapon previews (entirely unique effects for just their weapons alone) that's never going to happen. Bladesworn sill has 3 pages of replicable bugs that they can't even be bothered to fix. Gamebreaking ones too. Let alone give it anything fun or functional. Those in power will abuse it.
  9. Really missing the fun, mobility and build options resetting Dragon Trigger afforded me for WvW this week ANet. But you're right I was having too much fun.
  10. First off in fine with the PvE condi Zerker nerfs. It was doing too much' damage & is now much more on-line at 39k. & I don't think they actively "hate" any class. I do think that they are, however, overwhelming apathetic towards Warrior. And every tool that it has another class has in a better form: See Warrior Greatsword vs Ranger or Revenant GS. [Warrior's Sprint] vs [Aggressive Agility], etc. And every decision' that they've made recently buff or nerf reeks of a lack of understanding of how the traits/systems are supposed to interact. See: Quickness Berserker quickness trait being a 5s icd not 4s like every burst-relevant trait so you could match it up with alternate bursts via burst skill reduction to 4.25s icd via Discipline and corresponding reduced weapon swap CD reduction, etc. Or removing the fun functionality of [Daring Dragon] and putting the alacrity there instead of slightly buffing Dad's base bullet charge damage and putting the Alacrity on [Immortal Dragon] etc. Whatever passion whoever architects and shaped this class is gone. It has a plethora of weapons. All of which are outdated. And no mid-ranged option. And it's getting another 2H melee weapon which regardless of how good/terrible it's is will do nothing to fill the overwhelming design-space hole that seems supposedly so precious to Cal of needing a real main-hand mid or long rage option. Weaponsmaster training was a disgusting slap in the face showing as much. It's like if you named your first kid "John" your second kid "Better John". The class is horrifically outdated, and what ArenaNet needs to do is hire someone who reflects the passion and knowledge of the Warrior class that the community seems to have. But they won't. I fully expect it to get nothing but duct tape fixes like Gunsaber, Staff and the Defense rework until the game dies unfortunately.
  11. Exactly this. Putting the repeat slash on ID is a great idea. Especially since this also solves the other problem of the low competitive damage scaling: Where you'd then have to build for either might gen or flow to either do damage with it or be able to sit in DT for more than 1-2 fully charged slashes.
  12. @Myror.7521 First off dude, half of your posts are complaining how bad various things on Warrior are. So I guess if you're trolling here, A-Tier job. --- b) Yeah Warrior's pretty unsupported at this point. You can "use it" in PvE but that's about it. No 1h mid-range weapon. Gunsaber projectiles don't peirce & don't hit siege and all go different ranges, 26 unused Traits, 30+ Unused Skills, etc. I advise all newer players who are interested' in Warrior to just switch to Guard or Rev. They're basically just jacked, magical Warriors. But with a modern kit.
  13. Ok this thread's been bouncing around the top of the forum for literally weeks since the balance patch, so I'll take the hit to my account: Yo Cal. Old [Daring Dragon] was fun. I don't think anyone's expecting immediate turn around on this but PLEASE give us back our old, fun, trait back!! I'd personally favor just moving the existing DD to [Immortal Dragon] at this point because it's easy. Maybe make it AoE heal too, chunk it up to 8 bullets and remove the increased damage/bullet scaling (if you added any.) But there's 1,000,000 better reworks in this tread for this!! Please, Please, PLEASE let Bladesworn's enjoy the like, one, actually clever & fun part of our kit that we had!! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Thank you for reading! @Cal Cohen.2358
  14. I like a lot of this tbh. & It can be fine-tuned ofc as needed. Fast Hands has needed to be baseline forever, burst mastery should actually affect Dragon Trigger stance cooldown, not the slashes slashes, which is doubly irrelevant now that old Daring Dragon is gone. To that point ^ we need more fun Traits like old, fun [During Dragon] (please bring it back,) not fewer. But like, on other specs too. [Eternal Champion] was a good step, but then DD was nuked from orbit because PvE people thought it sucked and complained (it didn't.) So 1 step forward 2 back if you count having 2 Bladesworn utilities exclusively for PvE because they don't want to redo the Bullet Scaling calculation for DPS. >> What we really need tho, is someone on the balance team who actually knows what makes Warrior fun, & gives the remotest care about making it fun. Not just punishing people who used a fun skill (arc divider) by taking it away instead of just nerfing the damage. << I really like the energy of the Warrior section here. Mostly amazing ideas, a lot of which (like making Fast Hands baseline,) would be simple to implement and go a LONG way towards modernizing Warrior play for 2023+. But it's never gonna matter if someone at ANet doesn't start giving a sh*t about the class. And if the above ^ doesn't indicate their current attitude of apathy towards it I don't know what will. We're not even true weaponsmasters' anymore since literally all of our weapons are outdated, the other classes are getting wayyy cooler layouts, and we're not even getting what Cal acknowledged as our true last spec's weapon (Gunsaber.) It's only gotten worse in the last 10 years & isn't going to start improving now. Tbh you might as well just delete your Warrior now and play a Guardian, since they're getting pistols anyway. Or take all that amazing amount of positive energy & build something useful. Or, just play another game.
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