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Lotus.5132's Achievements

  1. Thanks, appreciate the time you took for the other explanation as well. I might start reaching out to people that do well against me. I've noticed I'll get against the same people like 14 times in a row and we're basically unkillable to eachother until a third party comes to fight
  2. Looking to get into PVP more as I enjoy player vs player interactions a bit more than PVE and I roam on WvW quite a bit too but the pvp legendaries seem a bit more approachable. Can anyone recommend any good PVP guilds/groups that do voice chat ranked gameplay? I'm getting some decent games occasionally but the lack of teamwork and consistent afk is definitely a big hindrance on the gear grind and enjoyment of the mode as a whole.
  3. I'm a roaming mirage in WvW, and I've recently come across an unusual glitch that appears to occur exclusively when facing daredevils. I even conducted tests with a friend in the guild hall, and we observed this issue happening on occasion. Essentially, during the process of creating clones, if a daredevil uses abilities like steal or shadowsteps at a precise moment, they can inexplicably generate clones of themselves through me. Consequently, when I engage a daredevil in WvW, I find myself contending with two daredevil clones. I'm interested in knowing if others have encountered this issue, as it can be quite challenging to avoid given the popularity of this class in the gamemode.
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