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  1. wvw is the only content that matters tbh the rest is endless currency farming sims
  2. Dont forget to not dodge backwards
  3. Longbow 2 hits like a truck, feel goodmoment
  4. I think using the term exploit is a bit off but I get the message, and I agree. They either need to make a full party lobby or make it strictly solo queu only. Duo queu in combo with being able to chamge characters in pre lobbies is borderlining on the exploitative. It's impact it just enormous on an already imbalanced mess, not to mention the matchmaking itself being a shamble. I like your honesty ^^ beats the two-facedness of most of this community.
  5. ITs because it has nothing to do with an mmo. Pvp in this game is a lobby game, remove HotM and pvp item panel and it is fixed. Gear means nothing, you pick your runes, sigils and the fotm. And you are good to go. Its a lobby game like fortnite and CoD is.
  6. Core-mode would be dope tbh probablymore balanced too, easier to balance atleast
  7. Vabbi was fun before the alliance beta went dead after for some reason kitten i miss uwuvabbi roaming tried two servers and just lost interest in wvw altogether 😢
  8. i wonder how much boons your 5 man grouphas uptime on considering you can tank a 20 man squad. or you are all wizards and illusionists
  9. This is what happensto a person who plays 40 games a day
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