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Shi No Nai Hasu.1428

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  1. So, we all know about the events that are required to get the Griffon right? And we also know that no one does them, given that the map is useless to 70% of the playerbase. Then why am i required to complete them? I have been trying to get it done for 4 days already, i finished all the rest of the collections, just need those stupid events, but firstly, they don't spawn... I just have to WAIT, not grind, like a normal MMO or game, no WAIT. Then i am FORCED to complete it with a group of more than 5 people, because in 4 it isn't possible, the NPC dies way too fast. And this is just one of 6! And from what i gathered from the guides, they all require a group. I do try to create a group, but not enough people join, because you know... It's useless for them cause they already got it when it was actually populated. Please just change it. MAKE IT GRINDY, NOT LOCKED
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