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Jackie McKillip.6842

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  1. Thank you all for your replies. I was worried what I was saying would be taken as hyperbole and I wouldn't get any serious answers. I switched one of my skills to Lightning Reflexes. I didn't even notice that Serpent's Strike now has a forward leap. I'll miss sidewinding, but having at least the back-and-forth movement back helps with the stuck in tar feel. I'll definitely need practice to make it work, though. I haven't considered switching to dagger, as I play Untamed (there are several parts of it that almost seem tailor made for my main) and was happy with my sword when I played SoulBeast, but I'll definitely try that out once the expansion is out. Kind of happy the only legendary I have so far is Frost Fang now. Literally none of my other characters use one handed swords, and my progress on a legendary sword is thankfully laughable. As for DPS and whatever, I genuinely couldn't care less about numbers if I'm not having fun. What is the point of playing a game if you are not enjoying yourself? Also, considering how often Arena Net nerfs what seems like perfectly good numbers, I wouldn't trust the current stats if my life depended on it. Either way, thank you all so much for the help. I use this game to unwind after hard work days and it would have been a shame to walk away just because of a weapon change. I would still switch to the old sword in a heartbeat, but with some of the old movement restored I can at least do basic combat without getting frustrated. Thank you.
  2. Hello, I made a forum account just to ask this. Is there a way to make melee ranger fun again? I've mained ranger since the game came out, and I found that by far the funnest way to play was to use a sword/axe combo. Well, the new changes removed all movement from the ranger's skills. Yeah, there is one forward movement skill, but that's it. No more backwards movement or sidewinding. It has made the game nearly unplayable to me. Not exaggerating. It feels like moving through tar compared to the old sword and I find it beyond annoying. Well, I tried out different weapons but they either were just as slow and/or required I sacrifice something else I liked with my build. I have other characters, but I really prefer using my main. Some other people have said there are skills to give back some of the lost movement? What are they and are they more than just forward leaps? Is there a way I can save my main and make the combat fun again? I'm really trying to make this work, but all of it is straight up making me want to drop the game for a while.
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