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madafakasuperretek.8357's Achievements

  1. you are right what you wrote about me , but doasent change the facts that your broken kitten spear got nerfed and now you are bitching on the mesmer forum , i hope aNerf will see that the warrior survival ability and the staff needs to be ''adjusted'' as well for the current gameplay in spvp, so i can see your tantrum again beacouse aNerf took your candy away huehue
  2. https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/3e869c7a1ab5dd96c881be76ccc1e7a28f038fba/0_1_3500_2100/master/3500.jpg?width=445&dpr=1&s=none i dont like spider either but this one looks cute
  3. why do i feel you are just crying because of skill issue , you trash talk others for correcting your raw statics but nothing else , spear sucks in pvp mostly virtuoso can use it and its far more easier to avoid than a gs burst , did you trash talked in other class forums for turning your handicap dmg down or you are pissed because a random guy made a fool of you? huehue
  4. it would be nice as warclaw skin to bring a jumping spider , the little cute ones
  5. look at the gua and kitten for unbalanced things , i didn't mean to trash talk about what players want but , look at it warriors are too tanky anyway you want to put it , gs is better but spear was just lazy , beside of virtu [in pvp/pve] and open world fun builds in pve how many mesmers you saw it to use the spear ? was it right to nerf the warrior spear dmg ? i think not but they didnt adres the tankynes problem either , look at the stupid mirage they nerfed his dagger 1 ambush because it was too broken [the relic of claw come out] , was it anoying ? ofc but can he keep up with stability spam and cc lock ? nope , they are too afraid to buff that shity spec while gua and kitten are rampaging all over the place and you come to talk abolut spear nuke on mesmer ?
  6. warrior it s just too tanky + with ranged dmg nuking evryone one low cd ,mesmer spear is mostly pve coz 1 kitten up and you are dead , so what was your poit ?
  7. empowered illusions damage boost why doesn't affect the riffle and spear phantom ?
  8. i tried to buy your new expansion , but idk why i cant buy it with my paypal , yesterday i bought an other game with it so it works but doesent let me buy the expansion , my bank card [maestro] isnt accepted as an option to pay with it , and i tried with an other card but it shows me error 100414 , i searched for it , it showed that my browser is blocking the transaction , i tried with 3 different search engines on my pc and 2 on my brothers pc but still nothing
  9. virtus heal are ok , the condi cleanse is the problem because the restorative illusions was moved on a grand trait
  10. the condi removal feels awful with the restorative illusions condi cleanse on a grand master trait , the ego restoration its only good with mantra [so pve] , i dont like the malicious sorcery changes too atlist the old version it was ok/good in 2v2 3v3 but now outside of pve i cant see why shoul i chose him instead of master of fragmentation, the chaos trait line its nice , and i think i like the phantasmal warlock torment attacks more , the pledge still too weak and the persistence of memory should be reworked this trait its just useless in any situation
  11. Sorry to tell you but that isn't a minor request coz they need to do something at my request they don't need to do anything, but seriously there's a lot of things they could do like increasing the staff and scepter projectal traveling speed, or remove useless trait lines like persistence of memory, or increase the atack casting animation to the staff and torch phantoms and all of those wouldn't be a big deal either if i would want a major request i could ask for the trindent be usable outside of under water environment, nah that would be op as kitten its like a staff on steroids
  12. pleas eanet don't put Restorative Illusions condi cleans on a grand trait , mesmer condi cleanse kinda suck in spvp without the inspi traitline and with that its just ok , nobody uses null field /mantra of resolve/ archane of thievery [this one only a few ppl] in spvp coz you need to sacrifice a good utility that can save your butt a few times
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