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  1. I just think it's a bit unfair that some professions get access to a 5s block that still makes them open to condi dmg while other professions have pretty much a push-to-win button. Mesmer is one of the few exceptions since they have to have clones out and shatter them to receive a full 4s invul. But yeah, stacking cc while also being invul is just discouraging.
  2. Yes. Also swiftness negates the teleport pretty much entirely. Pet will teleport to where you were and the rotation is kinda shot. Imo Warriors are kinda plaguing the meta atm to the point that I'm about ready to play mine in conquest. I can't 1v1 any of their e-specs. BS and Zerker deal so much damage. Endure Pain should probably be nerfed in some way. Cycling between Immunity/Invul/Blocking while dealing huge crits just makes fights not fun at all.
  3. Ah I apologize.. I did confuse you with OP. My bad on that part. I get destroyed by spellbreakers 11/10 times, however warrior is one of the professions I've played the least so I wouldn't be too familiar with how to counter it. I just know that they demolish me and my pet while targeting me while having barrier almost always active and a constant AoE field around them.
  4. Want me to give you ranger lessons?? 5g. Jk. I mean there's nothing that we can't settle here without having to go through the trouble of setting up a custom arena. But if you really want to we can. I play on NA. What profession do you typically play?? We can start there. I know a decent amount about most of the professions. Also your OP stated that untamed pet is op and needs to be stopped, so you were complaining about it.
  5. Bruh. If you can stay on your target, you can easily cleave the pet. Most professions/weapons have AoE damage. No one said spam 1 to kill pets. It sounds like your issues stem from positioning/knowing when to dodge or utilize your sustain abilities. If you're playing a power burst build vs an untamed ranger 1v1, you have to be ready to LoS and dodge properly.
  6. I've theory crafted with it and the 3s confusion/torment is pretty neglible for condi builds if not to try and bait out a cleanse. Sure it's skills are on a fairly low cd. But then it dies in one hit and there goes half your kit lol.
  7. Yeah I can't imagine why. Nobody wants to switch targets for some reason and constantly need call outs to know who to focus otherwise they're just floundering around. Plus Iboga is pretty useless aside from the low hp pool.
  8. I've literally had zerker warriors 2 shot my pet on my ranger while targeting me. Mechanist golems can shred through pets as well. Not to mention lick wounds only works about 2/3rds of the time. Pet doesn't always teleport to you and then it's gg. Keep complaining about pets instead of killing them which completely ruins the rangers kit, I guess. Same people that won't 1 hit mesmer clones because they just don't wanna.
  9. You're under the impression that a pet is capable of positioning. The pet is going to be on the target. The ranger is going to be on the target. Use literally 1 cleave. It's like no one can be bothered to switch targets.
  10. I can't tell you how many times I've seen pets get destroyed by just AoE during team fights. It's not like you have to accept a quest and do specific mechanics to kill a pet. If the ranger has to recall their pet because it's dying, you're now forcing them to do something that is not part of their burst rotation ie: cc stacks fall off and additional condis no longer get applied. People just want to be able to go full damage, never cleanse and still win.
  11. Yeah, it's 6s of poison. And like the above post states, additional condis get applied if you're already cc'd. Try dodging?? Again, learn how the class works before hating on it. You'll go far in life if you apply that method to most things.
  12. So you're just mad that a pet can teleport to you when you can easily kill it with a few skills?? You do realize that almost half of all professions can teleport to you right?? Get real.
  13. It's funny how often people complain about something they have little knowledge of. They see a thing, constantly bang their head against it, and then wish for it to be banished. Try playing that class and then you'll understand how it works and better understand how to counter it. Or do a little bit of research if you care that much to angry post about it. Just like in any game or anywhere for that matter. If all else fails, if you can't beat em, join em.
  14. Thank you lol. It's a pet with 3 skills. It can't dodge or jump. Just kill the thing lol.
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